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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I think Miami proved that in the NFL that any team can win on any given Sunday. That said without Big Ben I think Pitt be hard press keep up with the Pats in scoring. With Big Ben I could see an easy upset. Buffalo, if I am being honest I have not sen enough of your games to judge your team one way or the other. Week 4 yiur O played very very well, but I can't judge your D off that game because I don't know if they were that good or the pats O was that bad. I could see a loss here, but as I said before any game where Brady is playing I expect a W especially after how they were embarrassed.
  2. You said 15 years he has never done this.. (showing you yes he has and continued do it with the seen pass to Gronk which is a signature play for the Pats) As for darts 20 yards down the field ya he been able throw them there for like ever. They dunked and dunked because they had no run game.
  3. The Pats D isn't that good... and our O has been sick with Brady but we haven't exactly faced the Denvers of the world the last 2 weeks lol.
  4. He isn't the devil, he is YOUR supreme Emperor and ruler of the Empire. You silly Padawan you! Lol And aww the next heir to the empire is born (his son take over next lmgdao)
  5. I'm a Pats fan and I believe the Vikings should be #1 right now. They are the ONLY dominant team in the NFL. (Or no glaring weakness)
  6. He always been doing that with Welker and Edelman as well as Amandola. The new thing this year is the deep balls to Hogan.
  7. Did you miss the bombs he was throwing to Randy Moss in the undefeated season? The reason they stopped is simple, thy had no good deep threat to get it to. (Outside of Gronk down the seem which he does all the time perfectly)
  8. Pfft a talking head that probably said Brady was done after the loss to KC. A couple years back. They know no more than we do..
  9. Ahh but a good journalist (back in the olden days) would never ever run with something without at least 1 cooperating witness. Today they run the drivel everywhere.
  10. Wow this thread degraded fast! First it has not been confirmed "tackle the Muslim" was said and appears the girl denies it. That said tackling an efegy of your opposing teams QB hardly a call for violence. Also let's say he did hear the statement, Like it or hate it the person has the right to say it. Any combat or hell any vet knows this be true, they put their life on the line for us all have that right. As for the shirt, I took it to mean to target him, but in a football sense (like target locked in and acquired) if it offends you then don't buy it if enough people don't buy it then it will go away. Start preaching to people and telling them on your high horse how wrong they are and you will increase their sales. Has no one ever heard of No publicity is bad publicity before!
  11. I am a firm believer in that your record shows who you are. It doesn't matter how you won just as long as you won. Power rankings make no sense, why hasn't Carolina plummeted to the bottom 5 yet they are AWFUL on D and the O is inconsistent at best. ( I knew they were in for a long year when Cam had a hard time scoring on a D filled with future Line cooks in week 3 of the preseason)
  12. Revis has def lost a step. And they are getting ZERO pressure.. that d line has way to much talent to suck this bad. Coaching?
  13. Lmao, welcome to the Yellow journalism side of Sports. Also don't expect a retraction or an apology if anything he writes is proven to be false. Nope they just leave it up there forever now. Thankfully for you guys it's a goofball allegation. Nothing that will gain national attention. Your only over sensitive if you told other people they were wrong for having said short because YOU found it disgraceful. If (like I suspect) just rolled your eyes and never bought one or cared that others did.. then no your not.
  14. Fitz? I just did the math and he is averaging just over 240 yards a game. So I guess the answer is No. lol
  15. That be AWESOME! They win just enough to gaurantee they can't get a good draft pick! So they can suck some more. (GOD I HATE THE jets..)
  16. Your D is good enough be a playoff team IMO. I agree with the other poster who says you will know more after a couple of weeks, more specifically how they do against Brady and the Pats O. I'll go on a limb and say the Bills D finishes top 10 in scoring D
  17. Fitz has played 6 games and has 5 TD passes and 11 INT. That's beyond bad! I mean put in perspective Brady has more TD passes than Fitz already in ONLY TWO games played! (He has 7) that's sad!
  18. I think you guys have little to worry about here. I think it was more a lack of a true pass rush than great O line play.
  19. That all depends on how hurt Big Ben is after this weeks game.
  20. On to Miami. I wonder how much that Miami win was due to Big Bens injury and how much can be attributed to the Phins?
  21. Weird in a couple weeks the game could be for the division lead and the #1 overall position in the playoffs. Pats D looking awful but averaging less than 20 points a game which is damn good. Steelers without a healthy Big Ben is a paper tiger, Denver is falling back to the pack, Bengals crumble again.. I really don't see any scary teams in the NFL at all outside of maybe Minnesota.
  22. Good point! I would also say teams with a 2 score lead and not facing a Rogers type QB will run more as well.
  23. The opening drive was all Rivers. A 75 yard drive and he had 85 yards passing lol.
  24. They still scare me as far as my Pats go. I swear they could be 1-15 that year and if the Pats face md them in Denver they be the one win! (Aka Denver is a nightmare spot for NE always has been) But ya their QBs don't scare anyone and like I said Atlanta showed how to beat that d. Use your TE and RB against their LB.
  25. Scary thing is I think Atlanta showed everyone how to attack the Denver D. I see some ugly losses for them if they don't fix that Oline of theirs, it doesn't matter who is QB if he is running for his life almost immediately he will not be successful. Hmm so imagine the RAIDERS winning the division!!
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