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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I hang on Indy board as well. I come for football discussions and I usually find them here. And your the first person call Kraft a douche bag owner... Most respect him especially since he got the CBA done right after his wife had passed. Now hating BB and Brady is the Norm. Aww the intelligent post of the day award goes to you! 😔😔
  2. Ok let's start over fresh.. First I don't know WHO will play QB FOR NE but I will say this whoever it is the game plan will be to do blount and quick passes. Sort of what they did in Az to negate the pass rush. On D I suspect they will focus on stopping McCoy and making Tyrod pass from inside the pocket. I say it comes down to O lines and which team gets pressure. Unlike when Brady plays All 3 backups can run (Jimmy,Jacoby, Edelman) so if one team gets over aggressive the QB could burn them for a lot of yards.
  3. That's the way it sounds to me by the way you t is written
  4. Has that penalty been called anywhere this year? It's kind of a sad rule as that's how your taught to run it lower your head and drive through.
  5. LOOK at those stats ok.. Look at them. They are better everywhere except Yards, and your 17 game QB has a whole what 30 more in a game and a half? Meanwhile Your 17 game QB will go up against the 5th ranked scoring D while Jimmy G. Goes against the 17th ranked scoring D. Ad in its at the Razor and oh ya the top rusher in the NFL (Blount who would have thought that!) and your D has a lot more to worry about with Jimmy G. than the Pats do with Tyrod in. I will laugh hysterically if Jimmy G plays and goes something like this 24/28 359 yards 4 TDs . I know what YOU will say "oh that Oline got away with holding" or "that PI call was BS" and my favorite "he isn't that good we just sucked again!" . Now for all the other Bill fans I expect a close good game. I predict something like 24-17
  6. They faced the steelers and that O is not a weak O by any means and they shut them down COMPLETLY!!i should know KILLED my fantasy team lol
  7. I was here for the Suck for Bledsoe season.. I was here when they got their asses kicked by the Bears. (So many forget the game started out so well we got a turnover and our WR caught and dropped the ball because he broke his leg.. We were leading 3-0 for a good 10 seconds lmao)
  8. I am a Pats fan and I don't get it. Up here they are saying things like "Thanks Rex for giving us the 411 on your D plan" but no one saying its BB material. Lot of people just laughing at it.
  9. Rhino let's compare QBs: Jimmy G 496 yards 4 TD 0 INT 119.0 QBR Tyrod Taylor 527 yards 3 TD 2 INT 89.6 QBR So you call one of these below average and the other is what? Garbage? Because based off of who you have faced he should be lighting it up! even in your win his stats sucked! But hey relying on your D stop the Pats constantly on the road is the same thing. 🙄 As for losing Sunday no one likes to lose, but no one up here be screaming for the coaches head or the QB be cut or how hapless they are.
  10. As you should! I be looking forward to having Ninkovich and Brady back and they have the Cleveland game to get the cob webs out. And is Miami in Buffalo or Miami? (Always harder face them at home)
  11. Lmao nope. At worst we are 3-1 and in first place with Brady and Ninkovich coming back for week 5... If anything you be the one crying in your soup if you lose and end up being 3 behind NE already. Pats playing w house money right now.
  12. sigh I will laugh if Goodell decides make Buffalo an example of his absolute power. The issue isn't him trying bring us down, it's the fact he can do anything he wants do to a bad CBA. Big Ben suspended 4 games for a rape charge that was dismissed w prejudice.l is an even better example of his over reaching power. I have been here for a few years, and try not be a homer to much.. Except patriots week lol.
  13. Exactly, and YOU know some team will offer a ransom even based off of the small sample size. So be interesting what they decide to do with Jimmy G as he has 1 year left on his contract. I like what I have seen so far, if nothing else makes me less scared of Brady missing a game or two knowing he is the backup. As for his success elsewhere, history shows your probably right but we will not truly know unless that happens. He missed 1 game that if it had been on a Sunday he may have been able to go. I am not going to knock him for missing a game on a short week. Although he and Romo did come from the same school.. Lol
  14. If he had said average, I been fine. But based off of what we have seen there is no evidence he is BELOW average.. If anything the small sample size points to an above average QB that could be a franchise QB. But like you said it's a small sample size, so I would have Been fine with average QB. Heck it could be Edelman you guys face as QB no one knows lol... But Jimmy G. Has looked good, and stopping Blount be very important but so will be stopping the quick 5 yard passes and the screens. (Which I expect to see since Rex said they were coming after the QB)
  15. In 1 1/2 games he has looked better than Tyrod has ever looked IMO. (I was more or less taking offense of calling him below average based off of no facts what so ever)
  16. Is it ok to hate Goodell and think he has way to much power?? Lol
  17. lmao the Phins are not good but your example SUCKS! The Browns should be at worst 2-1 right now. They outplayed the Ravens and scored 20 (your O managed 7) and should have beaten Miami yesterday.. Both games a crappy kicker killed them. And if Jimmy G. Is below average then I am sorry Tyrod isn't even on the same game board.
  18. 🙄 That's exactly how the Dolphins felt in week 2. Jimmy G. Can run the offense very well and can light it up. Now injured, who knows, and I am sure he be shot up in the beginning of the game and at halftime for the pain. (Mind you they say 1-2 weeks up here for tea bruise and it will be 2 weeks..)
  19. Lol Jimmy G. Was lighting the Miami D up like a Christmas tree before he got hurt so if he plays he could try to do the same against the bills.
  20. That's leading at halftime, not just winning. Their percentage is right in line with other Good/great clubs and let's face it in the past the AFC East was pretty much 4 guaranteed victories in the razor.
  21. Lol I liked your translation better!! Lol and hey in 1 1/2 games Jimmy G was getting it out within 2 seconds. But can he read D like Brady? God no! Very few QBS can. (That includes a lot of vets)
  22. I expect a win every game no matter who we face when Brady is under center... I was not expecting a W last Thursday and feel the Pats are playing w house money now. Guaranteed be a minimum of 3-1 and we get Brady on O back and Ninkovich on D back.. And if we are really lucky maybe we get Hightower back this game.
  23. THAT was stupid, and fired up a very good RB in Lewis. IMO what he said yesterday was just stating a fact that no matter who plays they are coming for him. Meaning I guess exotic blitzes that Beady would Kill him if he did. Not an insult but thanks Rex for letting McDaniels know you plan on blitzing, I'm sure he was shocked lol.
  24. Sigh, the NFL is in charge of ALL of that equipment. Not the patriots or anyone in the Razor. Every single game it is NFL employees and gear being used. No the Pats home record is not reaching that level at all. The packers have had it for years, as have the steelers, and so on... Good teams always excel at home.
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