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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. THIS YEAR insay all 4 are easily in top 5. Over their careers I say Big Ben has a solid argument to be in there and Matty Ice is probably 7-8... still damn impressive list for the final 4.
  2. Did you see that grab by Cook!? One of the best catches I have ever seen. (Keeping his feet in and making that grab was more WOW for me than OBJ one handed grabs)
  3. Maybe he feels if the Pats win it proves why it is so hard for Buffalo to make the Playoffs. If your in the divisionnwhere the AFC SB Rep comes from 50% of the time it makes your division the toughest in the AFC. OR more likely he feels if Brady wins another ring maybe he gets bored and retires so the Bills have a better chance.
  4. Loo Evans made the scape GOAT but I seem remember a FG kicker BADLY shanking the game tying FG. The football goads were with the Pats that day. Also the Pats D (outside of when we had Revis) was always inferior and unable hold leads. I don't know about this years version yet but we will see on Sunday.
  5. That we do, but we also bhave a lot of young fans who have never seen a bad year. They were losing their collective minds when KC crushed NE a few years ago...
  6. And let's see the QBs that the tough Steeler D faced against the same QBS: Ravens: 24 (average) pats: 23 Bengals: 18 (average) Pats: 17 Dolphins: 21 (average) Pats: 19 (average) Bills: 20 pats: 20.5 (average) The one top tier QB they faced in DAX they gave up 35 points. The worst game for NE D was 31. I took out the Jets because they really stopped trying when the Pats played them last and IMO skew the numbers. I also took out Cleveland because the Steelers were resting players and also would skew the numbers. So NE against common opponents their D has out performed Pitt D. So with the Os being roughly equal in potency I give the D edge to NE.
  7. Translation "ya your a dumpster fire and have changed coaches like underwear and I have a good thing here so Thanks but no thanks!" That's taking out all the nice PC stuff loo
  8. Steelers D plays a lot of zone which is great againsta team like KC, but a team like NE where the players run to open holes in zones and a WB who throws to spots is a killer for that style of D. Which is one reason the Pats are successful against them. I was a lot more worried about KC and their D than Pitt and that D. I mean there is not a scary D left in the race.
  9. They had a hard time scoring on the #7 scoring O, this week the killer BS face the #1 scoring D. Also their D faces the toughest O they have seen since well the last time they faced the Pats. Add in the fact the Pats played awful on Saturday. I see Pitt losing in double digits. But hey I am a fan. As for cheating? You sound like Tomlin the whiner that he is. "Oh the Pats D line moved at the last second (whine) that is illegal" nope you dope it isn't.. sad that Big Ben said the same thing.
  10. Saw a bleacher report saying he declined the SF job. He has more than once said he will not leave unless it is the perfect job in his mind. He is rather happy up here (what OC wouldnt be)
  11. as my dad would say Tomlin has more excuses than a hooker in church! Lol
  12. QB driven as 2 of the 4 eliminated SUCK as a QB...
  13. IF McDaniels takes the SF job then Jimmy G. Will go there for their 2nd and 4th. With Watson to Cleveland, Broncos start Lynch next year. You don't spend a 1st round pick and make him sit unless you have a Farve like QB in front of him.
  14. The refs were horrid in that game! But they also came within 1 hold call not being made to going to OT. Bills O is top 10, but IDK Hill may be on the same level as Watkins... to early to tell. But the Chiefs have a top 5 D unlike Buffalo.
  15. Dallas shot themselves repearedly in the foot in yesterday's game! They spotted GB a 18 point lead from said mistakes otherwise insay be Dax instead of Rogers next week. Also the old adage of defense wins championships is out the window. I think only 1 top 10 D is left in the final 4? (Not even sure of that. Lol) Brady NEVER goes to the Pro Bowl even if he could. So potentially have all 3 slots open
  16. Lol like the Pats and us fans didn't know that Tomlin hated them. SHOCKER! I mean what is that guys record against the Pats like 3 - 11. The Pats are to the Steelers what the Broncos are to the Pats, and that is a team they just lose consistently to for whatever reason.
  17. He had no choice on that one it was way way late by Clooney who will be getting a note in his locker from the league for it lol
  18. I like Mitchell too, if Hogan is healthy enough to go next week I see Floyd being scratched. Floyd looked gawd awful.
  19. Bennett missed one play, Hogan will probably be replaced by Mitchell next week who is actually a better route runner as well as a deep threat.
  20. KC has a much better chance as they have a good D. Brady would pick the Steelers D apart and score 40 at a minimum. While KC has the front to cause havoc like the Texans did.
  21. He's better than Fouts, and if I heard the guy on FOX say one more time "Atlanta has speed on offense" I was going to scream!
  22. Lol he said "Chung was all over that route" he was covering the Texans TE and he had him well covered. He wasn't the one with the INT.
  23. You relocate to places that want teams. Like Toronto or Mexico City, vegas etc
  24. You really need see a doctor for that case of BUTT HURT you have. I mean it is one of the worst I have ever seen. I mean I ask a simple question and your butt hurt completely broke out.. very sad you should seek medical attention immediately!
  25. Honest question, how many times have the Raiders moved in like the last 20 years? Seems they are always on the move.
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