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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Dad what just happened? Son a once in a life time play and you were here to see it! Come on dad, this is a joke right? No team in the NFL is dumb enough not to cover a kickoff in the end zone!
  2. So you want a QB who doesn't give you a chance to win the game EVERY week?
  3. What I want the Bills to be is good competition every time my team faces you.
  4. That is irratic and hardly a way to develop a QB. A great way to destroy his confidence though.
  5. And in other news all four NCAA final teams could beat the Jets and Browns.. lol well at least Alabama can
  6. I think this game means less about him being resigned no matter how he does. IMO he will be resigned to a 1 year deal IF they cut bait with TT. If they keep TT then EJ walks.
  7. In all seriousness, what does that show? The Jets have packed it in and I did not see ANYONE even trying on that team For the last 3 weeks. Does it mean EJ has talent? I think everyone knows that. It against the Jets who would probably lose to the Browns by 30 right now it really doesn't prove or show anyone anything.
  8. ROFLMAO BB is like a God up here. I don't think money or anything else make him move to another team Hard to get the type power he has up here never mind the ability do pretty much anything with very little questions. Now the emperor wishes you to grovel... do not make him mad.. loo
  9. Just my opinion, but by making the playoffs it would help the Bills recruit FA to Buffalo. A lot of players want to win that ring and with Buffalo MAKING the playoffs you make yourself more attractive.
  10. Great post! What I will say is MAYBE the style of O he tried to put in just didn't mesh with the talent there. I am sure it was similar to what the pats use. Which is heavy on the QB and WR being on the same page when reading a D. I know in NE the WR has 2-3 different routes he can run depending on the coverage he sees.
  11. No one considered Weis a genious up here, but the HC A took over for him in ND won with the talent he recruited and then sucked with his own recruits. And College is diff than pro.
  12. Hmm reading your post makes me wonder if he was a HC elsewhere and BB retired if he would do a BB and quit and become the Pats new HC. (I may be reading to much into the love of New England lol)
  13. I agree with Indy as well. He would be drooling coach Luck. Mind you he need like a ton of FA/ draft picks fix that OLine. But I see only 3 stops be interested in jumping for: Indy, LA, and SD. Although with SD probably moving he may stay away from that one.
  14. I wouldn't b overly shocked if he stayed and waited for BB to retire to take over NE. As you said the system is already in place and he would keep the staff as is.
  15. So now an independent company not owned by Kraft is conspiring to hel them? Wow you guys are right up there with Mike "I'll trip ya" Tomlin. Mind you the whining I am talking about is when he AND Big Ben whined about the pats D line shifting at the last second. They both whined that they thought that was illegal. (No idea why, as D does not ever have to be set like the O and can move around as long as they don't cross the line of scrimmage) so yes he is a whiner who would have been fired by 3/4 of the league years ago when the team went to mediocrity. Except the Pats are to the Steelers, what the Broncos in Denver are to the Pats. I can't remember losing to them in the playoffs. Now the Ravens and Broncos.. God they been thorns every time.. but not the Steelers.
  16. Hold your hoses on Gase. The Dolphins have played very well but have played the WEAKEST schedule in the NFL. (Pats had the second weakest )
  17. I am guessing you meant earned that luxury. we all have earned that luxury when we have that job. When we are younger we jump at the opportunity for a promotion and more money, but when you get older and wiser you check that company out make sure it's a good fit for you and that you will be gainfully employed for awhile. That's no different than his situation. My question to you is, WHY would he WANT the Bills HC job? i mean there are a few reasons not to take the job like: 1. Turnstile at HC 2. One of the most undisciplined teams in the NFL. (Ranked the worst or near the worst for Penalties in a game last 2 years.) 3. New ownership 4. A side of the ball he is not an expert on that has completely collapsed over 2 years dispite having talent. So I am sure he sees a lot red flags.
  18. Cutler sucks! And that's been proven over and over. MacDaniels even back then could judge QB talent. Marshall was a cancer till he finally landed in NY. People forget how he acted everywhere. The one mistake he made was a poor choice for QB from the draft, Like that's a mistake a ton of people have not made. (How many top 2 picks in the NFL draft have been busts at that position.) also who knows WHAT TeBow could have been if MacDaniels had coached him up for another year or two. (Maybe his accuracy goes to 55%)
  19. I honestly thought Romeo would end up being a good HC. I absolutely loved him as the DC and he like Patricia worked miracles at times. I am not sure why he failed. Weis I personally thought would be an awful HC. And it's apparent so did NFL teams as he never got a pro gig offer. As for MacDaniels, ya I think he will be successful as a head coach basically because he is not jumping at just ANY opportunity but one that he sees a clear path for success. (Also wouldn't surprise me if he stays in NE as BB will probably retire within the next 5 years.)
  20. He had 28 games! That said he was young and tried to be BB instead of himself in Denver. That just doesn't work, there is only one BB. Also don't worry I say there is a 30% chance he is hired in Buffalo.
  21. Great points Gunner! It's also been talked about a lot up here is that he is very happy with his job right now and the opportunty would have to blow him away for him to move his family again. (One of the reasons he didn't even interview last year was. Because he didn't even want consider a move.) People think I am crazy when I say McDaniels will not go anywhere without BB blessing. I stand behind that statement still as he respects BB opinion, in regards to football, over everyone else's.
  22. lol that could work against the Bills as well. Josh: so that Head Coaching job where you work?? Friend: No! Stay far away it's a dumpster fire, place sucks... Lol friend could bad mouth the team as much as praise it.. it's a turkey shoot there. For McDaniels IMO the Bills job is less attractive because they turn over HC so quickly. I mean the Bills have a lot of nice pieces on O and D just like LA. Difference is LA Rams shown they have a lot of patience to allow the HC to succeed. (I mean fisher was with them for YEARS and never came close to winning!)
  23. The Pats were a playoff team before BB showed up, even went to the SB and lost to the Packers. (Tuna threw that game away.. kicking it away like that. Grrr lol) Pats will be fine when Brady retires, maybe not SB contenders every year but still a competitive team as long as they keep FOOTBALL people in charge of FOOTBALL decisions. IMO the true test of the set up will be when the head of football Ops retires, aka BB. That's when the structure will have be reset a bit. Also people really have to look at Cleveland with BB he brought them to the playoffs and won a playoff game. Then the owner announced they were moving and the wheels fell off.. BB was going be successful in Cleveland till the owner screwed Cleveland and BB over. But a clear case of people remembering only the last year and not the body of work done.
  24. Yolo, You are 100%correct. Josh is not going anywhere UNLESS he thinks it is a perfect fit and opportunity for him. He has by far the 2nd most secure job in the NFL and he also knows this would be his second bite at the Apple and if he failed again he prbl wouldn't get a 3rd. I think LA intrigues him because they have all the pieces on D already along with a young Raw QB a RB who has shown the ability be great. All they really need is coaching and a WR or two.
  25. Aren't they expecting Bridgewater back for the beginning of next year? I'm pretty sure he is the Franchise QB for them. (He led them to the playoffs last year and a win if their FG kicker didn't miss an easy kick.)
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