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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. BB wasn't happy you know that when he said it was a BS move. This isn't the first time Gronk has gotten BB ticked off, he also ticked him off with the taunting penalty a couple years ago in Cincy.
  2. Am I out of line to think Goodell was just scared to give him 3 games? He is already under full attack by Jerry Jones and let's face it Kraft is not his biggest supporter so maybe he was just scared get two of the most powerful owners after his job? I don't know I fee 3 was warranted.
  3. It wouldn't be, they would launch a full scale investigation and state it was a planned out attack and fine and suspend the player and your coach and take multiple draft picks. Just ask the Saints..
  4. Reading this letter makes me wonder how the guy hit Flacco did not get suspended.
  5. Seems light, but he will not fight it as missing the Phins game isn't as bad as missing the Steelers game. (He should have gotten 2 games.)
  6. i will just say this, that's a dangerous slope you would be heading down because once you bring someone up on charges where does the line get redrawn so as to not get brought up on charges? A late hit out of bounds can be assault.. it's just a dangerous precedent to set. Let the NFL deal with it, then cheer or complain about the punishment then.
  7. I agree Gronk should be suspended, but that hit was nothing like that one or as a Bruins fan the one that ended the career of one of our star players a few years back (he was cheap shorted by a penguin and he never played again.) as for the the length of the suspension I could see 2 games heck I could see 4 games. But knowing how scared Goodell is right now with Jerry jones angry at him I have NO IDEA what he will do.
  8. I didn't know about either of those, so TY for pointing it out.
  9. See you ASSUME the same result. I don't it's not my fault you think a 6 foot man jumping on a 6'7 guy have the same impact as the reverse. I use physics to know it wouldn't be. Not even close.
  10. Honestly I think Gronk gets up and body slams him. Gronk is a much bigger man
  11. That's just wrong! But I THINK I said Brady and Brees get more calls and protection earlier. (Peyton as well when he played)
  12. He should been suspended BIG time for that hit. I still can't figure out why he wasn't.
  13. He does this after every game, or rather someone works for him does I suspect, and the gator is in each one of them and I have no idea why!
  14. Be careful, this is Rogers NFL if they hurt Brady watch an investigation be launched and the Bills lose Draft pics and the player suspended for a year. The NFL Players can't do this the league and their own owners be against it. These men are investments, now would I be shocked at low hits on Gronk? Nope.
  15. Only one knows WHY is Gronk. Inexcusable and I'm sure BB lost it on him in the locker room. No need for that not at that time. (Hell when I first saw it I thought someone hit him from behind he was launched so high.. absolute stupidity!)
  16. He was downright STUPID! An absolute Idiot move! i have said that numerous times. I suspect a game suspension with a hefty fine.
  17. This isn't baseball! And again the QB get 10X more protection than anyone else on the field. Why? Because that is the owners biggest investment. That doesn't even address the faces of the NFL WHO GET MORE. I get it your upset, but what your talking about is just plain dumb as dumb as Gronk was.
  18. So hurt someone who had nothing to do with the play? And probably get kicked out of the league for it? You forget how much the NFL protects the QB never mind the ones named Brady or Brees?
  19. Oh I believe he should be suspended for at least a game.
  20. I would love to tell you that will happen, but does anyone understand how the NFL a front office work? Their punishments never seem fit the crime. (I point to Elliot as an over punishment example, and Peterson as an under penalized punishment) he he should have complained to the refs that would have been the SMART play, what he did was beyond brain dead dumb!
  21. I wasn't defending him at all! (I even said in the in game thread it was completely unacceptable) I was saying WHY the NFL may not suspend him. I suspect it will be a hefty fine and a game or 2 suspension. (Also he was pissed because That guy literally held and PI pretty much the entire play with. O call. Again he shouldn't have done it, the game was well in hand and was just plain dumb and unaceptable.)
  22. Totally different game if TT doesn't throw that pick on the first drive.
  23. He may not be suspended because he doesn't have a history of this. As I said no excuse for it and if he is suspended I won't think it's unfair but if he isn't I wouldn't be shocked for the reason I said.
  24. He has like 4 sacks and an interception in 2 games.
  25. That was a stupid move by Gronk! Absolutely no excuse for it! I don't care if the guy was holding you the whole way. Absolutely stupid!!
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