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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. All I am saying is you MAY get a diamond in the rough... you don't know till he starts coaching.
  2. lol I thought it was odd.. and how did Jerry " I am the poster boy for meddling owners" Jones a " new" style of owner? I am honestly asking cuz I don't know. (I know how Kraft is different, building his own stadium with his own money and NOT publicly funded etc)
  3. Bills were injured all year long on the D side of the football so your D should improve just with health. The Phins played a weak ass schedule this year and probably go 6 - 10 next year. Ajayi isn't catching anyone off guard again. I also predict a sweep for the Bills of said Phins and a split with the Jets. Also why don't you give your HC a chance before you write him off already.
  4. lol speaking of which did you or anyone else see the NFL commercial where it said "the next" (show Cowboys Dax) vs the Best (shows Tom Brady). Even my wife who hates football said "damn guess the NFL already saying who they want!
  5. Even great teams lose SB to inferior teams. That's why you have to have the ability keep going to the Playoffs, the more bites at the Apple the better chance you have to win it all.
  6. They will, but by the fourth quarter it will be 45-0. So sadly still ablow out and Jimmy G in NE>>>>> Osweiler so they would still score 14 by throwing to Floyd lol They will, but by the fourth quarter it will be 45-0. So sadly still ablow out and Jimmy G in NE>>>>> Osweiler so they would still score 14 by throwing to Floyd lol (I mean if our 3rd string QB could get 27 what will Brady get.
  7. No I am enjoying the ride, sadly football conversation on Pats board well suck.
  8. No because every team in the AFC that played this weekend he would have dropped 40 on... only team make it interesting would been the Steelers. Lol
  9. Ya been very weak Football, hopefully next weekend we get a couple good playoff football games.
  10. Well let's take Miami as an example. They had the chance with :27 left to score at least a FG or TD to cut the deficit to 10 or 6 and getting the ball back to start the third quarter. That could have changed the game completely. Add in the other 2 turn overs and their is the Steelers win. (So they are close just not ready yet)
  11. I could be wrong but I wasn't impressed with them against the Lions. Their first TD was a blatant PI on the offense and Stafford missed open throws. Matt Ryan isn't going miss them and its in Atlanta... I see Hawks v Dallas for thE NFC Championship perhaps Hawks v Packers who are red hot.
  12. Makes me think the difference between the good teams and everyone else is just that much higher. (Mind you the Oakland/Texans game been a lot more competitive with Carr.) Huh? Maybe you miss read my post... especially since EVERY GAME WAS A BLOW OUT!
  13. Ya then the wheels came off for the Giants FAST. What's sad is I can see 2 games being competitive and the other two blow outs next weekend. (I see the Pats laying the Texans out and Atlanta blowing out the Hawks.)
  14. I think this has to be the worst wild card weekend in YEARS. I mean unless the Giants score late here the highest points scored by a losing team was 14 and the lowest by a winning team was 26. And not one was close in the 4 th quarter.
  15. If I am a Dallas fan I am a huge cheese head tomorrow. No way I want see the Giants for part 3.
  16. Well either KC or my Pats will have an easy game next week.
  17. Lol NO! The Pats D would shut out their O and well no one shuts out Brady.
  18. Come to this site from my phone and it won't let me edit it. But damn grammar police here.. DAMN!
  19. Yup it was way easy schedule. But ya play who they put on the schedule. Not like college where you pick cupcakes to face lol. Very True! I seen a lot of worse CB out there and he is def top half of the league.
  20. TheBandit, I would place Gilmore probably in the 11-15 rang as a CB. Good but not elite. I still take Butler,Sherman,Peterson, Talib,Newman,Norman,Harris Jr., Roger Cromartie, Newman over him and I know I am missing a few.
  21. I agree! He is the unsung third member of the Pats Championship tree. They won nothing without him. (And almost got Brady killed behind that line last year in Denver.)
  22. (Sarcasm on) oh how mean you all are! That's it we are suspending the Bills for a year because you are talking about a woman as if she was a sexual object! The HORROR! (Sarcasm off) Sadly these post are similar to ones that got college teams suspended for the year for being "incensitive". Lol
  23. I am not arguing tha he is a bad corner, but rather an incomplete one. If he isn't going tackle well then he better have an island like revis use to when it comes to coverage skills lol. Also I wouldn't read to much into a snow,windy game against Brown either. Trust me in normal wether he get smoked occasionally by Brown. (He does it to everyone.)
  24. I love BB but Cannon improvement is do to the greatest acquisition the Pats made in the off season. The return of Scar as OLine coach! That man works miracles with almost anyone on the line! The Pats OLine under him was always top notch.
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