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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Weird thing is the Bills are averaging just under 27 points a game, if you take out the two outliers (week one 7 and SF 45) the average changes very little but goes up to 27 even. So the offense has been consistent as far as points go. I think you may be asking how many points were garbage time points thus skewing the average?
  2. Tsk tsk no it is only the added soul of his former GF who wanted be on a hit show... Crowley doesn't take kids souls.. yet. Lmao
  3. If you Blitz Brady will pick that D apart like a cheap suit. If you get pressure with just the front 4 you may have a point. Just remember Brady was hit like a pinyatta by Denvers D all game last year (cost the Oline coach his job) and if it wasn't for a missed Point after they would have been tied after regulation. The bills D line is good it isn't better than last years Denver D line:
  4. Him and McCoy are very similar. Both very shifty and hard to get a clean hit on. Sadly Lewis is a lot more Fragile.
  5. Umm you do know Martellus Bennett still playing Sunday right? And Gronk is healthy.. so be 2 tight ends shut down not one. Also Brady doesn't need a lot of time to score points, the Bills could control the time of possession and still be down by 14 at half.. Totally different game with new people playing for both teams... Which is odd w it only being 3 weeks ago they played.
  6. Now I want go and watch animal house again! Love that movie!
  7. I want him ready for Denver... that's the game the Pats will need him. Then put him under glas to not be broken till The playoffs lol. (He is so talented SUCKS his body breaks down )
  8. That they did. I don't care who is throwing the ball Brown is just a beast and will get his and we'll Bell is one of if not the BEST RB in football. They only scored 16 points.... (and 6 the entire second half)
  9. As a Pats fan I want him for the Denver game. Watching there games (and they always seem be on TV) if that D has one weakness it's covering RB out of the backfield.
  10. I am on Patriot Planet board. I am here, and on the Indy board a lot too. (Been on Indies board for like ever.. Good peeps there to.) use be in the Phins board but forgot my password.. and only ever been booted from a message board at ganggreen..
  11. I knew Cleveland dumped him, I had forgotten about the Eagles. (If he can stay healthy for the rest of this year Pats will have a decent backfield with him,Blount, and White.) Ryan Billz they need add a like and or a LOL button because I would so click both for your post.
  12. lol in his defense he was out of the league for 2 years(?) then picked up by NE and played well (8 games) and no one can prevent your ACL/MCL from tearing like his did (no contact the worse
  13. He was awesome last year before he got hurt. I doubt he be ready to go by Sunday but who knows.
  14. Per Ian Rapaport "Dion Lewis expected to practice this week". This is the RB that Rex didn't know the name of last year.
  15. Yup, so how does that equal 3rd? And that's overall D to.. I like the PPG ranking better. (Who cares how many yards you give up it's the points that matter.)
  16. Only one I question is the Broncos placement? Their D is not as good as last year, (still very good) and I think the O got worse.
  17. I think it honestly comes down to which D makes the Big play to either get a TO or make it so a punt gives their O amazing field position (like on the opposing teams side of the field)
  18. I hope that trade isn't true inlike Darby, and the Broncos don't need more weapons they need a better QB. (I have a feeling this was a trade to get something instead of nothing again by cutting Darby )
  19. Bills planning trade Brown and a 7th for a 6th round pick? If not there is no comparison. This was a trade get something instead of cutting him for the lions. For the Pats they got someone who may be good depth for practically nothing. (And since they are last on the waiver wife or less not make it to them)
  20. A no lose situation for BB even if the kid sucks youblose a late 6th rounder?
  21. Pats sent them a 6thvround pick and receive the Lions 7th round pick. So pretty much got him for nothing.
  22. Can anyone explain why he didn't get the 6 game suspension for DV that was initiated last year? I mean it seems like an open and shut case.
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