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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I want some of whatever THAT guy was smoking. A competitive Pats team? Our Future HOF QB was out and superstars like Gronk,Hightower, and Collins were extremely limited. Oh and Edelman was still not right with his foot. And oh Ya Ninkovich was out, one of the keys on D. This week seems the script been switched with the Pats Healthy and the Bills dinged up greatly on both sides of the ball.
  2. He has been used a lot for deep balls.. he was averaging like 20 yards a catch.
  3. Why did they punt when they were on the 40 of the Phins in the second quarter (if I did my math right start at the 18 and gained 42 yard means they were at the 40) isn't that a spot on the field you go for it?
  4. Thank you, for whatever reason the site wouldn't load on my phone, so that's why I asked the question. So my take is the Bills have reliable WR who can catch the ball but a QB who is not always that accurate when throwing it???
  5. Doesn't say that just says they don't drop the footballs. But is that anything that hits their hands? Or the perfect pass that's dropped? (Those drive me insane when I am watching a game)
  6. How do they equate drops? Anything that touches there hands or a perfect pass that's dropped?
  7. I agree Rex said nothing. I do have one question was that Buffalo player responding to a question or was he just throwing out there the retaliation thing? (I am guessing there was a question) Also that was, as Marty in the Mornjng, calls him the Lucky Sperm talking not the owner of the team just the eldest son.
  8. ^^^ this is what I tried to say before in a different thread. The Pats didn't just lose to the Bills but were embarrassed and were shut out for the first time EVER at the Razor. (Last shut out happened I believe at the old Sullivan stadium) Sonegioe the bills will be mad after a loss so will the Patriots, and this time around it looks like the Pats are the healthier of the two teams.
  9. Lol no clue but ya guys were actually not jerks. Trust me when your the Cleveland Browns of the league you remember that!
  10. Hmm I wonder if that's why Bills fans weee so cool to tailgate with in the early 90's ? Pats sucked and other teams fans were usually jerks (esp Jet fans arrogant as hell) but Bills fans were pretty awesome and usually tried make us feel better. I remember one game it was just awful want say was 1992 and our WB just got sacked again for like the one billionth time and a bills fan said. "Hey it'll get better trust me!"
  11. There is nothing elusive about woodhead when he runs.. nothing he finds a hole and hits it.. Lewis could do multiple cuts and get up field...
  12. Been a LOOOOONG time.. but some of us remember the old patsy days when we couldn't even beat a hapless team like the Browns.. because we WERE the Browns lol
  13. Oh but to say "guys this game looks bad" and they call you a loser a moron and have faith. Etc.. (meanwhile after the KC game a couple years ago we had mass suicide watch sigh)
  14. Hey the Pats REALLY REALLY sucked at running last year! But averaging almost 5 yards a carry isn't bad. Again I was talking about style.. NOt how good he is but the style he runs.
  15. Oh sure THAT one auto correct misses lmao.. I hate my own board so boring everyone agreeing and God forbid you say anything negative..
  16. True they wouldn't do it, just saying there is a difference. No I am pretty sure it was just 2 dumb rookies... if BB had ordered it there would have been more backup for them a lot sooner. Esp with Jacoby already being hurt.
  17. Is dareus going be in football shape? (Asking) I would think his snap count be down for the first game back No?
  18. You obviously didn't see him play those 8 games last year. He ran between the tackles and caught passes. Hell he was out only effective runner behind that crappy O line! Again small sample size. I understand that, I was just comparing how they run not their talent (Lewis couldn't carry McCoy jock strap) I mean it should be a hell lot easier for Lewis to run than McCoy.. I don't think I will ever see 8-9 men in the box with Brady behind center unlike McCoy who then still goes and gains 4-5 yards..
  19. I also think he should ad "ya we will retaliate as long as it isn't Gronk,Brady,Bennett or (insert star player here who could be motivated by being pissed off lol) totally different when it's two rookies who are clueless..
  20. 😂 I wasn't talking about TALENT or even how GOOD they were I meant running styles. Aka neither one will try to run over a tackler like a Blount, but do a move to make him miss. (Lewis would probably suck on the Bills)
  21. Drives are nice but if you are settling for FG instead of TD against the Big Bens,Rogers, Brady's of the NFL your team will lose. Drives are nice but when facing ELITE QBs (2 of which you will face) you have to finish the drive.
  22. I said similar, as in styles, when Healthy Lewis is a stud sadly he is broken a lot.
  23. Gilmore went to college and still uses a double negative.. that **** drives me nuts!!!
  24. He did. He had over a 100 yards receiving in the game. The only Patriot who had a good game lol
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