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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Slight correction they made the playoffs every year but his second year as a starter. (2002)
  2. There is most def a drop off in win percentage when he is out.. going from 16-0 to 11-5 with exactly the same team is a drop off (not saying Brady have gone undefeated but he wins a few more of those games at least 2-3) this year I say he smokes the first 3 teams, and I dare say he score at least a couple times against Buffalo. (Not saying winning just playing better is all)
  3. How long does a grade 1 take before they are good to go? (It took Gronk 5-6 weeks get back from his Hammy but I don't know what grade it was either)
  4. Absolutely! It also doesn't make them Guilty. I swear it was a pure WWE thing! The heel was getting less heat so BAM deflategate... which worked better than spygate because it made pats fan more snarky (and some douche) while refocusing the anger of the rest of the leagues fan base back on them. ( league went a few years without a really good heal ever since the Raiders failed ..) Oh and my son loves WWE right now so watching it a lot lol...
  5. They were caught cheating with spygate. That's fact no reasonable person can argue against it. My point is simple that BOTH sides have logical arguments and like politics ya just are not going to sway someone one way or the other with your "proof". Thus a very BOTCHED investigation.
  6. As for McNally, I bunch of former players said "who?" Then when they saw him they went oh "nick here" he goes by a nickname. Also if you read the transcripts Brady says he was calling about the SB AND deflategate, which is where Goodell goes and lies saying he stated deflategate wasn't talked about, Brady also said he had no need to ever talk to him before but with the SB coming up he wanted make sure he was focused on his job and he also talked to him about deflategate. (He said probably did) Its plausible he called for those reasons, it's also plausible he called cover it up. Also those "old" phones were really old they were pre Giselle. (I'm sure that didn't break outside of Boston lol) that said they Got all the data from it. This isn't the old days where destroying the phone destroys data. (My proof they received the texts from the phone is 1. Transcripts of appeal 2. Leaked Peyton M text) now could he have deleted said data then destroyed the phone, sure. But why destroy it if you deleted it??? I also don't think Goodell could do that? He either confirms/reduces/vacate the suspension but he can't change what it is for. I could be wrong about that though.. See the above is what I mean we BOTH have logical arguments, and I'm not saying your wrong, I don't know. I lean the other way because well the evidence I weight more is different than yours. Hell I am of the feeling that if it happened Yaz an Mac did it to keep Brady happy and Brady didn't give a rats butt how they did it as long as the balls were the way he wanted them.
  7. Sigh I should apologize. I never should think someone would be reasonable or think objectively. That's my bad!
  8. My point was unlike spygate which was impossible for any reasonable person to defend this one left both sides open: Guilty -- texts between tax and other guy, 90 sec in bathroom, destroying phone Innocent -- Goodell lied in Apeal judgement, ideal gas law, outright lies never corrected in the media for months (psi etc), Yes we know Ray Rice did it, we know Peterson bet his kid, we know spygate happened but the investigations were botched (spygate burning the tapes immediately after seizing them) with Deflategate BOTH sides have compelling evidence and arguments and No one who is reasonable will say "that def happened" or "def didn't happen" do we ALL have opinions of course but no one knows. The courts just decided Goodell can suspend anyone for any reason under the CBA not guilt or innocence.
  9. Very true! I swear my point was it was yet AGAIN another botched investigation. I mean remember the Ray Rice investigation.. OMG "we don't have any tape"... (eye roll). It always seems they mess up every damn time they investigate... I can't think of one time where it was a nice clean investigation since Goodell started. (There also seems to be a lot more of them.. )
  10. I still love my B's hockey is MY sport! Also the Pats still be successful with Jimmy G., IMO the wheels come off when BB retires.
  11. And your post is what every fan base goes down to when their argument fails. Again (sigh) my point was the investigation was FLAWED and done PISS POORLY . Thus making whatever result the came up with easy to punch holes in on both sides.... the investigation SHOULD have been about getting the truth. What it ended up being was a distraction for the NFL so all the fans turn on a common enemy instead of the warts that were all over the NFL that year. It's common tactic in battle, it's called a diversion and we ALL fell for it.
  12. If McCoy plays: 34-7 Bills If he doesn't play: 21-14 bills
  13. I do believe they still had very few fumbles last year as well. This year is different as Jacoby and Jimmy G. Both had like 2 or 3 each.. (but it is up this year... ) As for Deflation, well if it gives you a "competitive advantage" and "against the rules" per the commish it is against the integrity of the game. This Rogers over inflation is illegal and should have been punished. (Not! Because I think the hole thing was a fiasco and poorly done. I guess the lawyer in me feel Goodell lied and was caught in said lie so anything he said before or after is discredited. Ad to the fact he just sucks in general at his job and well.. And my final word on the subject is this. I believe the equipment guys went down there and deflated the balls. Not on direct orders but probably were told by Brady that they better damn well make sure the balls are the weight he likes or there will be hell to pay and he didn't care how they did it. (My evidence is the text after the Jets game where he got a 15 psi balls and was pissed) as for destroying his phone? Well anyone tech savvy knows that doesn't destroy data on it but people's ability to access data from that phone. I.e. You can still get it from the cloud. (How we all are able keep our pics from phone to phone) So saying he "destroyed evidence" just well wrong. He just made getting said evidence a little longer that's all. So in other words GOODELL SUCKS AND HE IS DESTROYING THE GAME!
  14. You mean the inflation of the balls that was so important? The same thing they didn't even bat an eyelash over when Rogers said he liked his over inflated because it gave him a better grip? Or the fact when other teams tampered IN GAME with the pressure they only gave them a warning? This had nothing do with "integrity of the game" that's commish speak for "I want make this sound good so I can seem tough and hard on cheaters and people forget the crap I didn't do right" sadly it worked.. most still believe all but one of the balls was 2 psi lower when in fact 10 of the 11 were just a few ticks lower. So yes they are exactly the same offense refusal to turn over a personal phone to an investigation. What the investigation was about is irrelevant. The fact the Commish been caught in a lie proves his word is useless and he wasn't looking for the truth. I put Marino in over Bradshaw and how can you not have P Manning in there
  15. 😂 the offense is the same refusal turn over your private phone for an investigation. FUNNY THING I think Rogers needed more air in his Footballs he had 2 off years since deflategate. 😜
  16. Favre refused turn his phone over.. Brady refused turn his phone over... how are they not equivalent. Again I wasn't arguing about this, I was arguing the investigation was done poorly which is pretty much widely accepted. He is one of only 4 QBs with over 5k completions, he a multi time MVP and 3 time SB MVP probably holds more weight. Good point.
  17. Lol that was a year old text from the previous year. Like I said I am not claiming innocence just a terrible investigation. (Sigh) the league had NO RIGHT to his private phone. Also why want Favre suspended for refusing to give his phone over (and never did) he got a 25k fine. Also they got the text from the phone. (As I stated proof is the leaked P Manning Text from the NFL Office.). So he cooperated MORE than Favre but got suspended and not fined? Pats board is boring... and hard have a good football convo.
  18. Lol you KNOW, do ya really know? I mean Do any of us really know? The investigation was God Awful, the only place that agreed with the NFL was the same place did a study saying second hand smoke is fine and doesn't cause cancer. The rest said the ideal gas law was in play. Brady destroyed his phone, but by all accounts the texts were retrieved. (How else do we explain the NFL leaked P Manning text) also under pass accounts where a player. Refused hand over their phone was only a 25k fine. Goodell was caught lying in his appeal Judgement ( he stated Brady denied ever talking to Yaz about deflategate when the transcripts clearly showed he said "we probably did discuss it" ) Also the courts did NOT rule on guilt or innocence of Brady just that Goodell could suspend someone for eating a ham sandwich the wrong way. All in all I am not saying he is innocent but it was by far the WORST investigation of all time by the NFL. IMO and my opinion only the NFL when into the investigation with a presumption of guilt and instead of looking for the truth.
  19. you like to argue, I was correcting your post where you said he was caught twice cheating. That is wrong. Also people will look how he did AFTER deflategate and notice he played BETTER.. heck I am wondering if that's what's hurting Rogers! The fact the balls cant be over ingflated anymore either.
  20. Me again, and I wasn't disagreeing just clarifying is all. 😛😛. I mean what is stated is easily looked up... 😜
  21. Only implicated once... and even that wording was "more likely than not" lol he was cleared of ANY wrongdoing for spygate.
  22. Ah they stil got the TD on that drive lol. Now do that with any of our other QB we probably scold him lol
  23. Now I have less of an issue with Gronk taunting the jerk.
  24. Suck for ?????? (They need a lot not just QB)
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