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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Spending money does not always equal winning. Do people forget how the Redskins spent a stupid amount of money and still sucked! I will state it again you have a new owner who is learning the ropes. Going by the ONLY example I know, Bob Kraft, who stated he screwed things up learning (over riding Parcells in the draft and taking Glenn as an example.) until he finally hired BB to be in charge of football Ops and it's run like a fine oiled machine ever since. IMO that's what the Bills new owner needs to do, find a set up that works for him and makes Buffalo successful again. I mean he has only owned the team 2 years.
  2. lol my bad I meant the Bills would be fighting for a wildcard spot with a decent kicker. I also expect Oakland to lose with their backup QB in Denver on Sunday. While Home Field be AWESOME, I don't see Oakland beating either Pitt or KC (teams I expect win WC Games) at home either..
  3. After next year they can cut bait with Osweiler right? Then if OBrien has the sway he would want Jimmy G. Because again he is running a Patriot style Offense and Jimmy has shown he can be successful in it. Also Jimmy is cheap for next year and if he works out you the. Sign him to a big contact and cut Osweiler. If he doesn't you cut bait and just lose the pick(s) you traded for him. They need a cheap option if they are done with Osweiler.
  4. Game doesn't really matter for us.. still have a week off before their first playoff game... something the Bills would be fighting for with a decent kicker...
  5. YOUR FG kicker sucks! He lost BOTH games against Miami (had Miss in game 1 in Miami that if he hit the game is tied and last week.) he also missed one against Seattle that if he hits it your team just needs a FG to tie... so he lost 2 and hurt you in a 3rd so 25% of the games your kicker hurt you!
  6. Well that's not true, just look at the AFC West and NFC East for proof of that. I mean outside of the AFC East there is a lot of rivalries left, reason there are no rivalries in the East is well the true Bullies in the East been taking the other 3 teams out for 15 years! When one team wins the division 14 out of 16 years hard build or sustain any rivalries. (And that's not bashing the teams in the east just how i see it)
  7. Lol has anyone watched the last 3 Jets games? They suck worse than Cleveland!
  8. Youbdef rest your starters as you face either GB or Detroit on the road the following week. You know whoever wins that game will have zero rest and probably rather beaten up. (I think if your a Giants fan your cheering for the Lions as I think the Pack would destroy the Giants)
  9. You guys should crush them! They looked so bad last week! Brady had so much time in the pocket he could have ordered a pizza, waited for them to deliver it, eat 2 slices, and still had time find an open receiver.
  10. Your adding a lot more into that quote than what was said. All he said was the Rex wouldn't sell his players out to the media, neither would BB. Now he said Rex always had their back, to me that's vague as again any good coach would have his players back, that does not mean you get away doing stupid **** without any fall out. But does say if your benched your coach isn't going to say to the media "it's for XYZ" instead like BB always says "it was what was best for the (smack) team (smack) and gave us the best chance to win." Lol (BB truly hates Press conferences lol)
  11. Very true, and he is in his 70's. I would think he want to retire. I also think he had a great run in NY, 2 SB wins and probably have more if he did t have Eli "Jeckyl and Hyde" Manning as his QB.
  12. Is Pick 6 Fitz starting for the Jets or is it their 3rd string QB this week? Does anyone know?
  13. One Huge difference IMO is Coughlin brought an EXPANSION team to the playoffs ina couple of years. That is just impressive to me! I have always loved Coughlin ever since he was HC of the BC Eagles. (I dare say if he had stayed just 2 more years BC would have won a National Championship and if you know BC you know how unbelievable that is!)
  14. I agree, but as the talking heads say up here it also depends if they see him as Brady heir apparent and want sight him long term. (Brady's contract is so team friendly that they could sight Jimmy G to a similar one and be about the league average.)
  15. I think that would work. I have a feeling BB will hold out till Josh has moved on to a HC gig or decides to stay before making any trade. But ya clevelands 2nd and say there 5th would def work! (It's pretty much a late 1st and late 4th pick lol)
  16. No they still have to pay him the 7 mill (minus however many games he misses for suspension) unless they cut him. Then he gets nothing.
  17. That's the asking price. That's like not buying a car because the sticker says $40k but you only want pay $35k. No team starts low and goes higher, you start high and negotiate down. Like I said I don't see atrade happening tillJosh moves on to a HC gig. Let's be honest for a team who hires HIM as the HC it makes the most sense to trade for Jimmy G. as we all know he works well in Josh system of O he will bring with him.
  18. Bills are not a joke organization. IMO your owners are still learning the ropes of how to be an NFL owner. I heard Bob Kraft say he made a lot of stupid mistakes his first four years and that it was as much his fault as Pete Carroll s that hedidn't succeed here as head coach. So he got it right after 4 years of ownership and brought in BB to oversee all football related issues and ever since been running like a well oiled machine. I think right now the Bills ownership just going threw growing pains and the Bills be fine in a couple years when they figure out what works for them.
  19. I doubt they cut him, if they do God does he have a BB FA sighning written all over him. (Sighs low to a 1 year prove it deal and BAM lol)
  20. Lmao except if McDaniels gets a HC job (which all reports say he is going to get) it would be just like that. He would be trading for a QB he knows and knows his system already and PROVED he could run his system. Say hypothetically he lands in Jacksonville, would it not be in his best interest to send hit top 5 pick in the second round and say a 4th TD pick for a QB he knows would work in his style of Offense? I say that's the easiest trade ever! Hell I bet he even give up his 1st and say a 6th for him...
  21. IMO I think it will take a first OR like the top 5 pick in the second round.. otherwise it's best just to keep him and hope for a 3rd round comp pick if he leaves.
  22. Because he isn't a good coach. The D is the same as it has been since his predecessor. Also he doesn't see a need to cheat? Guess you missed his blatant trip of a player then. You can't get any more BLATANT cheating than that. And I hate him because he whines whenever he loses no matter WHO it is to... he loves to whine about the headsets up here no matter HOW MANY TIMES he is told that it's controlled by the NFL. Mind you his D sucks so that's a good thing..
  23. Deranged Rhino, How is improving a team from 4-12 to 9-7 not impressive? Even with Brady out that only adds 2 wins he added 5 more that's impressive IMO. Also 1 game under .500 against BB and you think that is bad? Have you SEEN the record for the AFCE against the Pats with ANY coach? (It is not that close ton.500) he also made the playoffs once. A stat that most Bills fans would find as a positive. As for O'Brien he took the job that was available and he thought he have the best success in after Penn State HC gig. He was right so far. I'm not saying Patricia the next BB but he could be a damn good HC if given time. The ONLY team BB truly dispises is the Jets. Troy Brown has said more than once that BB drills them harder for the Jets week than any other week and if they lost the next week of practice was hell.
  24. To back you up more 3 HC In 6 years! That's a lot the Phins if you count Campbell have had 4 since 2008.
  25. Lmao you are probably right! I think he will be offered a job maybe even two... it will be interesting if he feels they offer him a chance to succeed. (Sigh another year having replace both Coordinators for BB he will promote from within as usual. lol I wonder if his son Steven get the DC position.)
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