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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Yes that is a rumor. But the fact is they tried to reach a two year bridge deal with him and it never happened so they traded him for a high 2nd instead of getting nothing when he walked in FA. It was very BB like.
  2. Some of you guys were funny! A few I just have say is DAMN!
  3. We may be cheering for different teams come Sunday but I hope you all have an amazing Christmas, Hanaka or whatever you and your family celebrate. i am off till probably Tuesday as I need finish X mad shopping for the wife and wrap a crap of presents for the kids.
  4. He only has 2300 yard this late in the season? Damn!! That has be one of the lowest for a starter.
  5. Huh? No if both did the same violation they get the same punishment. But then again this is the NFL so they probably go with whoever is cared less about gets the less penalty.
  6. There is also no consistency with their punishments. I bet Houston gets a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again.
  7. One huge difference is Dak is willing take a chance to make a play, and he is doing it with OLD talent at ate And WR.
  8. Very possible! I also wouldn't be shocked if Jimmy G plays 4 years and then is gone because teams can game plan for him and have film.. see kapernick.
  9. Dak is a good QB and for one drafted in the third round doing rather well for himself. If the Bills had Dak Prescott with McCoy your team be in the hunt for the east still. He is the perfect QB to compliment a run game.
  10. Ya I am just not. Using Bortles on the road. He may prove me wrong but I just expect him to wilt when the going gets tough. As for their D, ya that D scares me kind of hoping they face the Steelers and lose.. or better yet you guys get in and somehow pull of the upset!
  11. I understand the logic IF they see someone in college that is flying under the radar (like Jimmy G. Did) and think they can scoop him up and get him 2 years under Brady before he takes over. I suspect this years deaft class class will be heavy on the D side of the ball..LB and pass rushers galore.. hoping a few pan out and Hightower can stay healthy for once.
  12. I don't know if I would go that far. Brady is getting old but I mean he is up for league MVP.. so let's say he goes down a bit, he will still be elite and have the smarts diagnose a D next year and with the weapons around him they should still have a good chance .
  13. I wonder has any QB ever done it with 2 different teams? I hope he does well for the 49ers. May he be the QB they been truly looking for since their golden days. He learned under one of the best 4th quarter QBS IN NFL History. And damn it he is fun to watch!
  14. Because he wouldn't agree to a two year bridge contract. Jimmy G wanted to play.. so BB traded him to a team that needed a QB sand had a little bit of stability as well. (Having Shanahan as you HC and calling plays isn't going to hurt a young QB) Like I said I'm going enjoy Brady and who knows what happens in the off season. Brady is Kraft cash cow. He is not letting him be moved on. He may decline and not be as great but he earned the right finish his career here. Again it's a rumor so how true it is I have no idea.
  15. I agree, but if it was between him or Brady. I want Brady retiring a Patriot. I rather search for the successor than have the greatest WB in Pats history traded to make some sort of point. i will say this, they will be drafting a QB early this year to mold behind Brady.
  16. It will be a great game, if it was in Jacksonville I would agree. I point to the AFC Championship game where Brady was hit like a pinyatta by the Broncos as an example. That game was first amazing and if it wasn't for a missed extra point it was heading into OT. I think the Broncos that year were on about the same level for D and IMO a lot better on O.
  17. Rumor is BB wanted trade Brady in the off season for multiple picks and sign Jimmy G long term contract. Kraft wouldn't hear of it and told him No. im not sure how true that rumor is but I wouldn't be shocked if it i was true.
  18. I can't speak for Tomlin coaching but I can tell you right now they will not let Fornette beat them. BB always takes out your best players and that's truly is their best.. make Bortles beat you and I don't think he can. Also I see a low scoring game with a pick by Bortles deciding it making it something like 17-14 as a final.
  19. I was sad see him go, but glad they sent him to a place he had a chance to thrive and not the QB black hole known as the Browns..
  20. I didn't say just any QB I said Blake "I suck" Bortles. He will collapse in a big game on the road, because BB and Tomlin will MAKE him beat them and I just don't think he can do it esp not twice in a row. My point INT is I see him throwing an untimely pick which either is returned for a TD or is so close even his D can't stop the O of NE or Pitt.
  21. Of course it will hurt when we go back to the pa k again and aren't constantly good. I am hoping Kraft has us be like the Steelers though.. never awful for long. Let the Jets be the Browns of the East ? ? I was pointing out for Brady being so terrible he only lost 1 game and that was by a TD.
  22. Ya we only faced the AFC East 4 times so far. And scoring D is the only stat that means anything to me as if they keep teams under 20 the Pats win. That said Birtles sucks, he is beyond bad and our secondary is pretty damn good it's our LBers who are weak right now. They are the typical Pats D bend but don't break. Which is what is needed with the lack of talent up front.
  23. Lol and the combined record is 5-1 and let's not forget the competition they were facing.. Brady put up 27 points on of the best D this year. While Jimmy put up 29 on an average D at best.
  24. He is also an UFA at the end of the year so for the scenario to work they need to sign and trade him. Also after the way he has performed there is no chance in hades they are letting him go.
  25. I think TT is a better QB and he crapped himself on the very first drive in Buffalo against NE. And believe it or not they have the 6th best scorin D in the NFL so it happens a lot. And well Bortles is not Breese, Big Ben, or Rogers hell he isn't as good as TT IMO.
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