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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Bb hates the injury report so he lost every minor scratch on it. Which is technically what he is suppose to do..
  2. I am shocked any Bills fan be cheering for the Pats, but all are welcome! As for Shaunessy he is equally hated up here too. (I know I dispose the man.) the Jags will be good for awhile and scary good if they get a competent QB. This years playoffs seems so odd to me outside of NE all the other Os are not that scary. (Eagles would have been fun to see with Wentz but 3 of the final 4 it is all about D.)
  3. Again in real time the PI looked legit. Also they didn't abandon their game plan the second half, it just stopped working and well their QB was under pressure all second half. Also their D could never stop the Pats O.
  4. Ok the Offense PI looked like it in full speed. I think that Butler losing his balance sold it for the ref. i can't defend the offside call they should have picked up the flag and let the play go.. but if one bad call changed the game that needed in a blowout? I don't think so...
  5. lol no your thenprosecutor claiming that they are rig it's your job to prove it is. I mean you believe over a 1000 people are rigging these games and no one has broken ranks and spoken. Come on I have a. After chance winning a billion dollar lotto!
  6. I bet that's why he was mad. He knew the D did their job and the O that he is on let the team down. And well it pissed him off. Great passion!
  7. IF the rumors of BB leaving were true or Brady hanging them up after this year I can see the Bills being the sexy pick or the dark horse for the SB. But if they don't the most you will hear is "did the Bills do enough to surpass Brady and the Patriots?" I think they They be a lock for a WC spot on everyone's prediction sheets with an improved QB. That said Bradford is hurt almost every single year so if the Bills sign him they better have a young Rookie QB or other vet ready to go by week 6 or 7.
  8. I think everyone knew if the Bills lost it was be because of the Offense I ability to move and score. This game was decided by a few small plays.. the INT breakup by the Jags, the Offensive PI on the Bills when they were on the one. That's a 7 point swing right there at least. I suspect the draft be used heavily for that. I don't know what pass rusher be available that low. I know I am hoping Landry from BC falls to the Pats since he looks amazing when healthy. Do you think they will draft a QB? Or sin a FA QB? Or both?
  9. Peterman looked like a real QB, raw but IMO he has potential maybe learning behind a Cousins or another QB help him grow. Your D played lights out!
  10. Patronizing? You sound like one angry human being. i was trying to be positive and tell Bills Fans be proud.. but I guess some be angry no matter what I say. Thanks! I have said more than once when the sun sets on my Pats I want the Bills to be the team that takes the baton next.
  11. He also didn't start his first year and when he did start the team was run run run and safe passes that 2001 team won because of D not O. Brady became Brady I say in 2003 which was year 4.
  12. I know I know I am the evil empire fan but hear me out. This was suppose to be a rebuilding year and your coach has loaded up on draft picks while still having a competitive team that broke your playoff drought. next year with a QB (Cousins and a You g Draft QB) and a legit WR to go with Benjamin and your team should start a new tradition of being a playoff team all the time. so heads high Bills fans the future Looks bright for your team.
  13. Bad overall play IMO but the young QB needs help from his WR there. Even a little block by the WR KEEP THE INT from happening.
  14. And IMO your WR need come back to the ball and help their QB out wether that's a young Rookie QB or a FA pick up. That last INT was all on the WR no fight for the ball or even attempting prevent the INT.. UNLIKE the Jag WR EARLIER IN THE GAME.
  15. Bills gave them a hell of shame. The game would been different if theBills ran the ball on 1st and goal at the 1. That was on both TT and your O coordinator. You tell your QB it's run or run not a run or pass option. And TT shouldn't have audibled out of the run. Big momentum change there. the Bills played their hearts out IMO and the weakness of both teams shined threw and theBills got screwed on the last INT as that IMO hit the ground.
  16. Lol he will dress if for. Onother reason to give the Jags the thought of him being ready to go.
  17. And that's highly unlikely either unless someone backs a brinks truck of picks as well as young D talent to the table. Brady and Giselle are billionaires.. Brady plays because he loves it he doesn't need the money. He married a sugar mama ?
  18. The Jags literally had the easiest schedule in the NFL. Their one big hallmark win was destroying the Steelers when Big Ben and then were in a funk. But still an impressive victory. this game rest on the shoulders of the Bills D as I don't see the O scoring much at all unless the D provides some key turnovers and short fields. McCoy be important but for the Bills to win it has come down to Bortles or Taylor winning it. Both teams focus on taking away the run so it's up to the QBs to make plays. Who do you trust more to get the win?
  19. Who expected the Rams to be good? They stunk last year and Goff was thought be a bust and Gurley a one year wonder. IMO it's McVay award to lose. (Mind you The Bills coach has done an amazing job by loading up draft picks and maximizing the potential he had on the team esp on defense.)
  20. My daughter is 11 so was long before Gronk but that be cruel anyways.. and Edelman wasn't a big name yet.
  21. Ok I will disagree on AVERAGE at best O for the 49ers with Jimmy G in. I think they were one of the highest scoring Os after he took over. Seattle AND Arizona have good to great WR and or QB and they can score in bunches. i agree stop their running game and make Bortles beat you. Bortles is their weak link. I fogure the score be.. Bills 17 Jags 14 if they don't stop the run it's a blowout for the Jags
  22. Wow! First the video taping was illegal from WHERE it was done, not the act itself of the D signals. (That's always missed) ALSO IT WAS NEVER PROVEN THAT THE pats used said information at half time and no one ever came forward saying they did. The fine and penalty was for the LOCATION of said videotaping. Also someone explain to me why the D was still using hand signals when the O had headsets to relay everything in? second the damn walk threw taping was based off of ONE article in the globe that was retracted less than a week later because the guy made it up with NO SOURCES! But for whatever reason everyone forgets the retraction and runs as if it was gospel truth... even though the whole thing was made up! The Bugging of the locker room is a tin foil hat crap that BB loves because get this NO. Bug has EVER been found inside the visitors locker room EVER! Just more made up crap by losers like Tomlinson and the Colts. But a distraction for them since they can't imagine they just suck at coaching. as for this one, let's see one guy in a bar but no cooberating evidence even ancidotal.. ya ok.. (eye roll) that's why the Bills dominated the entire first half BEFORE he supposedly moved down from on high. I am guessing he was relaying a lot of good intel.. wow!! Just WOW!
  23. I see O Brian heading back to NE especially since MacDaniels is almost certain go to the Giants. (Also make the most sense as IMO O Brian shouldn't be fired since that team was destroyed by injuries! I mean they be a 1 or 2 seed if they hadn't lost all those players.)
  24. My sons name is Brady. I'd never name a girl after a football player.
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