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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol the fins dominated the Pats and won by 7.. in the ONLY stadium Brady has a losing record (where he has played more than 3 times) Cutler still sucks and the Bills will gon2-1 and be the sixth seed.
  2. Yup! Our D is not very good last few weeks but hopefully Van Noy and a couple others are back by the playoffs and they become a decent D again. (The Pats O just needs decent to b successful.) as for Brown he has a partially torn muscle, he may be back by the playoffs but even so I can see them dropping a game and becoming the #3 seed and having to face either the Bills or the Ravens. And I think the Ravens could easily beat them. I also think the Bills would give them a game, but not sure your O could score enough to win.
  3. Damn I can't load the image.. but the rule states if he loses control of the ball he must regain control before it hits the ground or it is incomplete. Simple enough. Ya that's why Gronk had a TD overturned saying he failed maintain control inside the end zone going to the ground just a few weeks ago. Every team gets the calls the good ones overcome them.
  4. The Jags scare me more than the Steelers. They have a D front that will stop Bell and get after Big Ben and he will throw 4-5 INT in the game. Meanwhile the Steelers D will keep it close for a time but finally succumb to bad field position and lose like 35-21. Defense wins championships, and they have a scary good D. The only way I see them not advancing is a huge question mark with Bortles who is truly a crappy QB. I can see him losing the game for them too.
  5. ANY part of the ball hits the ground while moving makes it incomplete.. the tip hit the ground. Thus incomplete. Guys they had 2 more plays get it in and should have at least got a FG but like typical Pats competition they crapped their pants and blew it.
  6. Desperate? They were on the 5 and a FG ties the game and sends it into OT. There should been no desperation. Also the call was correct per the rule, hate the rule but it was called correct. Before you argue more it wasn't. Seeing as how Romo even said it was being called back makes it obvious to a train eye the ball hit the ground this incomplete. Hate the rule but not the call.
  7. Sigh did I say that? Why are so many Bills fans butt hurt after a win? And a convincing win at that. Also why do so many have no clue how the rule is written for a catch or not a catch.
  8. Ya that was a stupid call by Big Ben throw into triple coverage. A real crap call!
  9. Weird seeing as how Romo stated "this is going be called back" maybe it's the simple pats hate and not wanting to believe that teams usually for one reason or another crap all over themselves and cost themselves the game. As for next week I have no idea what will happen.. we are missing so many players on D it's sad.. I think we are on our third string LBers now.. sigh
  10. Umm did I say FANS? Wow you regressed fast! I said TEAM as in Big Ben and their coach.. and have you an example from this game post game of Big Ben throwing his coach under the bus! But yes that's the same as fans whining. (Eye roll) Because since he didn't complete the catch and the ball hit the ground it is incomplete.
  11. So. Ow your saying there is one angle showing the ball hitting the ground thus absolute proof. And the second one was the close up they showed during the game. As well as one from the end zone.. but ya only one angle showed it.
  12. No he didn't, it was the right call. As for not whining to the media, it's obvious the Bills have minimal contact with Chef and the whining by Steelers. Heck Big Ben is blaming the coach for the INT. So trust me they be whining to the media if they thought they were screwed.. mind you they will lose to the Jags in the divisional round and their will not be a rematch.
  13. Wow! Ok your just grasping at straws EVERY angle shows the ball hitting the ground EVERY angle! The simple fact is he tried to do to much. And the Steelers lost the game when Big Ben decided to force a ball in and got picked off.. the game was amazing and felt like a playoff game.
  14. Which he did not! Even the steeler coach didn't argue about the call. And trust me he is a big old whined he would have! Sigh it's the rule, he failed maintain possession to the ground no matter how you try spin it. Again even the Steelers didn't disagree with it. I mean I know all the arm chair QBs know better than Romo ( a former player who knows the rule) and every referee in the game. I mean it's just best say they were jobbed instead of him just screwing up.
  15. Sorry caps on my phone I must have hit the double cap button. As for your assertion his hand was under it, No one saw that NO one! Now your changing your argument. He lost control once the ball hit the ground and the ball hit the ground.
  16. The indisputable evidence was the ball moving when he hit the ground. THAT IS OBVIOUS AND EVIDENT TO ANYONE SAW THE GAME! I agree I thought it was a TD and was going over in ny head.. ok Brady gets 28 seconds on their own 25 with 2 time outs.. ya this is possible.
  17. I believe I read on bleacher report the rule states he much maintain control to the ground even in the end zone.
  18. Well he did that today trying tackle Bell.. I kinda groaned and sighed. But his play has been a billion times better since his "concussion" and he missed three weeks.
  19. It was called correctly. He has to maintain control ALL the way to the ground which includes contact with said ground.
  20. See I disagree that it robbed them of a win. The Pats had 28 seconds and 2 time outs and well Gronk was getting 25 to 30 yards a catch so it is very plausible if unlikely the Pats score in the last 28 seconds.
  21. He really wasn't exposed. What was exposed was some terrible tackling by our front seven and that's about it. The secondary on the whole did their part were just asked cover to long. (I firmly believe if the Steeers had a brain and just fed Bell all game they win by 10 as our D couldn't stop him.)
  22. Yes because he doesn't fall down then. But since he was going down he must maintain control all the way to the ground. It is obvious the football moves and hit the ground.
  23. Tony Romo even said it was not a catch BASED on how the rule is written. I will bow to his knowledge of the rule as I long ago lost any idea what is or is t a catch in the NFL. I also hate the WR being knocked out by a defender not being able to catch the ball. That rule should be written if he goes out of his own accord not knocked out by a defender.. a lot of terrible rules in the NFL.
  24. Maybe I wrote it wrong, my point was the Bills have amazing rabid fans who love the team and show up every week even though the team doesn't give them any real reason to do this. (What I meant they need to prove themselves worthy of you guys.) as for moving before Kraft bought the team it was widely thought they were going to move to LA. (Every team struggles get the stupid rumors.)
  25. I will play devils advocate for Bills fans. Let's face it you have all seen this song and dance before and every time the team lands flat on its face, maybe the team should prove they are worthy of such rabid fans instead of thinking of greener pastures?
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