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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Bills 21 49ers 14 49ers get all their points off of Turnovers and You win by a McCoy 98 yard run with 1:00 minute to play. The following day multiple threads start saying how the Bills suck and they shouldn't have won and or how that win will hurt them in the long run.
  2. Bills 21 49ers 14 A let down game that McCoy wins in the last minute with a 98 yard run.
  3. I see that being a shoot out. Unless the Pats front 7 figure out how to get consistent pressure. After today Cindy doesn't scare me as much anymore. Pitt O scares me to death. I never said I was scared. I simply stated a fact. 😏😏
  4. I feel for Cleveland fans going threw 4QBs in 5 weeks.. yikes
  5. I think it is safe to say the Jets and the Phins are out of the running. so now you have 2 easier games before our teams face off again and the winner be in the driving seat for the AFCE. ( while the loser still in control for a wild card)
  6. Easier have a football conversation here than a Pats board. A lot of the fans on those boards are either new fans or to young to remember the bad days when we were called the patsies or even cheering for a loss so we could draft Bledsoe. So in other words they are spoiled brats who annoy the crap out of me. (Does that make me a bad fan?)
  7. He may have. You would NEVER EVER hear about it though as it is kept in house.
  8. No they shouldn't respond in the same way. IMO BB would not stand for it. You can't act stupid just for a dumb thing like this. "Oh no your on our side of the field now we will be totally all messed up" (sarcasm) come on these are pros not kids in HS they know better. Again if they had just gone up into their face and jawed at them I am betting no fines happened, but when you get physical that when the pocket books get affected. Lmao of course he is BIASED! He ownes the Pats, like saying Jerry Jones wouldn't be biased to the Cowboys.. lol Ya you remember when he started to decline? Ya when Edelman went out with the injury and Amandola was a shell of himself from last injury. As for the score, my bad I was talking the first half when everyone agrees they wer "trying" to score TDs you only got 13. They dominated but only got in once. Against Brady EVERY OC tells you settling for FG instead of TD equals a loss. But again as someone pointed out the game plan probably would have been different. Mind you I disagree (and that's an opinion) that Buffalo stopped trying to score because the lead wasn't insurmountable 1 TD on a broken play and it's a 1 score game again. And it is not easy turn it back on after you shut it off.
  9. Place need emoji responses for posts. Because this was pure GOLD! Lmao
  10. I would never say that, but when that day comes I would rather the Bills took over the throne and not the Phins and God not the freakin Jets!!! I am curious how this place is going react if they do lose Sunday, my gut says a bunch of over reacting to one loss.. place can be skitzophrenic at times.
  11. that's what the talking heads are saying. Will they? I do not know what the emperor is thinking. But I have long ago learned to put my trust in him lol. That said it would make sense resign him And put the PS DT back down.
  12. Ya i don't think there are rules, I also think the guy pushing the coach got a higher fine for Unsportmanlike conduct because he kept it up and did it from behind. All and all it was dumb. As for Mitchell's statement, he is a scared rookie (and who wouldn't be w BB as your coach) and he went quickly into what would BB say. I am sure they are told what to say during the off season as they all sound the same when they speak. As for the fact could he have been fined? Ya he could have but I think what he did was the right thing. You always protect your QB just like in Hockey you always protect your Goalie. So in general was a STUPID incident.
  13. Lol move is simple, he figured he needs the extra DT this week with Valentine with a bad back and Cleveland being the best running team in the NFL. (Hard to believe) and well better chance he makes it threw waivers than almost anyone else.(yes he has fallen that far)
  14. No excuses for the L you guys won fair and square and were the best team last Sunday. As for this incident it feels to me even by what BILLS fans are saying is they made this decision based on the fact it was two rookies. Also if there was a rule stating they can't do this then the NFL would have funded Jacoby and Mitchell for it. They were not, so I thinknpeople mistake common practice to rules. It doesn't matter anyways as it happened THEY were fined and it's on to LA and Cleveland for the 2 teams.
  15. We have our crackpots. most of us agreed about Spygate and moved on. Now Deflategate we only thought they were going after BRADY since the punishment didn't even fit what the wells report said "more likely than not". Now you will say he got the punishment for non cooperation, but that wasn't the original reason given when they gave him the suspension then Goodell gave the lack of cooperation line but was also caught lying in the transcripts. Long story short the NFL messed the hole thing up so badly it was a disgrace.
  16. My 2 cents you win 2 out of the next 3 you are in great shape. The toughest game of the 3 is LA because: 1. It's across country 2. A damn good D 3. Potential let down after 2 huge wins 4. McCoy is limited so that could hamper the offense a lot. But 2-3 and I see the Bills finishing 10-6 if they win all three 11-5
  17. Go right ahead, unlike the Bills the Pats have a coach who would lay into them for acting like an idiot like that. They also wouldn't whine on social media about the fines. As for your second part, I said outside of Buffalo. I should have said outside of Bills fans. But answer you, your Bills O scored 13 points while dominating, and Jacoby attempted just 3 passes with his injured thumb. Brady doesn't play D but he would throw a lot more than that and the Bills wouldn't be able to crowd the line to stop the run. Also when Jacoby did go back to pass he had time he just held the ball way way to long. Would the outcome been different? Who knows but outside of Buffalo no one felt the game be the same with Brady or even Jimmy G in the Bills had the perfect game plan for that day.. you won and did it well. Now I am sure helmet tell me this was just crossing the line. But I'll let helmet and the rest you know now "YOU WON YOU EARNED IT AND NOW ITS ON TO LA FOR YOU" Not true, we have more than our fair share. That's why I don't get upset with the "pats bandwagon" fans charge as we do have a lot.
  18. Why? Because bills fans want to believe Bribes happen and that's why you lose? I know that's not true for most but some of you are just losing your mind with the silly crap.
  19. Where is that eye roll emoji. This bribe money crap is a losers mentality. I heard it from fellow Pats fans in the late 80's and 90's and hear it from Browns fans and now see the Bills fan base falling down that rabbit hood
  20. This be a big test for the Bills, do they get to cocky after a big win against a conference nemesis and lose badly? Or do they stay focused and have a good game (win or lose)
  21. ^^^ This times a hundred So states practice field means that the other team can't go threw it. NOPE. It was a dumb ass incident period. Also they warned others but decided attack the rookies.. ya that was just coincidence. (Eye roll) As for the 30 seconds on Inside the NFL, outside of Buffalo no one felt it was a big win as you bet an injured 3rd string QB who is now on IR. (You dominated yes but outside of Buffalo no one is like "wow a year changer".
  22. So he points and you KNOW what he said. that's amazing, and seeing as how the Bills were the ONLY team fined seems even the NFL agrees with the way I saw it. I also believe his "tough guy" attitude was only because they were both rookies. Sad thing is had no effect on game, but was stupid never a good reason to push someone. As for Mitchell what was he suppose to do allow his QB be attacked? If you notice he never pushed but got nose to nose with the pusher... so why people say he STARTED it is baffling as if that had been a bills WR standing up for your WB you be saying he was right. a case of people wearing rose colored glasses. Now to answer the PM again.. Protest for what? Unlike buffalo fans and your over sensitive safety there are NO RULES against doing what they did. What the problem is they lost their cool and pushed.. if they just got into Jacoby and Mitchell face there be no fine. Heck I am so Mitchell?? Got his fine for pushing the Patriot WR coach repeatedly in the back as he tried break the skirmish up.
  23. Didn't def of prolific, I was thinking TDs and Yards... no biggy I am not a stat guru. I could just imagine what Coates be like today he was a very good TE.
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