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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I literally spit my coffee out laughing. Thank you that reminded me of my Papa old saying of "I got underwear with more mileage than him!" lol I miss that guy.
  2. He hates the Rams owner who owns the stadium. Per him he hopes they suck so bad (both teams) that the stadium is empty for every game when it opens. I can't blame him, St. Louis offered to PAY for a stadium and the jerk owner said "no I want LA" . So he wants him to be hurt in the wallet by no one showing up or buying their merchandise.
  3. They are passed heart broken, they are pissed off and even my father in law (a die hard Rams fan) cheered even for the Patriots beat them this year. He wants the stadium be empty in year 1. When it opens.
  4. Lol I saw on bleacher report. Sean McVay 30 years old, BB coaching in the NFL 43 years.
  5. Sigh amazing how ignorant people are on the subject. First he already owned the land! Second he wanted ONE thing and got hem to blink. Amazing how people twist it.. then again there is a bill fan calling him a drunk and a gold digger.. even though he MADE all the money.
  6. Jets have so many former employees working for the NFL and commish they, if they are cheating, would never get more than a slap on the wrist.
  7. lol yes he "pushed" publicly for Jon Bon Jovi and friends. Why? Because he wanted Buffalo to move? Maybe, more likely to keep his football Guru happy as he is a HUGE fan and friend of Bon Jovi. Sometimes public supporter isn't private support... As for the raising the revenue I am like in awe you think 2 owners have all that power. Especially since one is a relatively newer owner in the league in Kraft. The fact is every owner wants make more money, it doesn't take the others to sway a person move from STL to LA where the market is like 10X the size. (I agree the people in STL got hosed by that owner ) your making up a conspiracy when the truth is the owners, every one of them want to maximize their profits and for some they feel that is to move the team. (Raiders have moved how many times in 20 years) there is no conspiracy just owners wanting make more and more money. They are successful business men and or the lucky sperm that inherited it all.
  8. I knew about the help the Bills gave the Pats and the old Sullivan family. (Didn't take any issue with that statement.. pats were poorly run and were lucky To get the help.) as for "pushing" teams out of markets, if that was true the Jags would have moved by now to LA or anywhere else as that market sucks. Again my ONLY statement was (paraphrasing) he paid for his own stadium and only asked the state to do something they should have done anyways! Which FYI goes along with this thread. again I gave you my opinion on your drunk statement, and will leave that where it is. As it is a pointless discussion. So again to reiterate... I am proud of the fact that NONE of my tax dollars went into building the Razor and any money spent was to fix the infrastructure around the Razor is well what taxes are for. How many teams can say that their football team took 0 dollars to build their stadium.
  9. Wow I understand the hate but every single topic on Kraft drunk was not at an inappropriate time. SB game, home. Calling him a drunk is absurd and well makes you sound just dumb. Mind you have no idea what this has to do with this thread, which my original post did. So if you have issues with me PM me otherwise let's not ruin the thread with a silly side argument.
  10. Your still the tool. I see reading isn't one of your better subjects. He was away from talks for a month during her final days and returned after her funeral to finish the agreement that again the players like Saturday thanked him for doing.
  11. Now if you could say that in ENGLISH. It would be appreciated. I heard Kraft called a lot of things, never a drunk before. As for what Ralph did with the worst owners in NFL History the Sullivan's GOT TO DO WITH Kraft is beyond me. Also your conspiracy theory is just that a conspiracy theory.. also had nothing to do with what was said... thinking maybe your drunk. Your a tool. 1st she had passed before he went and helped work out the CBA (which players thanked him for.) second he made his money as he bought the place his wife's father was president of in 1972. But I love the hate.. let it flow threw you embrace the hate..
  12. Kraft never asked for money for the stadium, he had been asking since he bought the team for better roads and an off ramp to the highway so it wouldn't contest Foxborough up every Sunday. I will not defend my fandom, just because my team been good so long doesn't mean I don't remember th Zoe, and Miller days at QB. My fav player of all time was Andre "black belt" Tippett.
  13. Makes me smile knowing the owner of my team wasn't a jackass like that. He threatened to move to RI if the state of Massachusetts did not improve the Infrastructure around the Razor but he paid for the stadium 100% on his own. Sad that is rare amongs all these BILLIONAIRES.
  14. . I think everyone here is missing a major point. No QB is a sure fire Superstar. Hell I say Luck has failed big time to his expectations why? Sucky coaching! You give him a good coach like in Reid,BB, or Carroll to name a few and the Colts are 1st overall year in and year out. My point is simple it doesn't matter WHO is drafted at QB if you don't have a coach to get his potential out.
  15. I doubt he is there either Cleveland, Chicago, jets, or even the chargers pick him up.
  16. I just had an evil thought... what if the Patriots go from Brady to Jimmy G. And they don't skip a beat and keep winning. Lol it could happen as long as BB stays to coach him after Brady retires.
  17. NFL wants Dallas , NE.. had an ad already the next v the best showing Dax and Brady.
  18. I also said he is a stop gap, that is if you believe you have your QB of the future but need a year to get him up to speed.
  19. Simple you expect them be good enough to win 2 or 3 games by playing within themselves and not making big mistakes.
  20. Insay the GM in Atlanta been pretty good as has O'Brien.
  21. Not what I meant when I said the comment. Basically they can go anywhere, but outside of Mangini they all got BB blessing before taking the job. I doubt he give the blessing for any AFCE team thus they rarely interview with them.
  22. Hoyer is a GREAT backup and a good stop gap for a year MAYBE two. He will make the easy throws but don't expect him to carry a team to victory on his arm alone.
  23. Hmm those would have been interesting games: NE v KC oak v Pitt I dare say Oakland with a healthy Carr beats Pitt in that matchup. Mack would kill Big Ben all game.
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