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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Yes one where every playoff team plan crashes before the playoffs... lol
  2. lol I was being a wise ass.. I was just trying say that since they had a 15 point lead they should have been able to do at least 2-3 stops before they were gassed. As for BB I think he plays win every game, even that 16-0 game in week 4. (That poor tablet never saw it coming lol) As a neutral fan I say if the Bills pull off the upset and beat the Steelers Sunday they will finish 10-6... and worse it will turn Bills fans into Patriot fans for a few weeks. (Like this Sunday, Denver game and perhaps the Dolphins game. I figure that may make a lot of you all I'll.) lol
  3. I could buy that argument if the D had stopped the Raiders more than ONCE the entire second half... I mean 28 points in 1 1/2 quarters!!! That has be a record!
  4. Are you guys sure we should only rush 2 or 3 the entire second half? (lol although I love the menu ones lol)
  5. Did you SEE the cushion he was getting?(and I noticed I said Watson instead of like Watson lol)
  6. I agree, the option play seems a better well option lol
  7. Ok I hear a lot of QB blaming, and rightfully so, as well as OC and head coach blaming. (Also correct) My point is simple your coaches KNOW what Tyrod is by now and should have an effective game plan in place to fully utilize his talents. In other words option plays, a lot more roll outs, quick hits to WR (screens) etc. a WR screen to Watson would net 4-5 yards every time with the way Oakland was crowding the box. While I agree Tyrod deserves blame, I think your Coaches deserve more for the reason given. As for your Defense, I blame scheme for the collapse and sadly la K of any real corner talent. (Not helped by a very bad pass rush the second half)
  8. Can either you or another bills fan answer me a question.. is there a reason why the bills never run any sort of isolation play with McCoy as a receiver to get him out in the open field 1 on 1? (Sort of what the Patriots do with their RB) or are you guys doing it and not working? (Again I don't remember to many set ups if any with McCoy spread out wide.
  9. I never noticed a blitz, but that doesn't mean they didn't. If they did, then they need to disguise it better.
  10. They lose next Sunday.. and lose UGLY like (50-13) then finish the season on a 3 game winning streak 9-7 and lose the tie breaker to Pitt for the final playoff spot.
  11. That's why I called it bend but don't break D. Sometimes you get lucky... Trust me I know the bend but don't break D well! Lol
  12. The play calling failed IMO and you shouldn't need 7-8 minute drives... what they needed were a few first downs to give the D a rest and really back up the Raiders. Playcalling on O was horrendous at best in the 4thquarter. The D needed help and got none...
  13. I first want to state I was rooting for a Bills win yesterday that said: 1st half: The Bills D gave up a few drives but made the potent Raiders O only scored 9 points. A perfect example of a bend. It don't break D. The offense was hardly spectacular but managed a TD drive and a FG to have the lead at half at 10-9. My Grade: A -- on the road that's perfectly played and a great way set yourself up for a win. Second Half: The Offense got me excited at the beginning roaring out to 2 TD in the 3rd quarter to get a lead of 24-9. But then failed to even muster a drive of more than 20 yards I believe. The Defense -- absolutely collapsed! Outside of 1 stop to get the 15 point lead they were unable to prevent an endzone finish every other time. If they had done what they had in the first half (making them settle for FG) the Bills possibly could have won. Overall Grade - D the inability to adjust in the half to even slow the bleeding on D and the absolute melt down on O for 1 1/2 quarters was hard to watch. My assessment is simple on O when you see 8 men in the box it's the perfect time for screens and getting the ball to your best players (RB) in the flat. For whatever reason they kept insisting on trying run with a stacked box and I still can't figure out the 2 back to back wildcat plays. On D I understand dropping 8 back into coverage on 3rd and long, but would it have killed them do some CB blitzes or any kind of blitzes to maybe force an error by a hurting Carr?
  14. So would he be better than say the current QB in Denver?
  15. Raiders final 4: @ KC @ SD Indy @ DEN Pats: Ravens @ Denver Jets @ Miami I say the Raiders have a tougher schedule just because they face 3 division foes on the road and Indy has a decent O as well.. Pats tough Games are Denver and Ravens... possibly Miami if it means anything by then..
  16. Lol BB and him have a deep distain for eachother. BB wouldn't hire him clean the toilets! 😂
  17. This MAY be my Patriot glasses on, but I never thought BB was disrespecting the game by using an unusual formation and different eligible receivers.. I put that in the same idea as the wildcat.. it worked because like the wildcat it never been done before.. but again could be my homer glasses there.. True,I hate "judgement " calls as these guys proven be bad at catching common penalties with NO sort of judgement needed.
  18. Giving these part timers the ability change a game with a "disrespecting the game" penalty for something that isn't illegal in the book is just to scary for me! Basically what your saying is "sorry good coaches we have to many idiot coaches and have to level the playing field for you"
  19. SUnday was a classic game in the past the Bills would have found a way to lose, this time they found a way to win. That's a positive sight the team may be turning the corner to being a playoff team.
  20. I understand that, outside of when the Bills face the Pats I quietly root for you guys. Why? Well I'm tired of the "AFCE Sucks and the Pats just neeed show up be in the playoffs" argument. That and if there was another AFCE team in the playoffs I rather the Bills fans were rewarded over the obnoxious Jet fans and the "we are the only undefeated team in NFL History" fin fans.
  21. I think there will always be loop holes. I don't think you could ever close every hole.
  22. This week every Pats fan will be cheering for the Bills to beat the Raiders. I think you could do it if you can control the time of possession and keep Carr's chances down. Carr is still young and you could possibly fluster him early and grab a 10 point lead then the key be to ball control. So go Bills beat the Raiders!
  23. Because there is a rule that if the offense makes a penalty under a minute left in the game the refs are to run off 10 seconds.
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