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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Way stop it IMO be give the D options of run 10 seconds off, ADD 10 seconds, accept or decline the penalty.
  2. That "fact" is also false. Pats are one of the lowest penalized teams for "cheating" in the NFL. And when they are caught a huge deal made out of it because of who they are... (spygate - all over location of the camera not the taping. deflategate -- lol they can't even prove the balls were deflated for the AFCCG but the only team truly effected by the stricter enforcement of the ball PSI... GB? ) So why don't you go cheer for the Bills and stop getting butt hurt because another team (Ravens) have a coach who uses his brains and you don't. This is not a "spiral into dispare" crap! If the Pats did it ESPN, local news etc be covering it as a blatant slap in the face of the Integrity of the game. Since the Ravens did it (crickets) which IMO is the way it should be.
  3. Could have been worse.. he could have snapped the ball like the Colts did against the Pats a couple years ago . (Doing that trick play with everyone lined up away from the ball except for the center and QB lol)
  4. Huh? There is a HUGE difference between holding and intentionally hurting a player. YOUR SLIPPERY SLOPE isn't even workable as the game would continue and give the team a first down and a chance to win it. Leave it to bills fans (one of the most penalized teams the last 2 years) to come up with this scenario.
  5. Lol it isn't "cheating" if it's not illegal or n the rule book. Perhaps a little slimy and goes against "the integrity of the game" lol but def a smart move knowing the rule book.
  6. Did a quick look up, could the Bills issue the last 2 years be penalties? The Bills were the most penalized team last year (flags per game) and 7th WORST this year. IMO that is a killer and I would think an easy fix.
  7. See I think Denver a terrible spot. They have no running game (unlike last year) and he is so brittle he may end up broken in two after two games.
  8. That proves that stats lie (lol) I watched sadly a few of their games last year and they sucked running the ball when needed. (I.e. Before they were down by 2 TDs ) that Offense was bad
  9. Ahh I understand! (Why I asked lol I hate people jump to college nclusikns) I agree with that assessment 100%.
  10. They had the same O line last year and couldn't run for crap and well the QB play was horrid at best. I disagree! If he gets injured the running game takes a huge step back and they lose TOP.. then that D which is NOT very good will get exposed and they start losing BIG TIME. I think he IS the best player on their team.
  11. Please explain? I see Romo she think of a great regular season QB but one who either by bad luck (fumbling the snap on the FG) or terrible play just couldn't win a playoff game.
  12. Of course Bledsoe is better he has a ring.. roflmgdao... I kid but Bledsoe was a damn good QB who came very close winning a SB... (the Tuna in his oh so smart thinking thought "kick it away that guys only almost broke it for a TD EVERY single time so why not!" ) he had led the Pats to within 7 of Favre and the Pack in the 4th quarter when that kickoff return just broke their backs...
  13. Goff hasn't even seen the field yet thanks to stubborn Fisher as a coach, it's not possible he is any worse than the starter they throw out there now. And even though f he sucked this year, no one should judge a QB good or bad in year one. (I point to RG3, he looked like franchise WB his first year and well he sucks!)
  14. So if you get Romo who plays week 3 for the Bills when he goes out after breaking his collarbone again.
  15. Pitt has stayed the course even through losing, same with GB. Maybe their owner just trust his hires better than other owners.
  16. I was just thinking the teams that are consistently good all the time are BOT constantly replacing the GM and HC like: Pittsburg: they are always a good team for as long as I can remember and they don't recycle coaches or GM much at all. (I do believe they retire the HC ) Green Bay: Consistently good (lucky too going from Fabre to Rogers) but also don't recycle coaches as often as other franchises. Sad the only two I can come up with off the top of my head as consistent winners throughout the years. So my question is who would you choose be your HC and GM long term for the Bills? You can't be wushu eashy and Knox him after a year must give him at least 5 years. If I was the Bills I want: HC: Jim Harbaugh -- he is better than his brother and IMO be one top 5 HC in the NFL. GM -- ?? I suck knowing good GMs but Harbaugh may want that in order to go to Buffalo.
  17. lol I remember that, I got banned for 2 weeks from a Patriots board because I called a fellow fan.. a moron and lacking any testicular fortitude.. except not in those Nice of terms 😂
  18. The pats 4th down play had me scratching my head. I was ok with the sneak try.. was worth an attempt but with 4th and goal from the 1.. hand it to Blount force trauma... he almost got in on 2nd down.. I rather lose that way than a very low percentage throw to a hurting Gronk.
  19. My family been a season ticket holder since 1978. I do not think I can afford to keep them for next year. I am not depriving my kids of stuff just to see 8 games a year
  20. I'll bet on my O 9-10 times.. (knowing what was wrong w Gronk I double down on them going to Bennett instead. Was a dumb move expecting a hurting Gronk be beat Chancellor)
  21. I watched both games, scores were similar but the Pats v Seahawks game was a playoff type game where either team could win. The Bills v Hawks game while a good game no one felt the Bills would be able pull it off at the end.. where as the Pats had 4 cracks at it to put it into OT...
  22. Ugh.... we are no where near as loud as the Seahawk fans, but the place isn't terrible for noise... it can get loud in there... but we have a lot of clueless fans as well.. Also most AVERAGE fans can't afford to go see a game as the ticket pr Fed are just to high for anyone with a family to afford unless you make sick money... and rich people are not loud.. lol
  23. Hmm in 2007 the amazing escape from a sack and Miracle catch wouldn't have changed... maybe Asante on Plaxico instead of god I forget his name... and Maybe Revis makes that INT that Asante dropped. As for the other SB, nah great passes into tight windows, I don't even think Revis could have been any tighter on Mannningham that game..
  24. Not the first time a player from Boston did something like this. Bergeron from the Bruins played game 6 of the Stanley cup finals with 2 broken ribs and a punctured (actually they said HOLE in the long)lung. He spent a week(?) in the hospital following that game 6 loss. (Tough SOB but that had be dangerous
  25. I do believe they missed an XP earlier in the game.. or am I thinking of a different game? But anyways the point after is hardly a gimme anymore Well the Patriots proved you wrong IMO. They were first and goal from the 2 with less than a minute to go.. (yes they held but it wasn't because they were a great D that shut them down.)
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