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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I hear ya the old Sullivan stadium was empty almost every week till Kraft bought the team. The Sullivan's were god awful owners that rarely put a good squad out there in their 30 years of owning the team, and when they did I think it was dumb ass luck. I mean they traded Jim Plunkett!! (Face palm)
  2. Well they may be looking forward to Brady being back, I have a hard time believing they focus more on the Browns than the Bills. Lol
  3. Well he was at practice today throwing the football. A huge improvement from last Wednesday when he couldn't even lift his arm up.
  4. If I had a gun to my head I say Jimmy G. He is the best QB available and even by pundents here say 2 weeks was plausible for him be back.
  5. I know Hightower been out with a knee the last 2 games.
  6. Lol Does Grogan count since he played in the first SB and I do believe Eason started the next year as well. Tony Eason was ruined by that SB, he had a lot of promise but became shell shocked after the Bears SB. I remember the Raymond Berry song that year lol.. Also technically Zolak was a starter for a game along with I think Miller in 92.. Also your question should also depend on the age of the fan your talking to. What 30 year old is going to know much about anything before Parcells?
  7. Getting back to the original post, I do believe it depends on who is playing. As an example: The NFL loves the Pats in prime time because: A. NE fans will watch B. Other fans will watch because they hate the Patriots. I at times believe the NFL makes crap up to make them a bigger villain just to keep people watching them. And for a long time as the White Hat they had Indy and P Manning (then it went to the Broncos) I am not sure who the ultimate GOOD guy is now. But I think you get my drift, I don't think they rig games but they influence people's opinions about teams to get them to watch more than just their home team
  8. Jacoby only threw for 102 yards.. So I don't exactly call that a threat like Brady back there. (Jimmy G may be a threat but as many have said to small of a sample to tell for sure)
  9. This game is different, those games you had to pick your poison, let the RB kill you or let Brady pick you apart. With with Jimmy G or Jacoby that fear will not be there IMO.
  10. An expansion team inToronto would make sense, they are huge in CFL. But the Bills need be in Buffalo... It's tradition.
  11. I did not know that, and why is it always LA.. No team has ever thrived there. (Shrug)
  12. 😔 I never said how sad it was just that I know what your going threw.. And that analogy sucks.. But probably cus part of it hit to close to home..
  13. Wasn't looking for any empathy.. At least you guys are not hearing rumors of your team moving elsewhere. The Bills will be better it's all a cyclacle thing. Just have to hang tight and hold on. Like you guys told me it can go from bad to great in a blink of an eye.
  14. Lol sadness as far as being a sports fan? My friend I lived threw the late 80's and early 90's where there were rumors the pats were going to move to LA and we sucked so bad that the stench would kill you... So I know sadness as a sports fan or maybe deep hopelessness that was..
  15. Bills were the only AFC East team (fans) that didn't act like jerks in the old Sullivan Stadium. You guys were pretty damn cool when you were kicking our asses with Kelly and company. I can not say the same thing for Phin fans with Marino and def can't say that for Jet fans EVER. Every time I met a Bills fan back then you were pretty awesome and supportive, telling me how you remembered being where we were at the time..
  16. LMAO good catch, I must have misspelled it and good old auto correct to the rescue lol
  17. Just like you have had an issue with READING comprehension. Must be sad having to cheer for a borderline hit in order to hope of reimbursing a player. As I said I thought people calling for P Manning be targeted were also wrong. have a nice day.
  18. Why just to annoy you of course! lol I am still here because well I can be. And you are drawing a very fine line there my friend.. A very fine line.
  19. But that's NOT what I was talking about. I was talking about fans putting stupid posts up actively wanting one of YOUR teams players (your being whatever team you cheer for) to actually go do it. For example if Miami fans said "I hope Su goes out there and stomps on Tyrod knee" that fan is a tool, Su actually doing it is a dirty player.
  20. Are they fans? Did they actively banter of wanting someone to hurt another player? No? Then we are not talking about the same thing. Not sure but maybe the thumb got raped up between the two seeing him??
  21. I was just talking about fans wanting to see someone get injured as being a tool. And that's the last I'll say on the subject as it has regressed badly. (And I am just as guilty for it happening as anyone else.)
  22. #2 I can see if that Jacoby, but if it's Jimmy G he is much more a pocket passer like Brady. For him I would say don't allow the quick hits to negate the pass rush maybe?
  23. Then as fans you have lost your way. Hope for lots of QB hits and sacks sure.. Hoping that it hurts the person a tool move.. Like pats fans rooting for P manning last year get his neck hurt again.. I called them tools as well...
  24. Maybe if I rephrase for ya Jaur you will finally get it. I was saying why act like a freakin loser tool and want your team go out there and hurt someone? Why because you have such a loser mentality that's the only way to get enjoyment out of it then stop watching! NOTHING ABOUT THE GAME ITSELF ABOUT THE FAN.. Get it ? Damn.. I will die laughing if we talked all this time about Jimmy G and it ends up being Jacoby behind center lol
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