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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Question for you. If Brady or even Jimmy G were playing would you have been comfortable with just 13 points on such a dominating first half? Not an excuse but those drives have to finish and make it at least 17 - 0 at half. I guess what I am saying against a good/great QB those stalled drives can come back to bite you in the ass..
  2. At the game I didn't see the penalty. (My seats aren't awful but not the best) It looked like a great run and start to the game. But alas was not to be. Like I said I booed because I thought hey exposed Jacoby to more pressure by being so predictable. Well that and I was yelling a lot in the first half at the D to stop the damn run! But no boos just bird when they went to predictable.
  3. Anything is possible, I doubt it now. I think it would have been more likely if they had won today. As it stands the D be scolded for sloppy tackling and not staying in their lanes. The offense will be better just by having Brady reading the D and making the plays.
  4. True but I was meaning the run run pass garbage.. It was going be tough to move with Jacoby nursing a hand injury so they needed be so less predictable.
  5. Yup Big Papi and Brady in town at the same time..
  6. I'm expecting some rust from Braty and Ninkovich but I also expect them to lay some wood down on D. I mean like 75 total yards for Cleveland O type smack down.
  7. I think he was poking fun at that thread last week about the AZ game costing the Bills.
  8. I know I booed, not the players but the conservative play calling. I mean you hit a 90 yard TD pass on the first play that gets called back and they went totally conservative... Drove me nuts, also swore pretty badly when Jacoby fumbled on the 9 or 10 yard line. I missed the end of the game since my son was sick at home and said he wanted daddy. ( I left in the 3rd quarter) but it was def the Bills day.
  9. I almost feel sorry for Cleveland. You imagine how ugly that scores going to be.. The Pats D going to get run hard for their sloppy play and wel we will have a major upgrade at QB.. Score could be 40-0 at half.
  10. I think you quoted the wrong post, as I was commenting there on the fact it's the first time the Pats were shut out at the Razor ever. Saying that it isn't shocking because it's rare that Brady is ever shut down... Not sure how that's an excuse, was more an observation lol. Now they had plenty of time to prepare and that first half on defense worried more than the O play. To many missed tackles and just sloppy play.
  11. First shut out at HOME ever at the razor. (Not shocked not to offer that Brady gets shut down)
  12. Will not be as easy for your D win Brady back there and not Jacoby.. He missed a few wide open plays today.. (No excuse just an observation and well Brady >>>>> Jacoby lol)
  13. I think they said 2006 on tv. It's rare but the bills earned that win. The Pats D looked awful in the first half and that Jacoby fumble in the red zone killed.
  14. Yup, but also back into playoff contention..
  15. Great win for the Bills.. See you guys in Buffalo, with a different QB at the helm.. Jacoby is not ready to start.
  16. Bills dominated today and earned that victory. Bills will be securely in second by the end of the day today.
  17. Looking at the video it's obvious your SAfety walks over to him and pushes him for no reason. Then gets in a mouthing contest with Mitchell.. Game going be nasty, bet it fires up both teams.. But will one lose its discipline.. That be the key.
  18. Considering Jacoby has a finger issue and Mitchell an elbow one they could been leaving early or late still no excuse to go out of your way to push him. It was a straight out a mind game move.. Everything after that was normal teammates protecting eachother. (I am also guessing the rest of the pats team was already off the field else been a full on mess same with the rest of the bills team.
  19. So you don't think it's a pure mind game by the bills? I do.. And I don't blame Mitchell, you defend your QB period.. That's what he did. I also don't blame the other bills defending their player.
  20. Again they were leaving the field and Brady always does it, and no one has the guts push him. I stick by my mind game by the Bills. You know they wouldn't touch Brady because he destroy them during the game for it. All a mind game get Jacoby thinking about it and play stupid..
  21. They were leaving the field, per reports Brady always does it and no one ever pushes him. Then again he make them pay for it during the game.. Just probably a mind game by the bills try get in Jacoby head?
  22. I just watched the video, and it was def the bills who started it by shoving Jacoby. Mitchell just came to his defense as did the other bills players (to the guy who pushed) no idea why he pushed Jacoby.
  23. I am pretty sure that's game film that all the WBs have studied. It may work still against them but it shouldn't lol
  24. If he shreds your 2ndary with his cabbage arm, does that make them Cole slaw? Lmao
  25. Lol @ cabbage.. No one outside of the Patriits organization knows exactly how his shoulder is. Even the expert in the Is thread said 1-2 weeks or 2-4 depending on the degree. If it's degree 1 it's been 2 weeks, if 2 then you may be right as this would be at the very earliest he could return. I am basing my opinion off of the throws they have shown he is making up to 40 yards.. No pads and in a red shirt I know but for a "cabbage" (lmao) arm that's damn good.
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