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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. They have won 2 SB in 3 years if they do it again next year that he 2 times BB and Brady have done that accomplishment. (Mind you winning 2 in 3 pretty damn amazing too.)
  2. Agreed, I blame the first play call when Ryan got sacked.. the next one IMO was the right one the only problem is the lineman DDT Long for the holding call lol. (It was so blatant it HAD to be called.) thankfully a game the refs did NOT make a difference. (Although I did make a mess when they called the penalty on the Pats on the blocked extra point.. )
  3. Ok where did my answer go.. lol Seymour,Harrison are twonoff the top of my head and butler could be but he is to young to know yet. (Top corner IMO right now.)
  4. Ya a great player like Manning may never have won a SB. Talk about a team that relied on just O to win his D was awful every year. (Including the Colts SB winning season they got hot in the Playoffs.)
  5. I must be odd, I say on a 53 yard FG attempt you punt. Because if you miss it you give them a short field or if they block it they could get the game tying TD. (It's not like the Falcons O was scoring a lot that game 21 points is a bad game for them..)
  6. Brady was on IR the one year Farve played for the Jets, and the Pats SPLIT the series with them still with Cassel as QB. Also how many QBs were destroyed, not only in the AFCE, but league wide by a lack of any real good coaches. I can count on 1 hand the number of good coaches in the NFL . (BB,Harbaugh, Reid,Carroll,and McCarthy and I'm not sold on Mccartthy.) the NFL Is in dire need of better coaches!
  7. They were over thinking. They wanted to put a TD up. The Falcons wanted a blowout score and that greed bit them in the ass.
  8. And that shouldn't be a knock on Watkins. I thought Brown was better than him till I saw the catches he made against my Pats. (I still can't believe the tip toe catch or the one he out wrestled Ryan for the ball.)
  9. I do not believe you could do that realignment l. The Patriots are an AMERICAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE Team.. not a National Football League team from the old days. That's what the SB about after all.. the old AFL V the old NFL.
  10. Hmm that's possible! I am not going to deny that. (I think most players are juiced.) Serious question, has the NFL ever run a good investigation? Even bountygate seemed poorly done.
  11. I get that! I think they were messing with the balls because he would fire them if he got a 16 psi ball again. So in a way was with his approval as he wants the balls X PSI. Mind you, even at "more probable than not" it is not a 4 game suspension..
  12. Tickets were down because ONLY Pats fans were buying pretty much. Did you hear the crowd last night? It went nuts for the Pats comeback and silent when the Falcons were playing well. The tickets would have been flying out at a high price if it had been Dallas, Seattle,GB against NE.
  13. That depends on the QB, how well he reads the D and who else is on the team as a WR. If he is the Bills only threat he gets nowhere near 1400 and 10 TDs. I say a more reasonable number be around 1000 yards 5 TDS (0robabky less since the Bills run it inside the red zone more.)
  14. Didn't read it did ya. I even said the two knuckleheads probably did something. (You can't even prove that since well they have no proof of PSI being below normal from said game.) I was saying the one thing bother apats fans is how BRADY was rail roaded. (I nean we all saw the dumb ass 2 psi crap for months. Meanwhile that was a LIE. We hear about Not having Brady phone or texts, but yet the NFL leaks said text about Manning that Brady sent a friend. If they had that text how did they not have access to his phone? The Goodell Lie in his Appeal findings. ( a fact easy to look up) anyone who thinks they (I mean BRADY) were guilty and that's that never bothered to look deeper than the headlines. The courts found that because of the CBA THE COMMISH COULD SUSPEND YOU FOR EATING THE WRONG PEANUTBUTTER. Nothing more..)
  15. I say those texts were seen based off the evidence that the text between Bray and a friend was leaked to the media by someone in the NFL. (No real proof otherwise but very compelling evidence IMO) One thing I never understood is they had the two knuckleheads phones (they were Patriot issued and Brady's was not) sonwouldnt any texts between Brady and them be on it and if you thought maybe they deleted them (which seeing as how they had YEAR old texts I doubt that.) youbhad access to the cloud check their old texts. There was no clear need for them to have his phone. IMO it was a smoke screen for the public to say "look he didn't give us his phone he is hiding something" when we all know texts go both ways and they would have had those texts already from said knuckleheads. ( I have a hard time believing Goodell and the NFL after the lie on the appeal findings and letting the false PSI numbers that were leaked by the NFL to stand for 7 months.) That said I do believe the two idiots did something. I think they did it after Brady layer into them when he got a 16 psi ball against the Jets. They were peons and this was Tom freakin Brady so they knew if it happened again their ass was on the line. So is it really a stretch believe they did it just to protect their jobs w the Patriots?
  16. Ahh ok then... I think that's a pretty high level to get Watkins to, just let Watkins be Watkins and enjoy watching him. Comparing him to one of the greats could just be setting yourself up for disappointment if he is just a good WR and not great in the future.
  17. Ok did I see someone compare Watkins to Julio Jones? Watkins is a solid #1 receiver absolutely NO DOUBT about that! But Jones is a freak of nature and makes catches that are just wow!! (Like almost every catch he had in the SB was like HTH did he catch that!)
  18. It was MILLIONS of dollars lol.. and Kraft can afford it.. and your right it is a billionaires club. now if you ask anyone who is a true Pats fan what still bothers them. It isn't the loss of picks or money but the railroading of Brady with no evidence. (Which was pretty much made rock solid Up here when Goodell lied in his appeals findings.)
  19. I was more or less talking about the stupid Rams walk threw part.. the Spygate (was just reminding people what that infraction was lol) as for deflategate ugh that one for some reason still ticks me off... (probably because the hole destroyed his phone thing makes him guilty. like people never heard of the cloud.. lol)
  20. Because on the most part people hear talk football without placing their heads up their collective butts. I also been on this thread for awhile....
  21. Mitchell will pass Hogan on the depth chart next year. That's not a slight to Hogan, I think Mitchell going to be special.
  22. 01 Rams walknthrew has been PROVEN not to have been taped and the only story retracted. Spygate was about WHERE they video taped NOT that they Video taped. Deflategate -- a joke of an investigation and anyone with an IQ knows had nothing to do with them winning.. But hey stay salty my friend!!
  23. And when that day come I will be on here telling you all what a great game that was!
  24. You got to admit that was one hell of a finish. I am a Pats fan and I never expected them to make such a comeback! I do believe our D played well(only gave up 21 points) and well Matty Ice gets lucky a lot I have seen a few passes just missed by Patriot defenders in this game that Julio made amazing grabs on (one he outmuscled Ryan for the ball.)
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