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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol hey you have to admit for or against he Pats that game Sunday was a thriller to the end. The NFL needs MORE games like that and less like what we did get Sunday.. blow outs!
  2. He has led the skins to 2 playoff appearances and they were not very good teams. This year he had no WR and they were setting him up to fail since they didn't want to pay him.
  3. That's what the Steelers tried to do. They had the ball a long long time but failed get points on a crucial drive that took them 7 minutes.
  4. No they lose and lose badly! Gronk was a beast on Sunday. Probably the best player on the field for either team IMO. Man is a downright beast when his head is on right. ( but as we saw even in that game Brady had keep him reigned in and focused at the end.)
  5. You do know he. Fought a terrible skins team to 2 playoff runs right? They stripped him of lol his receivers this year and he still did pretty good.
  6. The Jags scare me more with that D and running game. The only thing Steelers have that is better (IMO) is QB. Which can make a huge difference but Big Ben been shown be rattled and throw bad picks the last couple years.
  7. The debate I THINK here is wether the ball hit the ground or not. Some say it did others not. It's a difference of opinion really. As for Brady winning I say that Gronk had a wee bit of a deciding factor in the win with having more than half of Brady's yards going to him.
  8. Ok how about the fact Gronk was pretty much malled in the Panther game the other year when a flag was thrown then picked up. or the numerous bogus Offense PI calls when the pick is done within a yard of the line of scrimmage. or the incomplete call on Gronk this year when he caught it in the end zone for a TD? should I continue? All teams have bad calls go against them. The good ones know how to overcome them.
  9. It's sad that this game is being discussed because of one play. The truth is both teams played hard and it had a playoff feel the entire game. It was an exciting game and it literally came down to the last minute! I think we can all agree both teams left it out there on Sunday and they entertained us. That's the issue is I do believe the rule says "he has to survive the ground" in order for it to be a completion. I have NO Idea what that means.
  10. I am not sold on Smith, he is good but he is a stop gap for a young QB you draft IMO. He is closer to the end of his career.
  11. Outside perspective, but shouldn't that all be based off of WHO you can get for a QB? I mean what if Cousins is willing to go to Buffalo? He is a HUGE upgrade at QB and you can then spend your draft capital on WR and D line. If that happened and I was GM I bundle my 2 first round picks and move up to get one of the top pass rushers and then use my second round pick on a WR.
  12. I totally forgot about that one. That was close and be honest if they had called it incomplete i been mad, but they def could have! He should man up and say he screwed up and should have just thrown it away.
  13. Thanks! I am hoping Branch and Van Noy are back as again McCoy scares me the most followed by TT running.
  14. I am just asking, what makes you think it will be different up in the Razor? (Not trolling curious what you think will change for the last game in Buffalo)
  15. Just my two cents, but as long as your GM and coach go for players that work in their system they are trying to establish and NOT go for that big name splash I see a consistent playoff team and possibly a SB contender.
  16. You don't build a winning tradition by losing. You don't make your team an attractive destination for good FA by Losing! By the Bills doing so well with average QB play and mostly sub par WR I bet you attract a QB and a WR in FA.. why? Because your close.. very close.
  17. I'd be more worried if it was in Buffalo instead of at home. I am hoping we have Branch and Van Noy back finally on D. The Bills could win, but I'm expecting a pretty happy Pats team who is finally glad be home taking care of business and winning by 10.
  18. Blitz and he will kill you EVERY single play. If you noticed the Steelers rushed 4 almost all night. And they love blitzing!
  19. Lol the game wasn't over, even steeler fans are saying Brady with 2 time outs and 28 seconds would probably score since they had NO answer for Gronk yesterday. As for the Jets score, I wish people stop rewriting history as that score would only TIE the game not win it for them. Does anyone doubt Brady with any sort of time still pulls out the win?
  20. I get your point, but that team needed a miracle catch, a Houdini type escape, AND a dropped INT to win that game. But a great D will always slow down even the greatest of O. The Pas weakness this year isn't the O as it is the D which has so many new faces I don't recognize half the starters.
  21. Bulkhead is out till the playoffs. He doesn't have an ACL tear but a bruised knee and some other technical jargon that I didn't really catch on the radio at lunch. So you will be seeing a heavy dose of Lewis and White with some Gilislee thrown in.
  22. All contact to the head on a QB is suppose to be flagged. I will not be stupid and say some QBs get more protection than others (Brady,Brees, and Rogers) while some are neglected totally (Cam Newton). I don't know why some are completely neglected especially Cam as he is considered the future face of the NFL.
  23. I want to say right tackle he is the opposite tackle from Brady blind side. Solder had his bound side.
  24. He has been horrid lately, but he was lights out in the beginning of the year. Very odd how he regressed and I thought our other tackle be the issue since he is literally the third string Tackle. But Fleming has played surprisingly well. Faced the find in Miami where I think he has a career 80 passer rating, faced a tough steeler D (too 10 D) and the Bills always play hard in at least one game against the Pats.
  25. Pressure is key for most QBs in the league. That's like saying sunlight is needed to grow food. As for this game I am looking forward to it, finally a home game after a tough Month on the road for my team.
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