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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I say Jimmy G. Because I can't spell his last name same with Jacoby. So sue me for doing short hand.. Also it isn't Garafslo something like Garopalo(so?)
  2. It is for certain players like Edelman. Weird thing is last year it was very very low... odd as hell, course Jimmy G and Jacoby Both had 2-3 fumbles each that skew the numbers as well. Weird how last year it was still extremely low the fumbles.. hmm could it just be a different year and different players.. nope it's that .02 difference in the ball weight lol
  3. Have you seen his long passes this year? They have been sick type good. And he has been hitting them on a regular bases. Give you an idea how lopsided the passing game is in this contest: Brady: 1,004 yards 8 TD 0 INT 76 101 75.2% 9.9 yards per (3 Games) TT: 1,297 yards 9 TD 2 INT 116 192 60.4% 6.7 yards (7 games) Your QB has thrown for 294 more yards in 4 more games or roughly 74 yards a game!! With .25 TD a game (ok that stat should have his running TDS to do we will disregard it) So basically your hypothesis is wrong, if anything if the Bills forced be one demensional and only being able pass the ball. It spells doom for the Bills. While the Pats it would appear via stats would be just fine.
  4. I'm sorry, but when someone puts in their keys to winning and they have STOPPING THE PATS FROM RUNNING as a key you lose all sorts of credit. As a fan of the Bills you should know the run is NOT the Pats forte. Rather the short 6-10 yard passes is which you also stated that Rex would force them to do. Put these together and it's laughable lack of knowledge of your opponent. Also if you look back you already told me you don't want a Pats history lesson seeing as how I have shown knowledge of my team since the 80's. Am I a rabid "I'll die if the lose " fan? No I have a life and watching them at the razor or home on the TV just for fun and relaxation.
  5. For the most part most buffalo fans here are cool and I always want see a good game because of that. Now You will make me relish every moment when Brady hits Gronk,Edelman, Bennett for TD and when it's 45-0 at half and the out Jimmy G in whonlays an additional 21 down on ya team I'll laugh knowing your crying in your soup because Man you take this way way to seriously. (No I don't expect this, but it is about as likely to happen as Brady throwing 3 picks and Edelman and Blount fumbling)
  6. Sigh, also Jamie Collins was playing hurt and a shadow of himself as was Hightower. They are both healthy now and Hightower has a safety in 2-3 games. That doesn't change the fact your O line dominated that game at all but these two are probably the studs of the D along with Butler. Add in Ninkovich is back and the D should be better. (Hell you dominated the entire first half and scored 13 points..) As for Jacoby he couldn't do anything well with that thumb, and Rex being a smart coach was ready for all the trick plays. Rex knows doing what he did last time on D and the Pats will put 50 up on his defense. Brady is lightyears better than Jacoby. So this game is really reversed. The Pats are rather Healthy and the Bills are decimated with injuries. Which seems add up to one smackdown by the Pats. could the bills win? Yes. Is it likely? No.
  7. What??? You need start sharing the stuff you smoke!? I don't thinknBrady has ever had a 3 INT game, while Edelman could fumble indoubt Blount will.
  8. I litterally lol at work from this! Got people staring at me. That was awesomely funny!!
  9. If I am doing a prediction it be. 28 - 16 BB remembers almost blowing that game last year trying to pass when the game is well in hand. He will use Blount a lot in the 4th quarter with him ripping one off for 50 yards and a TD make it 28-9.. with a late score by the bills make it interesting.
  10. First yes the Bills can win! But the Pats look Human and aren't steam rolling people? First Cinci was playing for their playoff lives and lost by 18, and the game was over before the 4th quarter and the Steelers had their backup but had Bell and Brown still (and wasn't their 3rd stringer either lol) and lost by 11. Now the Defense is the God Bend but don't break variety but the scoring D ranked higher than Denvers!
  11. Winning in Seattle. They Hawks Offense right now is having a hard time scoring and I can see that coming down to a low score of 6-3 or even 3-0 .
  12. Experts? I'm talking about everyone! From Colt fans with the Manning v Brady argument. To a football Guru. Not ONE ever brought up that argument. Why? Because it is massively flawed! Brady has done it for over 15 years with numerous WR,TE and RB. Most were considered second tier (Caldwell, Patton,Welker, etc) Welker sucked with the Dolphins and even THEIR fans thought they fleeced the Pats for a 2nd and. 7th rounder for him. Welker with Brady was the most prolific pass catcher in the NFL. Moss was "done", "lost a step" before we sent a 4th to Oakland for him and BAM with Brady he was an all Pro when both left they fizzled and gone within 2 years..
  13. No idea, it's easier to get top secret info out of the pentagon than an injury update before Wednesday in Foxborro. (I think he got his bell rung pretty well.. i like hogan gives a good outside deep threat to open up Amandola and Edelman)
  14. People say this but I am guessing just saw the highlights. The Steelers game was so close because of 3 drop passes. (2 by Edelman, 1 by white) most of the pats drives stalled do to drops in the first half. In the second half no more drops and they won by 11. The Steelers did take away Gronk and Bennett while rushing 3the first half which led to a quick 14-0 lead by NE but stymied them when the drops happened. Also the Pats D is the Achilles heal of the team but some how they are the 2nd best D as far as points given up. Do you have a fast enough LB to stay with Vronk and. Bennett?
  15. Reading comprehension lol I said AFTER Brady. Also Miss will tell you himself Brady made him BETTER. And Hernandez... was that a little joke their KILLING IT!! 😏😄 As for LaFell I would disagree his numbers drastically down and he still has hands of stone. Arsenal of weapons.. for years it was Welker and every other guy.. had Moss One Year and broke records and was one Sack, holding onto an Interception away from leading the team to 19-0. Your just wrong about the weapons being the key and not Brady. It's scary wrong as it's the exact opposite everyone else says ANYWHERE else. Most stick with the "he does so well because of BB without BB he be an average QB" No one outside of you have I ever heard the argument that his WEAPONS make him great. If that's the case than P Manning was way way over rated his entire career.
  16. Oh I forgot to add, without constantly Blitzing. Brady like P Manning (did) will usually destroy a team blitzed to much. That's one of the reasons the Steelers usually do so badly against NE. (Last week they rarely. Litzed
  17. He smiled when the press core in NE got him an outfit for his Grand daughter. (He added her to the roster and the NFL launching GRandbabygate to see if this was an unfair advantage.. lmao 😂 I am kidding.. but I bet the NFL alive a distraction from Brown right now lol)
  18. Rolling on the floor laughing my god dang ass off. Lol yes Pressure in Brady is ALWAYS the key to success against NE. I think that's been true since 2003?? More particular I say up the gutt pressure, as he has the ability move in the pocket and buy time from outside rushers.
  19. OMG so a future HOFer over rated. He has done this for years with cast offs but it's the "precise route running" of the WR and TE. Name ONE WR or TE or any pass catcher that went on from Brady and NE who still had a career? (I can think only Welker and he was done and had P Manning a Brady equal) the rest SUCKED! So your hypothisis is just bad. Players who were good while with Brady Patton, Bug eyes Caldwell," come to mind and they sucked when they left for big money! Sadly I know Rex isn't dumb enough believe what you just wrote as he KNOWS the Pats O lives and Breaths threw Brady. Yes the Pats can win without him but the O averages over 30 points with him and to say Gronk more important is to not really know how they work.
  20. You would be WRONG! Gronk is a great player, but the best player on the Pats O is #12 and his ability to read defenses and the fact that right now he is probably the best QB in the NFL. (Breese,Rogers, Marty Ice in the discussion) As for Bennett umm he is actually having a better year than Gronk AND was a Pro Bowler with Chicago. (So your talking 1 and IMO #4 TE on the same team) so ya you need be concerned with him. Then you say make Brady do 6 to 10 yard throws? Maybe you don't know this but that's the Pats Bread and Butter for like the last 15 years! Started with Brown then they got Welker and now Edelman and Amandola... so you want the Bills to force Brady to do what he has done for years? And that's part of your winning formula?
  21. I thought chop blocks were illegal now? Or is that only when they are already engaged? Question what would you (or any Bills fan) put out for your team if it's Gronk and Bennett in tight with Blount in the backfield with Hogan and Edelman as wide outs? Disguising coverage will be hard to do against Brady (not impossible), but as one HC put it "hard to confuse Brady as there is not much he has not seen in his career already"
  22. I been a fan since 1986 when the Pats made the Cinderella run to the SB with TOny Eason,John Hannah name a few. (I still remember cheating when they got the turnover and got up 3-0 little did I know the beat down to ensue lol) As for Kraft ya he doesn't take my calls anymore and I got a nice signature of his on this restraining order lmao (Big Bang ref there lol)
  23. What superiority complex? You attacked me after the othe r "bills" fan attacked me and I responded. Tells me you KNOW your "argument" weak and need go with insults or perceived thoughts of superiority. (Unless me saying I expect a blow out as superiority.. going by the looks of both teams and their injury report.. )
  24. No you live in a fantasy land with crap reasons why your team win. By 10. I try usually be readable but you just much be smoking some good stuff if you believed half the crap you posted. FACT: your O is vastly injured FACT: Pats are healthier than you especially on O. FACT: A let down after a beat down at home the last time? Is just illogical. Now the following week? Possibly.. not the bills. Am I like you GUARANTEEING a win. No, do I think they will win . Yes.
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