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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. That's why the next week the refs did the same thing in a different game with two different teams. Once is an accident twice is a trend alsonhow wasn't that a catch? He was reaching out to put it into the end zone. He had control of the ball and I will argue his football move was stretching out to reach the goal line. Once a football move is made it is a catch.
  2. Common sense? The NFL? Common sense was that was a completion Dez Bryant had and not an incomplete pass.. common sense says the Jets scored a TD and didn't fumble it out of the end zone. Sorry but common sense has not reigned in the NFL for so long I can't remember it ever happening.
  3. Maybe he is from the future.. ? we have a lot of dumb bandwagon fans. A lot of them!!
  4. We will disagree on the call being wrong. But that's ok. As someone else shared the Pats had the same thing called on them with the Jets(?) earlier in the year and it looked almost identical.. which is why so many Pats fans KNEW the tuc rule applied based on how it was called earlier in the year. I will go on to say, yes Brady was not throwing the ball but by the letter of the dumbest rule ever it was an incomplete pass.
  5. Sadly the Pats boards are filled with wagon loads of those! ? The tuc rule was a god awful rule! It WAS called correctly. Of all things complain about that's one of the weaker ones, it was a rule, it was called correctly.. AND all the Raiders had to do was stop Brady in fourth down and the failed to do it.
  6. First I am glad Tre is ok and cleared to play Sunday. second, if they do anything flagrant now on Gronk it won't be a one or two game suspension it will be Goodell putting the hammer down to show he has control. My guess is 6-8 games suspension.. why? Because that is Roger Goodell NFL policy.. which is we can't figure out what the hell punishment gets what.. They have looked into a targeting rule the last two years, if this actually makes them adopt one then MAYBE something good come out of the whole incident.
  7. Because I have already stated numerous times Gronk deserved more. That doesn't mean JuJu didn't deserve one. if it had just been the hit he just gets fined, if he had just taunted it be just a fine.. he did both so a DOUBLE violation he got a game. I like JuJu, hell I thought the hit was a clean hit, I thought his taunting was stupid.
  8. No bonus they actually reworked his contract last year and missing the game going to PROBABLY cost Gronk a couple of million in incentives he won't make now. IMO he got game suspension not just for the hit, but for the taunting afterwards. He did two No No's in a game full of them. (That said I had a hard time feeling sorry for the man he hit man is the dirtiest player in the NFL.)
  9. Reread what I said, I was going by what the LETTER said not that the two punishments should be the same or are even the same. (I have said I thought Gronk deserved at least 2 games)
  10. ESPN is wrong regarding the Sergio brown incident, no fine at all. He got one for taunting against the Bengals AFTER Berfect stepped on blount leg. He also got one for the SB WHEN THE Hawks went stupid. So twice he has been fined but not for roughing.. and FYI he deserved 2 at least for this offense was just plain dumb!
  11. First it was the dirtiest play I have seen ever! That includes Suh stepping on Rogers. Also if you honestly believe they be looking for "truth" you don't know the NFL. They just want their pound of flesh and Buffalo lose more draft picks than the Pats have combined and be fined millions of dollars after the false investigation. (Don't believe me ask Elliott)
  12. I need someone how 1 penalty negates 2.. then a second one is on its own and is enforced? The game was over at that point, so wasn't to "help" the Pats as much as just piss poor refs and then wanting punish the team hurt one of their feelings with words.
  13. That is true, but the Seahawks were being stupid and were just ticked off. I say his bigger offense was being an idiot (again) and getting the taunting penalty in Cincy which got him benched for a bit. Gronk a a great player but he occasionally does idiot and dumb things. Some more iodtic and dumb than others.
  14. Lol in all seriousness I understand going after Gronk or even hitting the other WR a little harder and perhaps later, but going after the player the NFL has crowned the GOAT be crazy. Not to mention it's in NE not Buffalo so your not alone with crazy dumb fans, matter fact we have a bandwagon full of them!
  15. Be the dumbest thing the Bills ever did is to go after Brady. As I stated before the NFL cares only about $$, and Brady love him or hate him is a $$$ machine for the NFL. If the Bills go after him you would see a big old fake investigation and the Bills Organization be hit hard. Why? Because you disrupted the cash flow of the NFL and that will. It be tolerated. (Even if it was a lone wolf hit)
  16. Is concussion protocol an injury? Or a precaution make sure he doesn't have a concussion? I'm asking because I have never seen anyone come out and say he has a concussion YET.
  17. I don't think the Bills have a say in the matter. Your owner could yell and scream and do a Jerry jones but I don't think you guys get a dog in the fight.
  18. Goodell is incompetent and Gronk did an elbow drop. (A pile driver completely different and not done in the WWE anymore) that said he should have gotten at least 2 if not 3 games.
  19. I agree I just figure they take notice more the NFL since they are trying "grow" the market. NFL cares about one thing $$$. That's it.
  20. If this had happen against Dallas or an LA team or any big market team I say you are right. But since it's Buffalo I bet it gets hurried and goes away.
  21. One that will be ratings gold they hope and no Gronk MAY weaken the product. Sad but a feesable argument.
  22. I can't disagree, but go after him makes sense but if they do it next game players be kicked out left and right because the refs be "looking" for it. I was them wait till next year get revenge.
  23. Well your a pleasant person. Trying point out I wouldn't be shocked if Gronk is in the ice with BB with these issues as well as others.
  24. My Gutt says BB goes up to him tomorrow and says "you are dropping your appeal" and he drops the appeal. ?
  25. I have stated a few times in this thread I thought Gronk deserved more than 1 game. I was meaning by reading that letter what Alanso did was also a dispensable offense. (Not taking number games just by the way the letter was written.)
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