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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Yikes needing Bengals after a heart wrenching loss to win and well needing a Jags win scary!
  2. BB knew what he had in Brady was special because in year one they kept FOUR QB's so Brady could develop as he was a raw talent back then. Year 2 he went from 4th string QB to the primary Backup and in week 2 he took over. The first 2 years as a starter the Pats had him as a game manager and by year 4 on the team he blossomed. So yes he was patient with Brady and allowed him to develop while having the D and RB carry the team. As for why not draft him in the 1st round, they had a franchise QB who had started a SB and numerous playoff games.
  3. Very interesting. I also believe BB led CLEVELAND to their last playoff appearance and last playoff win. Also Rex went to the AFC game basically on Mangini talent on the team, and then screwed it all up year 3.
  4. Huh? You have ONE example of this and it wasn't the "team" as much as the league covering it up for the Giants. Also he got cut from a non playoff team to a team that is a favorite to win the SB. I think Floyd is dancing a jig with the upgrade.
  5. Actually they are very thin right now at WR with Amandola out with a high ankle sprain till the playoffs. They have Edelman,Hogan, Michell ®, and then our ST captain Slater. So Floyd is a good insurance policy in case anyone gets hurt during a game and/or if We don't need the Miami game someone take most of the snaps instead of Edelman.
  6. (Eye roll) I watch FOOTBALL, and seeing as how Montana and Youngster ability to scramble didn't open up the run game but their arm did I STAND behind what I said. Way you talk Trbow would be considered a good QB.
  7. Wow! Good thing he is just a rental for this year.. a def upgrade of what we had.
  8. His ability to run doesn't keep teams honest. They will still put 9 in the box with one of them to keep an eye on Taylor. I also believe someone said you had a top 5 Oline so ya they can run it! But no online can give a WB 5-7 seconds to throw the ball.
  9. Lol hey it's been 16 years now! For some that's all they have known, not everyone was alive see Tony Eason or even remember Missin Sisson lol. What you said about the D is very true, and without hitting it in the Draft for a QB the Bills kind of stuck in the middle.
  10. Wait Pats have only dominated the AFCE for 8 years.... that number seems to low hmmm lol. That said hitting on a Franchise QB is a roll of the dice, I doubt anyone in NE thought Brady was that when they drafted him in the 6th round. Just like SAN Diego probably thought Ryan Lief was a sure thing second over all. You never know what your truly getting till 2-3 years down the road usually.
  11. lol ALL those D have terrible Os go with them besides Seattle. And Seattle D needed that passing O beat the Bills AND NE this year otherwise they get destroyed. Also a chance of 3 of hose 4 "great" D miss the playoffs this year as well. To be successful you need a passing O in the modern NFL, even Seattle with beast mode had a passing game that had to be respected.
  12. Those are guesses, especially since Indy could still finish 1st or 2nd or 3rd in their division technically.
  13. Your missing the point in today's NFL you NEED have a passing offense of some kind. Why? Because when your trailing by 9 with 5!minutes to go you need be able to score semi quickly.
  14. Not an easy schedule for the East, the bills get: Denver,Oakland,New Orleans,Tampa Bay, and Indy at home KC,SD, Atlanta,Carolina, Cincy on the road (Plus AFC East games) Going be a tough year for the East, with that beast schedule.
  15. Lol my dad who was a statition always said "stats don't lie, but statitions do" which was his way of saying stats in a vacuum tell you nothing! What does: Scoring O: 9th 25.9 pointers a game, Overall O: 19th Scoring D : 14th 22.4 points a game, Overall D: 16th Now look at your record about middle of the round andbon the playoff bubble. Looking at these stats above that's seems about right.
  16. I would say this is a time when stats don't show the full story. I mean would anyone consider the Bills O more potent than GB, Detroit, Seattle, NE, Pitt, Oakland, NO,Atlanta, etc.. and I think TN and Mariota scarier O.
  17. With the TALENT the Bills have on defense I can't figure out why they are so... inconsistent. I mean the Bills have top 5 D talent.
  18. Romo is a def upgrade but is even less mobile and with that O line I see him being hurt rather quickly, maybe even before the season started.
  19. [quote name="section122" post="4169405" timestamp="1482168263 Elway didn't draft 2 qbs this last year. Simien is from the previous years class. Good point, I also like to add Simien for a 7th round pick with just 1 year of being in the system, has played rather well.
  20. Yup already a fire Kubiak thread and everything.
  21. Hey I will defer to the Bronco fans, I say they know MORE about their team than either of us. Pretty much all of them find no fault with Siemien most hate on Thomas and the Oline and Kubiak a lot lol
  22. Points don't actually SHOW A QB performance. Siemiens can't throw and catch the ball and the games I have seen the Denver WR had the dropsies. Add in a God awful O line and a league worse Run O and you get that Offense. Oh and most Denver fans agree with me that it isn't the QB I would defer to their knowledge of their team.
  23. Elway knows QB play, and Siemien isn't great but he isn't the major problem either. (How disheartening is it to a young QB to throw a perfect bomb while getting hit just to have it go threw your WR hands and hit his stomach. Brady would lose his **** on the sideline after a drop like that.)
  24. We will have to disagree on it is all.. no worries. I am a firm believer (obviously) that you can find a star QB in any round. Just takes a little bit of luck and patience.
  25. He either needs get better O lineman or pry scar away from NE to coach up the lineman he has. (Pats Oline sucked last year and this same group came back this year and are playing AMAZINGLY well..) I also don't see any great QBs coming out of college or being available in FA air trade. (With their O line, Romo last TOPS 2 games!)
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