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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I wasn't but no one likes being insulted or attacked personally in a post.
  2. Key is the 4/5 get pressure as most games comes down to the grunts in the trenches and who wins the battles
  3. What? I never said you won because of Jacoby or his injury. Did it help ya? Duh yes.. 8 have always said you were the better team that day. Meanwhile you spew crap out your buttox on how the Bills will do ABC. Making it obvious you have NO idea the team your facing. (Rex will come out stop the run because why would he worry about one of the best QBs ever behind center and his weapons first. Absolutely dumb ass take.) I never hated Rex but if you think He is 1 / 1000000 the coach BB is then you are truly delusional. You will be fun to see when the final scores announced and your beloved bills lose 49-0.. knowing you and your type of fan you will blame the refs or some missed call in the first quarter that "changed everything" your the type fan I love see the pats run the score up on. That said for the normal fans I hope it is a good fun game. I totally expect the Pats to steam roll. Not because the Bills are bad but your riddled with injuries..
  4. No that's something lame fans of bad teams do with their old legends.. you know what so many lame Bills fans (only lame bills fans not ref fans)do with Kelly, but that be useless because you have a coach who believes ground and pound wins still.
  5. Did you just equate BB to Ryan? You do know when BB talks there is not a man in that locker room who doesn't listen. Furthermore the guy there Brady also firing them up after that embarrassing loss. If you don't think them being embarrassed at home won't motivate them a wee bit more then your wrong.
  6. Carolina has the worst CB in football. Till they fix that they will not be any good. Ad in a terrible Oline and well..
  7. GRonk was shut down till the 3rd qrtr when he lit them up for 3 catches 84 yards and a TD. The game plan was to run Blount and they did for over 130 yards and a better per carry average than Bell had in the game. BRADY LOOKED RATTLED? He had 6 incompletions (2 were drops) and they scored 27 points. They score 27 against the Bills it's a W. Only matters if you get TDs if you settle for FG the Bills will lose. (IMO)
  8. Add in the fact you know the Emperor BB is telling them over and over "they embarrassed you in your house! are you going return the favor?" Weird thing is the Pats LOOK like they are on the opposite spectrum injury wise this time... while the Bills are riddled with Injuries.
  9. That's always the key, up the Gutt pressure. He can handle outside pressure and usually gets rid of it long before they get there. (Unless Solder does one of his Olay moves ) but up the gutt (for pocket QB) always a killer even P Manning had a hard time with it. Now that's straight pressure not blitzing, blitzing Brady usually slices and dices a D Up.
  10. The cards are 3-3-1 and unlike that game you didn't embarrass them at home...
  11. Brady is our best Player. Gronk and Bennett are a 2 headed TE nightmare for other teams (look at the stat sheet) makes it tough if you go light those two can blow a lighter safety or LB off the ball opening huge holes for Blount//White and if you go 1 on 1 with them ESP Gronk he will pretty much win 90% of those unless it's an elite player like Talib covering him then it's probably closer to 50/50 but when healthy Gronk never been shut down. (Maybe contained but even then that's rare)
  12. BB is playing the razor game in a loop for the Pats D and O.. making them a lot more angry and ready to destroy the Bills. They didn't just lose at home they were embarrassed, they will look to return the favor. Ad in all the Bills injuries on O and well it has the makings for a massacre.. a Bills massacre. (Disclaimer: I am not stating it will be a blow out just that the Pats have just as much motivation going in as the Bills do to destroy the other team) And who neuttalizes Bennett? And even Talib an all pro CB couldn't make Gronk a non factor so Z Brown has little no chance for that.
  13. 😳 So the Bills defense is going to do something no other defense has ever really done to a healthy Gronk. And make him a non factor?? The Bills may win but not for the reasons you listed.. because I could list similar ones for the Pats who have a hell of a lot more talent ( finally getting all healthy on O) and better coaching. (That's not knocking Rex, just that BB better than all current coaches.) Great optimism but saying the bills need focus on stopping the run first is wrong, saying Gronk and Bennett be a non factor is shocking. As for pressuring Brady that's the key against all QBs, just harder stop Brady and def harder keep the Pats O under 24 points.
  14. Roflmgdao if you guys are focused on stopping Blount and White then I see a 30 point loss for the Bills. The reason the Steelers hung around so long is in the first half they were able to neutralize both Gronk and Bennett. Also you CB? THAT part of your D scares no one, your front 7 yes your secondary Nope.
  15. Played well as in not giving up many points. I mean 14 points threw 3 quarters with only 1 TD is respectable. THE WHEELS CAM COMPLETLY OFF IN THE 4th quarter. (It felt like your D was playing bend but don't break)
  16. Facing a ticked off Pats D that was embarrassed at home? Without Shady your Onwill fail to move allowing for the Pats O to Tee off on your D? Those pretty good 😝😝
  17. I have an honest question for Bills fans? You were without your top 2 WR (Sammy and Woods) Missing your IMO MOST important player in Shady. (Yes he played but it was obvious he had no explosive speed from that Hammy) How can you expect your O to function down to your 3rd option at WR and missing well the cog that makes your O roll? Your D played well for 3 quarters, but as I have seen a lot with visiting teams to Miami, they wilted in the 4th. (again not unusual so was that really unexpected?)
  18. Sigh.. was responding to someone said I only knew good QB play. Seems most here forget that you had one of the best for some time.... and my team may go back to sucking without Brady, I tend to feel they won't suck till BB and Brady both retire.
  19. Our loser posters are the opposite. You know the fans blame everyone BUT the team for a loss. (Refs,Goodell, insert odd excuse here) the worst be TB12. His rant after the last Bills game was Unreadable.
  20. Roflmao oh I lived threw the Patsy years, I saw Eason become a turtle from phantom pressure. Hell I remember the last time we started 3 QBs in a year before this year. (And I still say we should have stuck with Zolak he was the best of the three and he still sucked!) so please dont lecture me on bad QB play. That's pretty much all the Pats had until 1994 (with a couple of good years sprinkled in by Steve Grogan)
  21. Wow, one loss and you guys turn on each other like a pack of wolves! Name calling, insults, and just down right rudeness... and that's just tonyour fellow fans! The Bills loss, it appears the Phins found a pretty good RB as he has had 2 games in a row with over 200 yards. The Bills had a nice 4 game streak broken in what most would consider a TRAP game. I.e. They were looking ahead to the Pats game that would have been for the division lead. It happens, even to great teams.
  22. huh? I say the Miami run game panties the Bills D. Tanny still sucks and was never forced be the one to beat you. As for TT he didn't play bad, he didn't play great. He had an Ok game. This loss was do to the fact Ajayii (sp?) ran all over the Bills D like he did Pitt. I mean not to many teams going to win while giving up over 200 yards running to a team never mind one RB.
  23. If AZ loses it is on Arians. He turned down 3 points for that stupid run play on Seattle 25.
  24. Defense and a good ST and Wilson making something from nothing
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