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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. First he is not the most talented player on the defense, that goes to his sidekick Hightower followed by Butler. He is either next or right after Sheard. So top 4. The trade doesn't make must sense but we have learned to trust BB as he is usually right, not always but 4 Lombardis win you a lot of leeway.
  2. Your friends just reiterating what people are saying. For example Lombardi pointed to that run as Collins freelancing and not doing his job. (I don't know and or remember and I am. It going back to look cus I'm to lazy! Lol) simple fact is between Collins,Hightower, Sheard, and Butler someone was not being resigned. I hope this means the other 3 hopefully would be resigned.
  3. That is def an illegal hit on the QB, some call it the Brady rule even though it was put in after Palmer was hurt the same way the next year.
  4. Newton must have pissed the refs off last year. He has been getting hit like a red headed step child and not getting the calls. (What was it 4 helmet to helmets not called against Denver?)
  5. How many of the hits are coming as they are scrambling for yards, i.e. Are they considered RB once they cross the line of scrimmage?
  6. 15 years is more than recent and hell outside of 2000 no losing season since 1996.
  7. That was my point as well as teams look to fleece talent from top contenders and not the Browns of the world.
  8. Welker left on his own for more $$ in FA (they tried to sighn him. And woodhead moved on and got Paid big time. IMO players are attracted to NE because you can do a 1-2 year prove it deal and go get paid elsewhere. (Some stay as they like winning over a few million more a year.) I think they gave a th and got a 3rd from Minnesota.. was a get out of here you cancer... type move
  9. I agree resign those two I hope is key. Butler was a steal as an UDFA.
  10. Don't piss off the emperor or or you will be stationed on the ice world aka CLEVELAND. Lol
  11. All the reports up here are saying he wanted Von Miller money. Collins is damn good but not Von Miller money good. (I expect hear a Hightower and Butler extension announced in a few weeks.) Also when you have an O (Brady) you can tinker with your D more. They only need be allowing low 20's for wins.
  12. Ok that was a long rant, hope it made you feel better. I will gladly state the Bills were banged up on Offense, but I was told by numerous people here and the media that the Bills D was as healthy as it has been all year. And I would say the D lost that game yesterday NOT the O. I also said in numerous threads week 4 matters and they would remember it when they were playing. Anyone who thought otherwise IMO was wrong. They don't live in a vacuum they remember what happened and how they were manhandled..
  13. They all relished it yesterday after the embarrassing loss at home in week 4. Also to people calling the cartoon poor winners, it was published yesterday in the paper and probably drawn up on Friday or Saturday. (I personally thought it was just a dumb picture myself)
  14. Are you on your 3rd string? Hmm at WR you are so ya younguys got a built in excuse. 😐
  15. He will have Butler on him this game, and only way Rex scare me is if I was barefoot and he saw. Jimmy G would still light it up...
  16. Wait he was dropping dimes? They scored 16 points, and he has arguably the most talented WR and RB in football in Brown and Bell. and most of his dimes were to one or the other.. Woods is good but he isn't Brown or Bell good. As for the last time they met that was when the Oline sucked beyond sucking.. so we will see in this game how well they do, if they give Brady 3-4 seconds the Pats win going away if not it will be a close game.
  17. That is usually true, this year they have been a rather surprisingly balanced team. (Blount already has more TDs this year than any other year in his career. But comparing Brady to Taylor isn't fair. Brady is one of the GOAT and I will dare say Tyrod Taylor is not. (Doesn't make him awful either but unfair to compare)
  18. Now that I know that McCoy is doubtful and one of your CB is out.. I am upping the Spread to Pats by 21. (Lol)
  19. 😳 Lmao I meant running style.. i.e. Both avoid hits... just like Blount runs like the Bus did.. threw people.. (doesn't mean Blount could even carry the Bus jock strap lol)
  20. That's just awful. prayers with his family and the research teams that they fine a cure in time for him and everyone else suffering from this awful disease.
  21. That litterally made me LOL in the car. Thank You..
  22. That's why your not the right person discuss who is your best player. Lol like all fans you have blinders think they are all good.. to outsiders it's McCoy on O first and formost to stop, he makes your O go. I have never once thought "oh Watkins is playing he can hurt us" because he never scared me as a fan.. McCoy does. As for your D it is very good especially with Darius and always been a headache with your front 4.. for the Bills it was always your secondary looked weak.
  23. I wish both teams were 100% healthy.. and sorry Watkins is not your best player that goes to McCoy who ran all over the place. Darius I will give you but Watkins is MAYBE #3 but man is out injured more than he plays.
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