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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Hmm I'm in NH and seems most are taking the game as a "it doesn't really matter" it's the last game without Brady and win or lose they are still alone in first place. I think the attention would be different had they lost one of the first three games. (Just My Opinion of course)
  2. Wasn't meant for that specific QB, I was talking about the general messages you see like "I don't care if we win I just hope we injure player X he is such a XYZ" those thpe post like the original here was similar not exact but close. I don't get those.. THATS NOT WHAT MY COMMENT WAS TALKJNG ABOUT! Not unless fans on message boards some how go out there and tell a player what to do! My god I said nothing about sportsmanship I was talking about being some sort of NOTMAL fan and just cheering for your team and not a damn injury! Wth so hard to understand about that!
  3. Thank You I knew there were a few in there. I wonder out of all those close games how many were lost do to poor discipline by the players. (Taking a stupid Personal foul penalty etc. I remember one year where the Bills self distracted like that with Rex at the helm. Team lost complete composure.)
  4. Any break down on how many of the 3 point games were when he was the bills coach?
  5. Lmao BUT THAT WAS MY POINT! Why wish injury on another teams player!! Lol nothing more nothing less! Wishing injury on a player kind of makes that person seem rather sad because your pretty much saying "we suck unless we find a way to get X player out of the game" I state agin I will never understand loser thinking like that! Wishing injuries on someone a loser thing to do no matter who you cheer for. Ahh your the type of Loser mentality I was talking about thank you for your fine example.
  6. Lmao no we are not laughing with him but we, correction I just feel it's Rex being Rex.. Lol
  7. If Brady was back, I would be this cocky myself... But not knowing who it is going be behind center has me concerned. I still expect a W but not an easy one.. (Not that any division win is easy..)
  8. No one is invincible not even the Great Barry Sanders. I just want a good enjoyable game with no stupid injuries. (Seems every week someone new is hurt that is important to the team. Lol)
  9. Merriweather was CUT for those as he kept getting personal foul penalties that drove BB insane. (He was a very dirty player even w Washington.) Wil folk I already addressed, I don't recall the Spikes one at all but he was average to below average here. (And was cut the second time before hitting the field after his hit and run)
  10. I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about as a fan CALLING for that or an injury in general. Also the Jimmy G injury had 5 different diagnosis for him after day 1. God only knows which one was right as the Patriots will never let anyone know. Same goes for Jacoby injury to his thumb, heard everything from a torn ligament in his thumb to just a bruise..
  11. Reading comprehension on this thread is LOW today. I SAID CALLING FOR SOMEONE TO INJURE SOMEONE ELSE IS CLASSLESS.. And stupid. I said nothing about players knowing and targeting it, I said being such a low level fan that you believe your only chance of winning is to injure, then you should just quit being a fan as it's gotten to you!
  12. I think it's more of a "we don't really dispise them" type deal and rarely has a Bills fan gone on and started crap.. (Now Jet,dolphins and Colt fans.. OMG they make a living doing that. Over there.. Not all but those select few)
  13. Your example was dirty and this board especially went crazy over it.. I was the only Pats fan at the time had the guts be here and agree.. But I'm sure none of your teams players ever did anything dirty before.. 😞😞 You are either not reading what I said or not understanding. I have said wanting your player to go and try hurt another player is Just dumb.. Which is what I commented on and I stick by.. Wanting another player hurt for a game is stupid!
  14. Sigh, no it is not part of the game and Blount is always going up the middle so the way he runs is legal.. But you knew that. Wanting someone to intentially try hurt someone else is JET fan kind of low. Have the pats had dirty players? OMG YES! But never once would I or any fan I am friends with cheer for them to hurt someone.... It's a game... Not life or death.
  15. I feel bad for Brees I think he has a yr sir two left but that D is beyond awful! The man can't be throwing it what 55 times? Every game! I think Cleveland would be 2-1 with a decent kicker. (I THINK he missed like 4 against the Ravens)
  16. I must be seeing something different, I totally disagree with the Browns being 32. They lost by 5 to the Ravens, and took Miami to Ot. BUT they also held philly to under 30 points and scored 10 which was better than The steelers did. I say they're were 30 with the Bears being the worst team.
  17. I will never understand this kind of thinking. Oh they need go out and make a point to try and rehurt someone. It's a freakin game!!
  18. Makes sense to me it's suppose to be 1-2 weeks (what I heard ) and Sunday will be 2 week. Here is to a good game with no major injuries.
  19. Damn that's pretty impressive considering no one has a clue up here. Well outside of Foxboro lol
  20. I heard differently I heard the LEAGUE hires the people to run the equipment.
  21. And I doubt the Pats themselves even cared what Rex said, I was just quoting the talking heads up here is all. BB will have a game plan and we will see if it works or not come Sunday.
  22. Lol I know who Grogan is/was he actually came in during the SB in 1986 because Tony Eason got hit like a rented mule. Also the Razor always been a nasty place to play it has only been open for like 12 years or so.. The old Sullivan stadium was where we did most of our bag wearing.. Those few of us who went to the games lol.
  23. Lol no clue.. I don't follow what the owner of my favorite team does lol. As for the age difference pfft more power to him lol.. And hardly a newb, been here a couple years just don't post much usually...
  24. Miss spoke your taught (or were taught way back when I was in HS LOL) to lower your head on contact to try plow threw them.
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