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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Proven that my team has done? WhT was Proven? That they taped from the wrong location? OMG the horror!! Or the balls were deflated? Wait that was DISPROVEN BY SCIENCE. Again, I wasn't calling your fandom into question but your ability see past obvious BS by the league... but let the hate run threw you.. we love it.
  2. Ahh the old they must have cheated because the NFL said so.. and we know the NFL aid never wrong. Please see Elliot, Ezikial about that! I will laugh at fans like YOU when the Bills get caught in a huge scandal, and tell the other fans to chill most intelligent fans can see threw the crap.
  3. Thankngod they untied my left arm and leg finally! I never thought they hold me to "I could. Eat them with one arm and leg tied behind my back" (note I said then not a particular team)
  4. ? well that is possible, maybe they should break the drought.. ? band I kid before God anyone goes off on how they want their team be morally superior.
  5. The only team be caught by the league? Really? I am not getting into it because you all have blinders on and BELIEVE your team is perfect and plays by the rules. The fact is EVERY TEAM has been caught cheating in one way or another. They all lost draft picks (like Dallas and Denver etc) been fined. (Jets) or officially reprimanded. Also Sticum WAS AND IS illegal and the 49ers used it to get a competitive advantage. Every team is looking for an advantage when they play, fact that some have to go and THINK that only one has ever been caught cheating is being delusional. Truth be told BOTH infractions were MINOR and blown out of proportion because of WHO it was. Spygate -- taping in the WRONG location. Was illegal but wasn't the taping but the local. Deflategate -- Hell the NFL has no proof deflation didn't happen naturally. You have anacdotal evidence like a guy going pee with the ball and in their for 90 seconds. And some text messages from 2 employees.. (mind you neither one ever had a text to or from Brady). Then the super intelligent will say "Brady smashed his phone proves guilt". Nope, Brett Favre refused give over his person phone got fined 50k and he was sending pictures of his junk to a reporter and they had the proof already! Now thats all all I am saying as I know I won't convince you as you won't convince me.
  6. OMG they used sticum when he was playing he said that when bashing Brady during deflategate. When they all went " that was illegal" he shut up. That said im not getting into that rabbit hole on cheating,
  7. Great point! I am obviously bias but I put BB as the Best HC in the NFL and then I see: Tomlin Carroll Andy Reid (?) and I can't think of another coach right now that is top tier good. Some are tonsoon tell but ya...
  8. Pats Had Peyton Colts and Broncos and we had the Steelers, and Ravens as well.
  9. Man you thought the Pack was going to pull that upset against the Steelers last week! Hunkey played IMO his best game yet! Just couldn't stop A Brown.
  10. Your right they never crushed an opponent. The 49ers also had the same team year in and year out while the only constant on all 7 pats teams is Brady and BB. Would they have been so dominant with FA and losing say Rice or Clark or any of their unsung D heros in FA? We don't know because they didn't have to deal with it. Would the Pats have crushed teams with a stable lineup and growing better every year? We don't know.
  11. I disagree, they would be good. It football isn't the same game now as then. I think we should stick to greatest of their generation type titles.
  12. Different eras different styles of football why it's hard say who is the greatest ever. I think Brady and BB should be in the argument but def the best in the NFL since 2000, and HC is getting god awful in the NFL.
  13. Wait the 49ers were cheaters too. Jerry Rice admitted to it. That said different eras and I hate comparing them. brady has taken the Pats to 7 SB in 14 years! (Not counting this year or year out injured) I say he deserves his place in the argument as best ever as 50% of the time your in the SB with him is shocking. Add in I think 11 AFC Championship games . That's almost 80%!!! I mean these number for TB/BB are scary.
  14. Dang I always thought Ray Lewis HATED BB and Brady. ? must just been his competitive juices when they faced eachother.
  15. Ok I am taking my shot at what I expect the game plans to be. I will probably be absolutely wrong but hey it's fun! Pats D: 8 men in the Box and a lot of 1 on 1 man coverage for our CB. I expect them to focus on limiting McCoy and forcing TT beat him with his arm. I also suspect on passing downs there will be one player shodowing McCoy to limit any yardage he gains by running. Bills O: your a running team so I expect a lot of McCoy and Play Action Passes. The Bills best chance at winning is keeping Brady as a spectator as long as possible. But if I was the Bills first play of the game play action pass and go deep to Clay or Watson if he is playing. Pats O: Business as usual a steady diet of Lewis and Burkhead running with Brady passing and changing the plays based off of what he sees from the D. Bills D: i expect them try try take advantage of the weaker LT if the pats start their 3rd stringer and Cannon is unable to go again. I think they can slow the Pats O down but I don't think they will stop them from scoring around 24 points at least. so what do you guys think?
  16. They need a vomit emoji for this... because any football fan threw up in their mouths a little bit at that thought.
  17. First the fans do not intimidate the refs, they never have. Second your formula is one set for disaster, the strength of the Pats D is their secondary now that they are finally all on the same page. The Pats right now suck at run stopping so why are you changing your team? You run the damn football till they stop you and limit Brady's touches because with the weapons he has he will score.
  18. Hogan I doubt plays it seems that injury is still bothering him and best have him 100% (or as close to it) for the playoffs. Gully as you guys call him is in BB dog house for the last three weeks, so if you see him it's more of BB saying "one last shot before you get slivers in your butt". I think it's common knowledge you fumble you get sit with BB he does not like it. As for Gilmore of course your going to see him he is a starting (over paid) corner on the other side of Butler with Jones in the slot and 2 very very good safeties. I am not worried as much about your WR as I am your RB and running QB.
  19. Jets D is very good and Oakland will both beat them with Denver having an outside chance. Again they just can't score I don't know what happened but they suddenly stink on O
  20. Dude, they aren't scoring points! There are ZERO easy games left for them. I mean they scored 9 against the Giants and 10 against you guys.
  21. I think the Chiefs are falling off a cliff. They lost to the GIANTS!!! So they will not make the playoffs. your race is with Baltimore, I agree on 2 certain losses then the Bills need them lose to either the Colts (Brissett isn't a bad QB just raw) or Cincy.
  22. Physically he absolutely felt it. But mentally all it may have done is pissed him off.
  23. I'm shocked I thought so many be licking losing to Cassell twice as the worst losses since well he kinda sucks. ?
  24. From the little st the Chargers, and Jags and the Jags would shut the Bills out. Add in steelers,and Pats NOT the same Jags team. That D is scary scary good. It is the only D as a fan that truly scares m.
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