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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. What you called escapability and awareness I called Houdini lol. I also believe the Giants D won that first SB and Manning was along for the ride and got lucky as all hell. The second SB they had the better team, unlike what the poster said "inferior teams"
  2. Your right it will be a good game. But please stop smoking whatever your smoking! BB even here is considered the best HC in the NFL. (Hell even the JETS admit that!) again the Bills chance to win relies on your O controlling the clock! The Pats O will score, the Bills need to limit Brady's chances. I was hoping for some good football conversation. Am I being delusional myself? (You guys over here usually know your stuff.)
  3. See I call everything you said as being a good fan, right until you said McDermott would out menuever BB. That's beyond being a fan that's straight up delusional! (Not saying the Bills can't or won't win but it won't be because of McDermott out menuevering the greatest coach in the NFL BB) i notice you forgot Amandola, which is ok I forgot mention Hogan, white,Lewis, and Burkhead.
  4. Wrong! He won his first SB because of the Giants D. (Just like Brady won his first SB) and a lot of LUCK! (Houdini act, helmet catch, dropped INT) He won the second SB with the better team! They were even favored in the second SB to win.
  5. They have the RUN Defense stop the Pats? Maybe your looking at a different Pats team but they are Def not a RUN first team. I mean the Pats have this QB called Brady, be like the Packers being run first with Rogers.. makes no sense. that said the BILLS run O scares me as a fan. Because I see it as the Bills need control the clock and score TDs and limit the number of chances Brady gets. Because if the bills are up say by 4 with 2 minutes left and Brady has the Ball. IMO Pats still win.
  6. As a Pats fan McCoy scares me as the Pats D has been inconsistent at BEST against the run add in TT and the Bills could run all over the Pats. Mind you I still expect a Pats victory but not a blowout like so many on here are calling. I say 31- 21 as a final.
  7. I misunderstood what he meant by demise. I think demise I think 2-14 or 4-12 seasons. I agree with you as long as BB is coaching that won't happen. They will def take a step back with a younger less talented QB but right now I don't see a QB in theEast who is head and shoulder better than him.
  8. I understand your logic, but I wouldn't assume a Patriots demise in 3 years. Jimmy G. Looks like a capable QB and they have a young stud WR as well as a rather young Gronk still. (Although injuries may significantly shorten his career)
  9. Wow! I don't think anyone can have a logical conversation with you. You quote Butt hurt Faulk and still bringing up Spygate an offense long sense settled? Do you have any new proof!? And I swear you pull out bogus deflategate yiunwikk prove your clueless.
  10. Yes because owners of a team are going sag "no sorry your the best qualified but you made fun of the Commish with your Tahiti back in 2017." Come on man! They don't care if he called Goodell a tool.. they just want to win and make more money because they are winning!
  11. 🙄 I disprove your tinfoil hat notion for Sunday's SB and you drag up something from 12 years ago? Dude Spygate is long over and it had nothing to do with Offense!!! (Film isn't going to show you anything since they cover their mouth for TV so the tape wouldn't show that) as for the idiot FB, hmm could it be that you guys played the same type O all year! NO WAY!! 😳😳🙄🤦🏻‍♂ But really 12 year old articles don't forget sprinkle fairy dust for you trip back to never never land. Oh vay!
  12. Lol just to restate this I WAS TALKJNG ABOUT OTHER PATS FANS ON PATS BOARDS, I was NOT stating those as facts lol.. I understand how you were not cheering or even liked that SB. Hell I hated the 2nd quarter with outright anger.. lol
  13. As I said above more likely than not they call the more obvious one, which would have been on the Falcons as he tore the Patriots helmet off. (Pure speculation but that's how it usually seems to go.) Also it seemed like the sideline judge wasn't calling a lot all game. I mean I (as a Pats fan) remember Edelman being hit on a return AFTER he was out of bounds. (That could have made a huge difference as that's 15 yards up field)
  14. More than likely they only call it on one side. That would probably be the side that ripped the other teams helmet off so it would have pushed them back 15 yards instead of 10. Why do people forget that refs are human?
  15. You have the perfect nickname on here because you live in never never land.. everything you said as "fact" is actually fiction. There was no cheating the simple facts are: 1. The Falcons like idiots called a pass on 3rd and 1 up by 14 in the 4th quarter and got strip sacked. And unless your blind that happened because Freeman looked clueless on who to block. 2. After an AMAZING catch by Jones the Falcons on 2nd at 11 from the 22 yard line of NE call a pass play. When all they truly needed to ice the game was a FG. Matt Ryan is sacked and they are taken out of FG range. 3. The Pats doubled the time the Falcons had the ball so by the 4th quarter the Falcons D was gassed. They also were playing softer coverage as they didn't want to give up the big play. What this did was get Brady in Rythm and when they went back to playing tight coverage Brady was well Brady hitting on tight windows. 4. A Catch that is one of the top catches I have ever seen made by Edelman after the Falcons Cb ALMOST INT it. He literally caught it off a guy's foot. So all your dumb and Never Nver land theories are more easily explained by common sense. No benefit of the doubt needed just rational thinking.
  16. He has def done a great job at making the owners more wealthy! I also agree it's a strategy by the owners that he carries out, but he is like Barbie Fyfe type incompetent at times. (I mean being caught in outright lies as he has been hurts their image.) Mind you this all goes away after the next CBA when that article given him absolute power is negotiated away. (God knows what the players will have to give up to get it removed.)
  17. Huh? I was stating how the Pats boards are not here? I don't know how I was trolling stating how THEY act if you disagree with them?? 😳😳
  18. Well Bountygate I think they did something, but my point was the HC who was found by his own investigation to have nothing to do with it was suspended for a year. (Also if I remember correctly almost all his suspensions were either revoked or greatly reduced on appeal. ) As for the players taking him to court, I think the Appeal win in deflategate was the FIRST win the NFL has had in court in years against the NFLPA. (I remember hearing something about that but can't remember the exact details.) As for the CBA I think that's why the owners let Roger Goodell be so incompetent they Know He keeps handing out suspensions like he does the NFLPA will negotiate that clause out and give the owners $$ back. $$ all the owners truly care about. (Oh and I want stay on other teams as I like most fans am passionate about defending my own team. While others (that I neither like or hate) I can be neutral on.
  19. A lot do, but I think everyone has a story how THEY became a fan. I kinda remember the song for the Pats in 86 (made me laugh) was a twist of "leader of the pack (Pats)" and was about the HC and players.. hmm if Tippett had BB as his DC I bet dollars to donuts he been a first ballot HOFer. He was so misused by the team.
  20. I agree I just thought it was a good non call as it could have gone either way, (orl both) esp with the Falcon ripping the Pats players helmet off he probably been the one flagged as it was the most obvious. (Then people scream why wasn't it called on both) I disagree he grabbed Long around the neck and forced him to the ground. Even Troy Aikman saw that and he is usually blind. Also I saw on the Falcons site it is within 1 yard they can block. (Guy quoted the rule.)
  21. Wow! Now the Pats have ability inside a NEUTRAL site to effect the other teams headset. Also Matty Ice and their O scored 22 points THAT IS IT! And the Pats outgained them by 200 yards and ran double the amount of plays on O the Falcons did. So the D pass rush was GASSED and the coverage was softer and allowed Brady get inna Rythm once that happened they were screwed the Pats Oneas unstoppable, add in some dumb ass play calls like throwing it on 3rd and 1 with a 16 point lead and getting a strip sack and well the rest is history. No cheating involved if you just look at the numbers you see what happened
  22. I said nothing about the Pats, I just said his office is incompetent. I literally chose Ray Rice (Raven) where he said "we never got that tape." When they did and it was proven. (I thought at the time a screw up which is bad enough, now I think the man just outright lied.) Then I chose BountyGate (Saints) where he suspended Sean peyton even though his OWN investigation said he was completely innocent. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Then you can add on the Giants Punter who they KNEW about for a year his domestic abuse and never did anything. I can keep going with NON Pats examples of his OFFICE Incompetence if you like. I know he is the hit man for the Owners but these examples hurt the image of the league and none were owner driven to hide or not punish etc. (except maybe the Punter, but I doubt the Giants cared that much about a PUNTER!)
  23. ^^^ this and fans who don't say " your stupid TB12 is a gawd" or something like that if god forbid you think they could done something better. Or worse you defend them when they are playing bad (KC game 2 years ago.. that was hell on pats boards)
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