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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. What makes it worse IMO is the constant mess ups in his office. From the RaybRice incident "we never got the tape" to Bountygate where he suspended the HC for a year even though he was cleared of having any knowledge of said activity. The Commish office has been horrid on every investigation no matter what team it was on. I can't remember a more incompetent Commish in my life!
  2. Julien should been fired a month ago if not sooner. He is awful with young players. As for the turnout it be ok, I will not say a great turnout though.
  3. I think the fan base has grown from TB12 and BB. Just like the Bills fan base grew with Kelly and Levy. When they leave the bandwagon fans will leave but a lot will stay as they are now fans. (I became a fan in 1986 with Eason and the Pats squishing the fish and then getting stomped by the Bears. i remained a fan even threw the Ron Rustvyears God did he suck!)
  4. Lmao we did have scrubs back then!! Lol right up till when Bledsoe was drafted they all sucked! Hell I wanted Zoe to start since he shows more heart than the other guys playing the position back then.
  5. Did you see the stands after they won? The stadium was still practically full! The Pats played a home game in the SB. The Falcon fans should be ashamed of that. But as someone else said a lot more parties in these cities. Also it's the NEW ENGLAND Patriots they have not been the Boston Patriots for what now 50 years or so?
  6. I live on the North shore just over the border in NH it's a good 2 hours for me every game day. (Thank you traffic) I am calling your BS As if you were truly in Boston you would KNOW getting out of that city in the early 2000 was a freakin joke! The Big dig had screwed up all the streets still and was a nightmare so yes took a damn long time get out of that city and into Foxborough. Also BS you had "Pats fans" friends saying that's it. THE Parade was a small part of it the Rally was where everyone wanted to be and where the HUGE crowd was. Also the Parade route was from Foxoborough TO Boston so you didn't see ALL the people if you were there and paying attention.
  7. Now THAT one I agree with! There was not 1 Patriot fan not happy see the Giants eliminated this year. The Giants are the true Patriot Killer. Well then the Mannings in General be more likely keep us up at night as I am sure in 2006 the Pats beat the Bears and pretty sure they beat Carolina last year as well.. (although that AFC Game last year was amazing if you like good D football!) so with the Mannings together that's 4 more and they be 9-0 in SB.. and you thought you hated them now if THAT was the case you dispose them! (Losing is good sometimes...)
  8. I know I never seen acting like that befor even OBJ was like WOW! Lol
  9. I went LOL.. my point was look at 2001, THAT will be Buffalo when the Bills finally break threw someday. It's not right compare the 5th to a teams 1st. The 1st is ALWAYS ALWAYS more special! I was there too, and you couldn't MOVE at all near the stage it wa sthat jam packed and every outlet from Boston to Washington State said millions so ill take THEIR head count over YOURS. Also tempted just call you an out right liar then I looked at what you wrote and realized you got 2003 (which sucked as a rolling parade and the Sox were still a never champion) and 2001 mixed up. 2001 was nuts as it was the first championship up here since the Celtics. But it's ok you were here for college and got your years messed up, it happens! Roflmao ok genius you know how far Foxborough is from Boston? It's not a 5 month nuts drive for them to do what you said. It's more like an hour to two hour drive.
  10. Get back to me when the Bills have won their fifth lol. (I do believe there were THOUSANDS for there first win and they had millions upon millions for their first parade. That's actually why they changed it to a rolling parade after that since it was a safety issue.)
  11. Ok who has more playoff wins, more playoff TDs, more 4th quarter playoff comebacks Most yards in the playoffs See the stats you used is because the man been to a 1/3rd of the games Brady has and he isn't. 1/10 of the QB. Flacco never bet the Pats, their D did and one year their RB did. He truly SUCKS NOW!
  12. Lmao you do know Spygate was about WHERE the taping was done not the fact they taped the D signals. tobuse your analogy it's like the Government having a law saying you can sell drugs on the left side of the street but not the right side.. mind you the fact they were still using hand signals when the O had a mic into the QB was just a clear advantage to the O.
  13. Well still he should have known to RUN THE FOOTBALL lmao.. glad he didn't!
  14. Wasn't the Atlanta coach the OC for Seattle who called that play 2 SB AGO?
  15. Flacco will be out of the NFL in 2 years and only thing he owns is an over inflated contract that the idiots in Baltimore paid him. 1 SB appearance and a crappy QB.
  16. Wow! Matt Ryan one of the top 8 QBs in the NFL, I think TT is maybe top 16. He isn't in the same hemisphere as Ryan and that's not saying he is bad!
  17. It was actually BOTH guys grabbing each others Facemask. It was pretty obvious when they showed the replay. So it was a wash as they could have flagged either team for it or both. I actually told my friends watchingbwith me that was a GOOD PI to take as otherwise it's a TD and the games over. This way they had a chance to stop them or even get a turnover themselves.
  18. Wow, most will remember it as the greatest comeback inSB history, as that's how the NFL will promote it. So in 15 years what will be remembered is the Pats came back from 25 points down and won the SB! No one will remember a bad play call here or there, now had say the Falcons thrown an INT in the end zone at the end of the game or missed a last second FG you may be right but this will go down as an epic comeback.
  19. (Eye roll) youndo know you just proved me right? Since they made them Illegal the next year, they were LEGAL that year. What's so difficult to understand here?
  20. He also had a very bad neck injury that he came back from. Brady been fortunate in the injury department.
  21. His deep ball this year was pretty damn good, but it was weaker the previous two years..
  22. You sound like Harbaugh. The plays were LEGAL.. he just didn't know about them... so in other words he didn't do HIS JOB!
  23. Except for last nights game (which will be talked and replayed a lot on the NFL network.) most people don't remember how you win just that you won.
  24. Sanders rarely stayed healthy. Also look at the ads in the AFCE he would have been destroyed and probably considered a bust if not for the re alignment. The Bills,Dolphins and Jets usually always have a good D but a mediocre to bad O.
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