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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. So in other words he will play in the game next week. But Tolbert looked damn good running today as well!
  2. I look forward seeing you guys at the razor! I'll be the guy in the escape with the Italian food ?. now go beat the crap out of the damn Jags!
  3. Your drought is over and remember everyone is 0-0 so cheer your. It's off and go beat the Jags or Chiefs. Again wel welcome back to the dance guys, enjoy the feeling!
  4. The fourth in one he clearly stretched out and made the first down marker. Your theory being stopped 2 YARDS short was wrong by any standard. And yes you can tell his knees were not down. Also the Bills fans read that rule wrong. But that's typical all fans read it to benefit their team. It was correct. Because if you WATCH the entire play his knee goes down and the ball goes back in. The ball is where it was when you are down and that is when a knee hits. But hey nice try. the 50 yard PI. REALLY! You mean the one where he never looked back for the ball and ran into the pats WR! Ya that wasn't PI.. it was TEXT BOOK PI! Fact you think that was wrong when ANYONE who was even semi impartial saw that as a penalty is bad. sorry your Bills stink it up the entire second half. You read it
  5. Raiders have the talent beat the chargers, and well the chargers always seem find a way mess things up for themselves every year. Titans game is a toss up as I suspect the Jags (rightfully so) will play no one, but their second string may be able beat the Titans first. (Funny they both lost to Jimmy G and the 49ers) Bengals I just don't know. I see a low scoring game as both O kinda suck.. so I'll say 10-7 Bengals. With Joe Flacco throwing a late pick to set up the game winning FG. The Bills and Dolphins go into OT the Phins get a FG on the opening drive but McCoy wills the Bills to victory with a 69 yard scamper final score bills 21 Phins 17 and sorry I see the Bills getting the doors blown off when they face the Jags. Jags 24 Bills 0 Taylor is sacked 9 times and Peterman 3 as the O line is completely overpowered.
  6. The Jags be downright stupid to have any starters in the game. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose if someone gets injured. You imagine how angry Jag fans would be if they lost their RB for the playoffs because he got hurt in a meaningless game!
  7. False. The games you are referencing (the Jets game) was for the tie but was called correctly as it has happened in four other games since then the most recent being Derek Carr fumbling the ball threw the end zone. Just because YOU don't like the rule doesn't make it a bad call, it just makes it a bad rule. The Steelers game is the exact same thing, except with more grey area as some Think James had Fingers under the ball. I disagree but we debated that dead horse in another thread. the Bills game was a terrible call to overturn the TD but the Bills failed to show up after half time. I do believe I heard the same complaint for the Miami game except then it was only the O who failed show up. Now I know people say that "change momentum" etc etc the fact is a team has come out and play a full 60 minutes and if something like that makes you play THAT poorly well then that's sad!
  8. IMO is let's make them all full time referees that way they know the rule book inside and out. I mean it's a billion dollar corporation and your having part time employees deciding outcomes based on some of their calls. That's insane! as for firing, you don't fire someone for making a mistake you correct it (in private) and move on. I also think the new replay guy is in over his head as he was thrust into the job after the head ref abruptly quit.
  9. Better coaching, more discipline, and keeping your hands where they are suppose to be as to not get called for holding. So many times you see a guy doing a great blocking job and then after the runner is by him tugging the shirt and getting a holding call. It it also helps that BB knows the rules better than MOST of these part time officials so I would be lying if I didn't say they are also afraid throw a flag unless it is an obvious penalty. i have LONG said if you want refs be good to great they need be full time refs who know the rule book inside and out and recognize penalties instantly. (As well as knowing what is and isn't a catch.) till we have full full time refs tenured coaches Like BB and Andy Reid etc going get more breaks. Is it fair? Nope, but neither is life so..
  10. The holding call was Ricky tack but it was holding as you saw the shirt tugged. Besides that it made it 1st down and 2 hardly destroyed momentum. The TD being called back was way to close to have been changed it should have been "the play stands" as there wasn't conclusive evidence one way or the other to overturn or confirm it. a lot of the other complaints are weird, like the PI on the Bills in the end zone. I don't know how that is even debated it was a textbook PI.. never turned around and hit the receiver before the ball got there.
  11. And he is pretty much guaranteed at least an AFC Championship ring based on the fact the odds are either the Pats or Steelers will make the SB this year.
  12. I don't understand football. Sigh just because I don't see things one way doesn't mean I am wrong. I agreed the TD should have stood, but that PI was so damn obvious a caveman could have called it on the Bills. It was textbook.. he never looked back for the ball and he ran into the WR before the ball got there. It was textbook! A pop warner ref calls that it was so onvious! Now if your talking about the first half PI That was much closer but still technically a PI but one not usually called.
  13. If you think the WR was the PI person then you no nothing about football.
  14. Ahh I mis understood you.. and Benjamin took so long since they needed time and ball spot.
  15. 2. Benjamin TD should have stood 3. It looked like he got the forward progress to the spot. But someone on here said the rule is different. 4. That was a blatant PI. the Bills played hard for the first half and should have had the lead at half. But they vanished in the second half, did the Patriots Punt once in the second half?
  16. It was reviewed, and he had possession when his two feet hit down.
  17. Ahh name calling.. that so beneath you! And please, your team had plenty of chances. Then vanished in the second half. The ONLY call in the second half that hurt the Bills was the PI which was obvious PI.
  18. That should not have been overturned. That said where was the O the entire second half they were outscored 24 to 3. That is not going to win against good teams.
  19. The Bills were screwed on that overturned TD. The thing i noticed os the Bills O vanished in the second half. The Bills D was just exhausted come the fourth quarter.
  20. That should have stood. I didn't see enough to overturn the call on the field.
  21. Because Jimmy G is the best QB they have had since Young! He has the team playing hard and believing if it's close he can win it at the end. That keeps the team fighting hard all the time. Also 3 1st is like 3 lottery tickets.. could be a blockbuster but also a bust but more than likely just average.
  22. Maybe BB is showing compassion in his old age ?. I am glad for Jimmy G that they didn't send him to Cleveland, in SF we will see if he is the QB I THINK he can be or not. All Cleveland done is killed another QBs career.
  23. They were still in negotiations with Jimmy G at that time but they fell threw. I also don't think he wanted to send him to QB hell that is Cleveland.
  24. No one said they will be the same way as before. He may start it as a "patriotic" alternative to the NFL. But he needs other owners so it isn't just WWE in football form. Also so could have gotten all the trademarks again to perhaps make a game and sell it.
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