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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. The Tuck rule was correct pick plays are legal within 1 yard of the line of scrimmage and it is not a popular play for the team .the NFL is responsible for the headgear NOT the Pats so that's debunked. thats called being a great QB one of the best ever! Not your silly conspiracy theory. bandwagon? I've been here for my team since 1986 and their run to the SB crushing by the bears. And I endured the 1-15 years.
  2. Well Tomlin I can't stand I have never liked him as a coach, always thought he had a big mouth and never took blame for his teams short comings and it shows with his team (see Big Ben throwing the OC under the bus) I have never seen a HC blame everyone but himself for a loss.
  3. Mike Tonkin - Steeler HC and biased DQ Tony Dungy - good one I have not heard him say this. Reggie Bush - RB - probably had no clue what he is talking about any more than we do.
  4. No WE are in disagreement. As in FANS.. the league and all the so called "people who know" like Eli Manning all say it wasn't a catch.
  5. I think we have beaten this dead horse enough. ? some of us say it's obvious the ball hits the ground while others disagree. I will point to the fact that I have yet to see one article where the writer says the call was wrong, they call the rule bad but the call right.
  6. Well they have 2 tough games end the year with. So we shall see, he def did better than the other guy did who stunk. O matter who they faced.
  7. Jimmy G been judged to harshly here IMO. As Bills fans know the first guy follow a legend usually always falls flat on their face. I hope he does well in SF! I like him as a QB A lot! I cheered for you guys in 3 of the 4 SB. The Bills fans were the only AFC East fans I didn't want to punch in the late 80's and early 90's at Sullivan's Stadium. You guys actually acted like you knew how I felt at the time. (Hopeless and figuring we will suck forever. Lol)
  8. Well the GAME deserved the attention it was a great game no matter what laundry they were wearing both teams put in a hell of a show! And as for calls like that, I love the fact most can discuss it rationally without getting their underwear in a bunch. It's a good thing!
  9. Huh? This post sounds like a rant from someone who knows they lost the argument. whining? I was simply pointing out it happens to them as well. You sound very upset m, do you need a safe space and a blanket? Have I hurt your feelings by defending something you hate? As for when the Pats fade, do a little research into my post I have said more than once when that happens I'll still be a pats fan and I hope the Bills take up the reigns in the East.
  10. What was negative? That their past failings was caused by themselves and no one else? That's not negative that's reflecting into the past with 20/20 hine site. As for Gronk now I know your full of it.. but that's fine keep hating on him he will drop 200 on the Bills this week with 2 TD.. then youcan say SEE HE PUSHED OFF.. when in reality all he did was try run threw the contact as EVERY steam tries to knock him off his route and not get a clean release.. but you in your football wisdom see it as Gronk initiating it. Sigh maybe listen to Romo or another former player as they say "you can't let Gronk get a clean release like that" their talking about that contact! Just WOW!
  11. If I remember right he has to also "fail to maintain control" I could be wrong.. but this one you can not tell if he maintain control or not from this angle. Like I have said before they easily could have ruled it incomplete. All depends on the refs you get and the angles they have for the catch.
  12. As Rick Flair always said "in order to be the man, you have to beat the man!"
  13. Look it up, the broncos were using it a lot more and the Pats have not really used it in years! I'm sorry you want to blame EVERYTHING on the Pats but the truth is the Broncos were the biggest culprit of pick plays. as for Gronk, yet another uneducated never watch more than 2 games a year and even then see glimpses of Gronk but think I see him pushing off every play fan. Fact is he gets called for O PI more than anyone else and about half of them are BS! But hey again I love the unfashionable hate.. I mean I am sure it is easier blame the big bad boogeyman for the Bills woes but the truth their is the Bills have only themselves for that. (Poor drafting, terrible coaching choices, etc) Now trust me I know what that's like I remember the 80's and early 90's and having a team sabotaged itself constantly!
  14. Whose trolling? I have not once said a bad thing about the Bills? Heck I've been more positive than some Bills fans regarding the team. Maybe what you don't like is when someone points out you are wrong. I mean no one likes that.
  15. (Act like everyone here) well I don't see the ball touching the ground it is clearly on his arm ?. But seriously that shows me nothing did he regain complete control before hitting the ground?
  16. Wow wrong! The pick play was the fav of the Broncos. Also umm within the 1 yard window is allowed, so why would it be called? I love the unadulterated hate.. the empire feeds off such foolish hate so please keep hating with that logic.
  17. Read what I said, I said Eli without Coighlin would get smoked. As in the reason they won was because of coughlin.
  18. Umm the Rams game was all regards spygate which was about defense signals. Othing do with O. And if your talking about that damn Boston Globe article which was retracted a week later as lies then wel ok.. ? eli had coughlin.. without him he and the Giants get smoked.
  19. The Texans will be 12-4 next year at worse IF Watson stays healthy. Their backup just stinks there!
  20. Hey I thought that was his best throw all game! ?
  21. They won't, I personally expect the Jags be the AFCCG game with the Pats. as for Eli, he wants stay on his New HC good side. (Rumor is McDaniels is going get the Giants Job)
  22. White will need help get in IMO. To many known names who will get the players vote as well as coaches.
  23. No, the next pass was a good play, Butler just made an amazing play keeping the guy inbounds which then caused the Steelers to crap all over themselves.
  24. See Tom Coughlin. I love that man as a coach ever since he coached for BC. Man is an amazing coach and the ONLY one I have not seen crap his pants when facing the Pats.. EVER!
  25. My bad I thought they did it twice. But he has made them competitive.. but again I don't know what style O your HC wants he may or may not fill the need.
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