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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Notice I didn't defend Spygate, that I admitted to. But deflategate a pretty pathetic joke considering the amount of lies came out of NFL HQ.
  2. Ahh the cover up line, the one the NFL made up with no facts. FACTS: Brady destroyed his phone AFTER he met with Wells and told him in no uncertain terms would he give him access tonsaid phone. (Farve did the exact same thing and got a 25k fine for the hole thing.) All texts that were football relevant were given to the league who IMMEDIATELY then leaked one to the press. (You know the one about Bradybsaying Manning only had 1 or 2 years left. If they didn't get access to his texts how did the league get that text.. hmmm ) Goodell lied in his Appeal findings when he stated Brady denied talking to Yaz about deflategate. We know this is a lie because the transcripts clearly show Brady said "ya I wanted make sure he was doing his job and we probably did talk about it" The NFL had no idea what the ideal gas law was. A multi billion dollar corporation whose livelihood is pretty much effected by said law. Then go and hire a disgraced firm to run the tests. (Sorry no one should believe an outfit who literally said "second hand smoke does not cause cancer".) Meanwhile not ONE other study done ANYWHERE else agrees with their findings. NFL stated the Pats refused let Wells see Yaz and thebother guy a third time. False.. as they were not employees full time for the Pats they told the Patriots they would no longer cooperate and the Pats relayed said message. (Besides why a 3rd time.. Come on!) The text messages were incriminatingbto the two guys supposedly doing it. Yet amazingly it offers exoneration for Brady as he ripped into them when the YEAR BEFORE he got a ball that was at 16 psi. So basically he told them it happens again they are gone.. but no they couldn't taken it on their own do anything.. nope they are to dumb (eye roll) So the cover up is the NFL trying to cover up one of the worst investigations EVER! As for Spygate, it was the location of the taping and not the taping itself and it became illegal in 2006. (Mind you why the defense still used hand signals is beyond stupid anyways.) As for this silliness it's just sad fans (not anyone in particular )looking for something.
  3. Sticking to my Patriots 45. Falcons 24. Ryan throws 3 picks with Logan Ryan returning one for a TD. Falcons rally late but their D can't stop Brady.
  4. Lmao no need for the playbook when you have 18 game tapes on the O. SF Guy probably wanted see what a real Offensive playbook looked like.. I wouldn't be shocked if the Pats jumped a few routes in the game they run a damn good offense but they don't disguise much they just beat the other team to the ball.
  5. Couple years ago? You talking about the game that the Pats won with a last second TD to win it?
  6. Umm Weis,McDaniels, O'brien, then McDaniels again.. only been 3. On D I THINK it's roughly the same.. Romeo, Mangini, (no one), Patricia.
  7. Mangini is the only one knows why he turned them in. Outside of being career suicide I have no idea. Same thing goes for burning the tapes with Goodell, but as incompetent as he is nothing would shock me. As for You thinking Brady isn't the best, that's fine I just hate the revisionist history going on. The only FACTS we knew is what I stated anything else is speculation that can never be proven.
  8. True, but clutch is coming up big when your team needs you to. Getting the ball back with less than a minute to go and no timeouts and needing a TD isn't clutch that be pure luck.
  9. I got your point but golf is so vastly different than Football. In Goof you have complete control of how well you do where as football you do not. I would also say you couldn't call Brady anti clutch as he gave his team the lead in every football with around 2 minutes left or less, it's not on him if the D just can't make one more stop.
  10. Moral heart, yes because you never snuck into a movie or a game either. I already addressed this silly stuff earlier. Seeing as how Ralph bail out happened BEFORE the merger (ty Bills fan told me that) what he did wasn't the reason for it. The Pats went Bankrupt under the Sullivan's NOT for anything to do with the team but for the fact they lost more than their net worth on the Jackson Five reunion tour.
  11. Another unintelligent post on of all things "Spygate". I thought it was well known what happened. But again let's do this. Spygate was about videotaping the defense signals FROM THE SIDELINES. It was all about location of the video taping not the actual video taping. Also the only "report" of the Patriots supposedly knowing the Rams game plan by taping their walk threw was not only retracted by the paper a week later BUT also proven to be false as they ran it and the man had no real source. Aka he made it up. I also heard but to damn lazy look it up that the taping in that spot wasn't illegal till 2006. So if that's true all their championships were legit. As for deflategate they couldn't even prove anything happened and most now agreee it was so botched that neither side could ever truly get what we wanted.. THE TRUTH!
  12. 1. Everyone ASSUMES that they be 3-3 but for some reason always fail to remember that the Hawks had SUCKED all year on goal to goal situations with a yard or less to go. There is a very good chance he is stuffed twice and then an incomplete pass on fourth down as well. 2. Yes because Gronk would still trample over the defenders 3. I agree but like anything that depends on what team he was on.
  13. Elevator had a great coach as well and i will ask you one question you need ONE drive for a SB win who do you want Elway or Montana. Outside of you I doubt you get one other person say Elway.
  14. Dallas -- that was their undoing in the playoffs. Seattle -- they were a run first team but the last 2 years been very very pass happy. Denver - no that O sucked for 2 years! Pitt - while Bell is amazing, he is so amazing because of Big Ben and Brown being a threat. Add in the suspended WR next year and they would be even more pass happy. (Also had a hard time scoring TDs)
  15. Ok WOW! His wife was battling cancer for years! That's what finally got her there was no suspicion of foul play. I understand hating the Pats and any and every member of the team and even making fun of the owner, but this. This IMO is crossing a line and is not funny or cute in any way.
  16. You lost a TON of credibility when you said Elway > Montana. Elway couldn't carry Montana jockstrap. My proof is simple, he couldn't win the big game until he got a running game. Meanwhile Montana constantly won no matter the running game.. heck he elevated a crappy KC team to a playoff team. As for the Brady v Manning thing. I find it funny that a Bills fan is sticking to this even after almost every colt fan has conceded the argument to Brady.
  17. Bledsoe just fell off a cliff a lot sooner, that or Pete Carroll really really sucked as a HC back then.
  18. I must be consistent if it is true for one it is true for all.
  19. IMO No. the injury is not his fault and he showed every sign of being a good NFL QB. This just makes him one bad luck person.
  20. Thank you, that's why in that post you quoted insaid League.. (I wasn't sure if they were talking about that.) if it's pre merger it's before my time.. WAY before my time lol
  21. That sucks I hope he comes back as he had the mackkngs of being a good NFL starter and potentially a Franchise QB.
  22. Wouldn't it be logical that if you keep Taylor you use the draftbto rebuild your Defense and take the best available player on D in the first round, a WR in the second and then load up big time the rest of the way with D. Then go out and try find a good backup for Taylor in FA
  23. You obviously are CLUELESS as why they didn't have the money. The reason the Sullivan's needed a bail out from the LEAGUE was because they invested heavily in the Jackson 5 world Conquest Tour (or some stupid thing like that.) They lost more money than what their net worth was. So in other words THEY WERE BROKE! Matter of fact at this SAID time the Pats were drawing a considerable crowd as in 1986 they made the SB and got crushed by the Bears. Now your silly presumption of "fan support" is erroneous but let's say for argument those years in the late 70's and early 80's sold out.. that's an addition say 3 million. (Tickets were a lot cheaper!) Well considering they were in the hole big time and unable pay bills by MILLIONS I think it's safer to say that they still would have needed the bail out by the LEAGUE. They didn't do it to stop a move, they did it to keep continuity in the league. You can't have a team not make payroll. As for your "we are just better fans". Pfft the Pats have just as manybrabid and illogical fans as the Bills do, the difference is we have millions upon millions of band wagon fans too. I'm glad your such a rabid Bills fan, hopefully you will see another great team and your silly cynicism will go away and you can relax and just enjoy.
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