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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Like in 2007 when Eli was called in the grasp or that the helmet catch was not a catch.. because of holding?
  2. Technically it's easy to do 4.. Brady,Bledsoe,Jimmy G, and Jacoby Brisett. (They all started lol) hell 5th be Cassel so even the band wagon fans should get 5! Butvya we have a lot of bandwagon fans I will not deny that, but what team with this long of a successful run wouldn't?
  3. He still may not be! Wentz showed great promise and he didn't have HALF the team that Dax did.
  4. Well I was like 4 then and you hear all the time how they blew it with Plunkett and I knew he was a Raider and thought that was the trade my bad..
  5. well I think he proved it was "us and not him" for those bad years lol
  6. I did the math on ALL QBs picked since 2005 and if all of the ones picked only 12% are Franchise or better.(with 2-3 to early to tell)
  7. Umm so your facing a top D and you score late to take the lead and it is his fault the D can't. Hold onto it and that the Giants in one case got like 2 miracles to happen?? Again a team sport and 4-2 is better than 4-0.
  8. 1. Brady 2. Bledsoe 3. Grogan 4. Eason had one good year lol Can I count Plunkett even though they traded him to the Raiders? (Ugh talk about an incompetent organization back then.)
  9. Ok Cowboys organization >>>> the dumpster fire known as the Rams. Everyone KNEW they had a top O line and I think Eliot was a bigger key than Dax to that O resurgence. For an example if Kizer ended up with Shanahan as his coach i like my pick if he ended up in Cleveland.. not so much.
  10. Golf is an individual sport and you decide your own fate. Football is a team sport and as I mentioned in every SB (to date) Brady has staked the team to a lead with around 2 minutes or less on the clock there is nothing more annoffensive player can do than get the lead near the end of the game.
  11. That's a very good Question, and I honestly don't know I think it would depend on who those coaches were and if they kept the O system in place. (Sort of what happened with Manning they kept that O the same.) if the O scheme stayed the same my guess would be yes. (Again I am biased)
  12. I voted Kizer because he has all the tools to be a good QB. Like everything else though it all depends where these guys end up and who their coach is. (IMO be a better poll AFTER the draft.)
  13. To be fair only other coach with the job security he has would be Tomlin. (And I doubt he has as much but he is the next one IMO) The Steelers just don't fire coaches.
  14. And also add Brady had given the team the lead in those two losses with around 2 minutes to go. So he was def clutch!
  15. BB offer them a 4th and a box of DD coffee for him lol... but OMG him with Brady,Gronk,Edelman and Lewis. Talk about a TD machine!
  16. So your saying if he was on the Pats he been traded by now for a comp 4th round pick lol.. (that wouldn't fly here)
  17. You mean he doesn't like CHEF! But I thought he was one of the best coaches in the NFL! (Sarcasm)
  18. I saw that too, and I thought that was the dumbest thing I ever heard. Way out WAY WAY to much pressure on the kid let's make him a great before snap one. Why not just say "the most talented QB I have ever seen.." truthful and not WAY out there..
  19. More athletic than a young Rogers was? I don't think ANY WB in this draft compares to Rogers, a QB whoneill probably be a 1st ballot HOFer.
  20. Only way it is not a close game is if either team gets a case of the drops or fumblitis from being on the big stage. The only other way I see a blownout is if Atlanta comes out over hyped and just lays an egg for the first quarter. (They be down by 14 or more by then.)
  21. IF they did that they better have cut TT because you just sold the farm and all the cattle so he better be your day 1 starter.
  22. I can't blame him his body has been beaten up every year! I also think he has missed games do to injury the last 3 years? (I am positive the last 2 seasons.) he takes some nasty hits, every bit as nasty as the ones Cam Newton gets and he has been getting them for a lot longer time.
  23. Fans have more power than you expect. They can get people shipped out of town in order to keep the seats filled and or get someone fired. Fans effect the bottom line for $$ which effect the FO which effects the coach which effects the Players.
  24. I think an even better example is when he signed Welker (giving up a 2nd and 7th round pick) and traded for Randy Moss for a 4th round pick for the 2007 season. That was loading up BIG TIME for Brady.
  25. If he is not resigned I see Denver picking him up and being his first choice. He would be a huge upgrade and is a young QB that be perfect with that D. But could they afford him?
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