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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Did he really impede it though? They got all the texts they wanted anyways. As for what's on his phone, the man is a billionaire and well god only knows who he communicates with and what's on his phone. I think we can both agree the NFL is terrible keeping anything confidential. My work does as well, but I am not required by any law or rule hand them my phone. (And FYI the phones for the equipment guys were company phones why they got access to them.) ? if he was retired I wonder if Giselle let him. It the Panthers ?
  2. With that D God yes!!! That Defense reminds me of the 2000 Ravens I think they are that good! Their only issue is a QB who when going into Pitt or NE will probably crap himself and cost them the game.
  3. Your employer can not search you phone without your permission period and since corporate espionage is a crime the cops would need a search warrant to go threw your phone. So if the cops need a search warrant what gives the NFL a greater right to said phone? Also physically destroying your phone phone does not destroy the data on it thanks to the cloud, so there was no advantage to destroying said phone. As for smart? Brady is one of the greatest ABs ever, I have no idea how smart or dumb he is though. I also didn't know that about the date with the iPhone either. (Not that I want make my phone a brick ?) Speaking of dumb, how was it possible that the NFL didn't know about the ideal gas law BEFORE deflategate? You would think that if the pressure in the ball was so important they would know everything that can deflate or inflate the balls. More stupidity by by the NFL was using a lab with a reputation for getting results that their client WANTED. I mean of all the labs (literally thousands) you use the one that released results saying second hand smoke wasn't dangerous!! (Face palm) even more stupidity by the NFL and Roger Goodell was the sheer lying on the reason he upheld the suspension. Literally all the man had to say was "I saw no evidence to reduce the suspension" but no instead he says Brady refused to answer if him and the equipment guy discussed deflategate during their calls. The transcripts clearly show he said "yes we probably did, but it was mostly for prep for the SB" my point is the investigation like almost every NFL Investigation was a hack job where they went in with a presumption of guilt and had no desire find the truth thus messed it up. Even if they were right (and I think the equipment guys did something) they did such a poor job of investigating it and allowed a lie to remain out in the public for months without correcting it. (That all the balls were 2 psi low, which was false all were like .01 to .03 except for the one ball the colts INT which is tainted evidence at best.) like i said poorly done and we we will never agree because they messed it up so badly there is enough holes drive a 16 wheeler through it. Which is what I think they wanted.. the Pats remain the evil empire that all hate but will watch just to cheer against them and Pats fan stay rabid loyal and remain loyal subjects if the empire ?
  4. They at least faced Brady. I mean Farve went 1-1 against Cassell. Why I have a hard time having him on the list. At least fitz and Tyrod have gone against the best the Pats can offer.
  5. You THINK he is, it is his own personal phone he can use it for target practice if he wanted. And just because you as THINK he did something doesn't make it fact. Hell he could have smashed it because there were text showing that his wife bossed him around like every other husband and he didn't want it leaked ?
  6. the most common theory is that it's the heat and he doesn't like it. Which is funny hear about a southern CA guy ?
  7. Simple fact it was his PERSONAL cell phone and the NFL had NO right to it and he NEVER had to turn it over PERIOD! Makes your point about smashing it moot and irrelevant. Mind you they still got texts etc off of it since we have this thing called the cloud.. I have proof of that.. see the leaked text to a friend in regards to Manning.
  8. He is 7-9 and averaging just under an interception per game.. he does not play well in Miami.
  9. Yup as a kid watched it a lot with my dad.think it was my fav because it's something we watched together all the time. (That and Midway, bridge to far, etc)
  10. Nice way snip a small piece of someone comment. Your the type person takes things out of context and goes "see he said this" Damn read the entire thread before commenting! We actually been bantering back and forth and I was being a smart mouth with the Lombardi thing. Jesus people have their undies tight today.
  11. I have not read the book, as by the time I get home I am tired beyond belief and well the book looked boring lol. Ernie Adams? Isn't he like a top talent evaluator?
  12. One word.. SPYGATE. The other 31 teams felt the Pats got off to lightly and they wanted to make them pay. Goodell is nothing more than an attack dog for the owners, an over paid attack dog. I mean they suspended Elliot for 6 games on an allegation that was proven FALSE. The owners wanted to hurt the Pats, and all it did ? to quote my favorite movie as a kid "all they have done is awoken a sleeping Giant and filled him with a terrible resolve" And boy did they wake Brady up last year.
  13. He Hates talking to the media and I bet you would enjoy it when he is breaking down a team with Zola on Thursday night. The man loves talking football and diagnosing things he sees. Although he does look like the emperor with his hood up.
  14. Hard to tell since no one knows how Luck liked his footballs inflated to. We do know that Brady liked his on the low end at 12.5 psi. I believe Luck liked his at the high end, but don't quote me on that. I was talking about actual labs that ran the test, not the kid who did it as a science experiement. ? like I said we are not going change each others minds and at best we get annoyed. Life is to short be annoyed about anything football.
  15. i wish I remembered all the situations for those games. I don't but I wonder how many were in September.
  16. I read if you beat Miami next week (and lose to NE) you still have a 70% chance of making the playoffs.
  17. Sigh those were not Brady's words! You can't even get the few facts they had correct. That was one equipment manager to another saying that. Also all the balls were well within the natural gas law so said 5 out of the 6 labs did the test. The one that didn't was hired by the NFL and was best known for also doing test for the tobacco companies and released results saying second hand smoke was not dangerous. Again your not going convince me or me or I you. So let's stop.
  18. Lol the Pats RARELY go 6-0 in conference games and Miami for whatever reason has their number almost every time down in Miami... it makes no sense. Best QB in the AFC outside of NE since B.B. started is Farve, Tanihill,Bledsoe, and Pennington. Also doesn't help that all 3 other teams have had numerous coaches since 2000.
  19. ? let's not get into the whole thing AGAIN. Let's just end it now saying we will agree to disagree. As for the Lombardi's we are actually making space for #6 and since we have so many we hired a maid to dust them ?
  20. Because they were the ones report the so called taping of the Rams walk threw and had dona retraction less than a week later as the writer made it all up. And insaidbhe was angry, not pissed off. He is angry at himself for haveing a couple of average games for normal QBs below average for him. I see him smoking your secondary this weekend.
  21. Don't believe the Globe! That paper is wrong more than it is ever right when it comes to the Patriots, and they run with stories without checking their facts. (And he probably kicked the snake oil salesman out because the Pats, unlike last year been riddled with major injuries this year and he doesn't want this idiot filling their heads with crap. )
  22. That's the rule. There is not different rules for different players. He also was disciplined for "lack of cooperation" since they had no proof of him cheating. Mind you the league proved I HOPE with Elliot that they can suspend anyone for even a lie.
  23. Wow you guys ran and made **** up fast! ? BB just getting him out as the medical professionals are not happy with his access. Has Nothing to do with HGH or PED.. even if it did it's a first offense and a 4 game suspension, just because he is Brady doesn't give him a longer penalty.. and I'd take a 4 game at the beginning of the year again. ?
  24. 15 yards unsportsmanlike conduct on the defense automatic first down.. ?
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