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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol I just popped in for quick second (since I got an email someone PM me) and just want correct something. The Razor didn't exist in 2001 the Pats still played in the Crappy Sullivan Stadium (or Foxborough Stadium, it was called both) And Coates WAS the most prolific, I do believe Gronk passed him last year or is very very close.. That said I will say we do have a lot of fair wether fans, and that buffalo has the second best fans in the NFL. (Sorry it takes real courage be a Browns fan .)
  2. Sad that you take a game so seriously you resort to violence. I don't care who you cheer for have a little decency not like the game is life or death.
  3. We will disagree there. Pats secondary very good when healthy. Butler had a bad wheel and I have no clue what happened with Ryan and why he played off of Woods so much. But I would take them over your two CBs. But to each there own, I also never said they were awful just if there. Is a weakness that is it.
  4. They are spinning it then on the most "reliable network aka ESPN. I didn't think anyone be dumb enough call out BB.
  5. Isn't that by definition a great Defense? Shutting down the OFfense, in this case Brady. But ya the talking heads either love or hate the Pats. ESPN is the most skitzo of the group.
  6. Guys slow the roll, your D stopped 2 teams who couldn't get out of their own way passing the ball. The Pats it's obvious why, I for the love of me can't figure out what happened with AZ but they look horrid all of a sudden. (Speaking of the loss THIS week) If the bills have a flaw on D it isn't the front 7 it's your 2ndary.
  7. No no we are still cocky in the fourth, just think back to the Bulls Jim Kelly days. Did you ever feel you were out of it with him?
  8. In other news Richie Incongnito pokes at BB after the win.?? ( saw it on FB so must be true lol) Of all the Bulls players to open their mouth, he should be the last one since he played the worst of the group with (if memory serves me) about 45 yards in penalties?
  9. 🙄 No the greedy bastards asked for more money protect Jacoby, and it just wasn't a good business decision. 😆😆😆😆
  10. To stay with your point I am waiting for the "this win is going to cost us" thread like the AZ game. That was hillarious to read. And you said better than I have in other threads what I meant. Against Brady you need score TDs and not FG. Yestersay Rex had the perfect game plan for the QB they were facing .
  11. Denver I had as an L they suck playing in Denver. PITTS D sucks and will be a shoot out I expect Brady beat Big Ben and Big Ben make the dumb mistake. So W as for Baltimore , they don't scare me like before so a W. Bills in Buffalo always tough, but I expect a pissed team that will be reminded over and over how they were embarrassed at home esp the D. So toss up So 2.. And a Brady is Free Monday here so we are cocky SOB again 😛😛😛
  12. Which is exactly how he should feel. He coached a damn good game, he always seems to against the Pats.
  13. The 16 points was to point out that even though you dominated you didn't score much, and put it back some the 13 points at half (when they wanted to score I don't buy the crap they just wanted control the ball and not score but that's moot) was hardly insurmountable. So the Pats D bent but didn't break its normal mode. The difference was the O couldn't do jack why? Because they called 3 passing plays and a bunch of stupid plays besides that. Jacoby was 3/3 so no idea why they didn't throw it say 10 times in the half. (Although his accuracy sucked later in the game thus missing open WR) I also was commenting on others people's comments with mine so you can't take them out of context. again ya guys dominated and won, did something never before done at the razor and shut the pats out. So enjoy it.
  14. Hey in the stands it looked nasty, I am sure everyone agrees real time is not as easy spot a miss or a hit. Just that he got up slower and wobbly.
  15. They had plan B that doesn't make it good, they also didn't have a plan C for how to fix it when B failed. It was a terrible game and BB I think was more furious with the D than the O. He expected more from this D and he threw his tablet after the TD (early on) he either Knew what was coming or was pissed at the piss poor tackling. (I am guessing I didn't see when he threw in the tablet but sports shows said it was after the TD)
  16. Huh? You missed my entire second part of the post. I wasn't asking for slack, but whine me a river about your injuries. We had Hightower out there at like 50% and really shouldn't have played, no Ninkovich our best D player as far as pressure goes. No BradyLewis, and playing a injured 3rd stinger. Everyone has injuries, I said you won and dominated stop being so dang sensitive. Never seen a place so touchy after a WIN!
  17. Just an FYI a lot of reports up here saying they expected Jimmy G to go and at the last minute he had a set back and had to scramble to put a game plan together for Jacoby. I'm not sure how accurate those reports are though.
  18. Hey of you go to games you know in the stands you don't see it like you do on the tv.. It looked like he had his bell rung from my seat. Like I said different when your at the game you don't see multi angles or slow motion. I am not arguing just saying how it liked live and in person.
  19. Why? Jacoby threw 4 times in the first half and missed wide open receivers. Also the pressure was only possible because he held the ball for like ever!! You make it sound like it was bam pressure right off the snap it was 1-2-3-4 bam pressure.. That's an eternity for Brady. But forget how we got into this discussion as your right it's moot and over you guys won, I said congrats and said you guys dominated no idea how we got here again. Enjoy the victory and expect a close game in LA. Not from a let down but because their D is legit.
  20. I saw Blount confront him, and from the seats it looked like a slide and the replay they showed it def looked like a slide. Sad thing is if that's Brady, Rogers, insert top QB here the ground be littered w yellow hankies. That is def an issue the NFL has no consistent calling of penalties.
  21. Only non call I didn't like was when Jacoby slid and he got hit hard in the head by the Bills defender. Outside of that a pretty well called game. (Obviously I can't see holding etc from a seat so I can't comment on that)
  22. Difference is they have shown the ABILITY to run in 4 games. Add in a deadly passing attack and now a D has to choose its poison. Brady and Jimmy G release time is under 3 seconds. Jacoby yesterday held on to the ball forever and caused a lot of his own problems. The Pats are still a top team till Brady and BB retire. They will beat most teams with Brady behind center. Steelers are all O. Their D is not that good at all I see 2 maybe 3. I don't see Seatle doing any damage in the razor.
  23. IMO what separates a Playoff from a non playoff team. Don't get to high on a win, and don't get to low from a loss. Aka the ability move on to the next opponent with complete focus.
  24. I disagree, I don't think your O game plan changes at all, now your D game plan yes. The O game plan still works even w Brady as you want to limit his touches.
  25. Lol every winning team has band wagon fans. A long time winning team has a larger portion of them. That said it will be interesting to see how the fan base looks when the decline happens. I know I'll still be out there watching and cheering (and yes booing my right since I pay almost 3k for my season tickets)
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