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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Arians I think will regret not taking that FG when he went for it on 4th down at the Hawks 25(?)
  2. Sigh formations are not "cheating" at best it's a 5yard penalty. As for the balls well I'm not going there. ( it's an argument that does nothing to change either of our minds lol)
  3. That must be new this year, last year they just had allow the officials time to announce it. (Remember the Ravens trying the "ILLEGAL" plays a few times.) and against the Colts? The AFCCG or a different game?
  4. And or have the draft stock to trade for a QB they feel will work best for them in the future. (QB class I been told is rather weak)
  5. Wrong! As a typical "I listen to the Ravens head coach" fan instead of the ones listen to the refs who said they WERE notified was he and every time. But hey use that as an example of your ILLEGAL play working. 😞😞
  6. I have no idea what your rambling about "wasn't legal". Are you talking about the eligable lineman and the WR was not eligable plays? Those were and are legal. Only thing they tweeked was they had give the officials enough time to announce it.
  7. 😂FULLY PREGNANT! 😂 😂 No it's lemonaid! Can't you reD lmao
  8. Suh is a very dirty player, but i do believe that's an optical elusion. If you look closely he is being blocked and he is jumping into the air and on his way down (angle of the body) I do believe he is in front of Big Ben(?) so just a basic defensive lineman play
  9. Were you talking about a drop kick like Flutie did once like years ago? (I remember because everyone was laughing on the sidelines when he made it.)
  10. I agree, unless there is a backup somewhere that they think can be their franchise QB. (Who is available for trade) then I can see them doing it. Otherwise stay pat, they cut Cutler, draft a QB and sight Hopkins if possible.
  11. Ya but he doesn't look right every time I watch him play. His stats are ok but he doesn't seem be Rogers like. (Maybe have a higher expectations for the man everyone says is the best QB in football)
  12. 😳😳😳 I just had flash back to the Bears sacking him for the 29th time in SB XX 😂
  13. 😂 Why I Said started since week 1 NONE OF THOSE GUYS qualify. 😝 Wait the ghost of Grogan!! When did he die!! NOOOOO! He was my favorite Pat while growing up well him and Tippett.
  14. 😂 no that's why I said started since week 1. Seems every game I have watched. (Which is not a ton I'm not paying the price for NFL red zone) the QB play is fair to bad.Hell Roger until last night looked God awful. (And he still didn't look great in the first half last night either.)
  15. Is it me or does QB play seem to be down this year? My top QBs that pass the eye test this year: 1. Matt Ryan 2. Big Ben 3. Sam Bradford 4. ?? I am hard pressed think of 5 QB who have started since week 1 that make you go "oh wow they are amazing, most are ok to God awful." I have not seen Wentz play so please fill it out who do you think are the top WBs and am I wrong thinking QB play seems to be down?
  16. Gugny, I hear ya. But a RB trying play three a Hammy issue would hurt the team a lot more than it would help. This is when you hope the team has built decent depth around them. Also Sammy issue has to be serious since he is on IR and seen numerous doctors. (That orbits all in his head which I doubt) The other two you have valid points.
  17. IF Chicago is even thinking trade, it would be witha team with a backup that shows a lot of potential for the future. Per everyone here that isn't EJ. But with a top 3-4 pick I don't see them doing it.
  18. I see your point be interesting see how, if at all it changes when the Pats get bad. To be fair we don't know how anyone under 30 will act. And if you think Res Sox fans are Rabid, us Bruins fans are even worse... (I love the B's) sigh but next year I have decide which season tickets to keep between the Bs and Pats.. (cost me almost 15k for both can't afford it anymore with kids going to private schools next year sigh)
  19. My dad been a season ticket holder since 1970, and yes the old Sullivan Stadium was a dump. But I clearly remember the place being packed when I was there every year since Tuna showed up. It did go down with Pete Carrol as coach as the team got progressively worse. But nothing like the year we got the #1 overall draft pick I think it was my dad and me and 10 other people who were pats fans at the game.
  20. They have sold out every home game since 1996. You may been in Boston, but you must have missed Foxboro. Lol 😆
  21. lol I forgot everything pre Brady but remembered they were 5-11 the year before.. lmao.. and I think most should say pre Bledsoe. They became a good team under Bledsoe... that regressed every year after Parcell left (that traitorous bastard lmao)
  22. Look who he ran into, Giants with the Tuna (HOF Coach), and Dallas twice (Jimmy Johnson also HOF Coach) and Washington (Joe Gibbs HOF COACH).. he didn't face any scrubs lol
  23. Every Great QB has a Great coach...they seem to go hand and hand. Mind you before Brady the Pats were 5-11 and off to a 0-2 start with Bledsoe and I am pretty sure if. Bledsoe had not gotten hurt they finish probably 5-11 again.
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