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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. The. Pray tell why did they go. 1-4 with Orton? There was a difference with TeBow, for some reason the entire team played BETTER when he was QB. Were they ever going be championship caliber? Lmao No as great/good coaches would crush that Offense.
  2. It does but so does 316 yards and 2 TD along w 59 yards rushing and a TD... I always wanted the man to succeed as my God he just was everything I want my kids look up to ina sports hero. Has his beliefs, LIVES BY THEM (not one of those say one thing and do another) and just overall someone easy to cheer for.
  3. McDaniels is not going anywhere without BB blessing, he seen what happens to those who leave without his blessing.. they are never heard from again. Also whispers up here is he is being groomed take over for BB ashen he retires. That would be so Steeler like of the Krafts lol.
  4. Miami right now is a playoff team, and has a winning record. AZ was his first ever start and was on the road against a damn good D. (Everyone was saying at the time it was a sure L for the Pats.
  5. Ok his stat line against Pitt was damn good in the playoffs against Pitt as we ALL know the Emperor pretty much bet him up and took his lunch money. Also 8-8 isn't HIS record as they really didn't want him starting. TeBow went 7-4 while Ortin went 1-4. In the playoff game against Pitt he completed 45% for 326 yards 2 TD, he also ran for 50 yards and another TD. I dare say he had a damn good game, hell a career game for him! I also bet anyone in Buffalo be dancing a jig if TT A had a game like that againsta competition like Pitt. FACT is TeBow got screwed by Elway and I still can't figure out why no one else at least TRIED make him work as a QB. That said I honestly don't know who is better since TeBow never got enough reps to show what he could be.
  6. That's unfair to TeBow, he was very much responsible for the team making the playoffs as EVERY win they had that year was with him as QB. This isn't even mentioning the 300 yards passing in the playoff game. I am not arguing he is a better QB just that he had a lot to do with them making the playoffs and winning a playoff game.
  7. You are probably right, you see a lot more Bills games than I do. The ones I have seen he gets hit A LOT, I also believe the Bills are giving up more sacks than any other team? (I remember seeing 40) I was thinking moving the pocket and designing plays like that he would release the ball sooner and avoid more hits. I don't think TT is a franchise QB as his style needed to use to win would make his shelf life maybe 2-3 years.
  8. Not arguing with you, just saying if he is your starting QB you do what Denver did and adapt your O around him. (Just like NE did for Jacoby in week 3) I never stated an opinion about how good of a starter he is.
  9. It isn't Taylor's to him at all! The Bills Offense wants a pocket passer, that isn't TT. They need IMO do a lot more bootleg out and pass on the run as well as option plays. TT makes me think he is an older version of NE Jacoby. Difference is in 3 years with Jacoby he will be a better QB because of COACHIN and watching one of the best ever prep and play the game.
  10. I disagree Dalton and Smith been killed by Oaklands pass rush. They also would have cost you games where TT Ability move in the pocket and or scrambled won the game. Why do Bills fans forget that you had for a very long time PS WR?
  11. I would say TeBow had better coaches who designed an offense around his abilities. I do not believe Tyrod has that benefit at all. That said I always thought TeBow got screwed in Denver. I mean when has a team gotten rid of a QB after he leads the team to the playoffs and a playoff win. Now before anyone says "they got Manning" Manning was hardly a sure thing then coming off major surgery and major neck issues. I like to see TT with a coach that could Taylor the Offense to his talents before I Judged who was better as he really has not had that yet.
  12. First, he is Emperor Palpatine lmao Second What would make the situation any different than with Bledsoe? It isn't like the Bills are a player away from greatness. (Like say Houston)
  13. Well they did it with Cassell then traded him to KC for a 2nd and a 5th. As for holding on to him I already said take a major offer to pry him from NE this off season.
  14. Brady has more than once said he wants to play till he is 45. Brady is not playing for the money, he is just playing now because he loves football. (Being a billionaire doesn't hurt that lol)
  15. Flaccid and Cam are way down this year and Palmer always been over rated and a TO machine. Last year was the exception. I myself shocked about stafford, being that low but 1st year with no Megatron do that I guess.
  16. Ahh my bad, been a long day totally mis read your post. Oh and I predict whatever team McDaniels lands as HC is the one that lands Jimmy G. In a trade.
  17. I could also see them Franchise tagging him after next year and trading him like they did Cassell. Just get the ma. Out of him, and give Jacoby more time to develop (unless someone offers like a top 15 player KC then I see him listening) but hey I could be way way off lol
  18. Total Yards he is 28th... with no one behind him started every game. Www.espn.com/NFL/statistics/player/_/stat/passing/sort/passingYards/YEAR/2016/seasontype/2 Hope the link works...
  19. I don't think they are all that eager. I am sure they will listen, but going take a substantial offer to get him IMO. Why? He proved he could lead the teams O even without Gronk and Edelman at 50%.
  20. I stand by my stats before, in a pure passing he is the worst EVERY DAY starting QB, and is the bottom 3rd for yards even when adding his rushing yards. As for TD he is middle of the road he be 20/21 with 20 TD's.. FACT is this YEAR he is a below average passer. Also Blount has 15 TDs this year does that mean he has been better than McCoy? I mean he has more TDs.
  21. So I went and checked TT stats on ESPN and this is what I noticed: 1. 28th in passing with no one behind him who has started every game for their team. NOT ONE! 2. Taking his rushing yard and TD and adding that to his passing yards and TD he moves up to 21 in total yards and 17 in touchdowns. (This is WITHOUT adding rushing yards TD for people behind him.) 3. He is also the most sacked QB in the league with 40! So this tells me he is middle of the road for TDs and bottom 3rd for yards THIS YEAR and as a pure passer the stats say he is the WORST every day starter in the league THIS YEAR who also takes a lot of punishment back there.
  22. Depends if the Bills can stop the run this week. If they do: 17 to 7 bills If they don't : 34-24 (with a garbage time TD to keep Buffalo high scoring O in place.)
  23. What I find interesting is you out this Ground and Pound O with Ryan's Jet defense (a few yrs back) and the team probably in the hunt for the division still. Weird how he has yet to get both sides on one team.
  24. I just point to that ND defender who was universally thought of as a top 5 pick last year before he blew his knee out in the bowl game causing him go in round 2 to the Cowboys costing him MILLIONS of dollars. All for a bowl game that really doesn't mean that much. (Be different of it was say the NCAA Playoffs)
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