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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Doc your right. But that precedent was for an unproven coach who had failed already in Cleveland. Not for a five time SB winning HC
  2. That D over performed ALL year. The entire D line was decimated with injuries. He lost 2 starting LBers and Butler played poorly most of the season. Yet they still finished top 5 in scoring D. Now imagine what the lions win/ loss record be with a similar performance?
  3. Probably more than that. Kraft would have to agree to it. And again these owners are as vengeful and Petty as any Coach.
  4. lol wasn't implying you were a pot head.. I mean it could have been a contact High! And bread crumbs for what? A bold face lie? Come on man! He drops an over the shoulder pass which is a difficult pass catch for anyone and people like "oh he was awful" it wasn't him the D stunk so bad mars could smell them!
  5. Lmao yes and he was facing the number one D in the NFL And scored 33 points on them. Yes he played so horribly.. wow! Just wow
  6. Even if that's true no team will give up that kind of draft capital to get him. Mind you I think he is going nowhere I felt this was just him showing kraft he has the power on the field and he doesn't.
  7. Brady was lucky, he had the talent but was raw when he came to NE. BB the first couple of years kept the game simple a more run first and don't screw it up game plan. By 2003 the training wheels were off and Brady was well Brady. Marino - had more talent but when I watched his games. I always felt he had an amazing quick release but when he got challenged by good to great D he crumbled. Unlike Brady or Montana he didn't find a way to succeed. (Hell Brady against the Broncos D a few years back was hit like a pinyatta but he still had his team in position to tie if it wasn't for a missed Point after) Manning - I don't think we are disagreeing much on him. I think the Colts did him a huge disservice. Elway -- He didn't elevate his team up to championship caliber it was the RB the two years they won it. Mind you I always disliked Elway so may be biased here..
  8. Outside of that one time.. Kraft has let him do whatever he wanted with the team. He answers to no one but Kraft and 99.9% of the time it's a rubber stamp. Name one owner that will let him due due whatever he wants for almost 18 years before they disagree on 1 thing. You forget a lot of the owners are petty vengeful little jerks too. He may may leave but I doubt it as any team taking him would need give compensation and some that I heard that be required be insane. (I heard 2 first and a bunch of lower picks and one guy reported 3 firsts.)
  9. Wait mostly in garbage time? Are you high? They had the lead with 8 minutes to go and he had almost 500 yards then and all 3 TDs. so last year they win and he leads the team to 34 points but again.. it wasn't him it was some lucky fairy did all that. your biased hatred is apparent..
  10. Call it a feeling after seeing Parcells again on tv. who to this day I feel threw that SB to the Packers... there was no logical reason to sit Butler except send a message to someone. Seeing as how Butler is gone after this year why send him the message. Sitting him didn't hurt Brady.. so who else is he trying send a message to? Again it probably is me.. BB will retire before he goes elsewhere. He won't get the power he has here anywhere else. and the Pats run is almost done I see 2-3 years left with Brady playing at a top level before he becomes average.. but even average Brady with his brain be better than most other QBs in the NFL. Happy I am just enjoying the ride. As a Bills fan you got love the good days because sooner or later the mediocre or bad days come back.
  11. Marino - failed to accomplish anything in the playoffs. The one year he had a great D they blew the game. (He is great stat wise but come big games he choked.) I always felt he was a stat king but I wouldn't want him in a big game. Elway - I dare say was reliant on his RB to get over the hump. (He was 0-3 in SB and crushed all three times) great QB but not too 3! Top 5 yes. Manning - was great! I don't think we ever saw how great he could be since he always had crappy coaching. (Sorry I feel Dungy is way over rated.) and a GM who never built a TEAM around him and in the later years an O line to protect him. He is defiantly top 3 and imagine what he could have done with a coach like BB. Montana -- was just amazing and either 1 or 2. If you don't believe he would have won anywhere back in the day then well you don't remember how he scrambled and made plays and did just about everything well. Brady -- how he is so low on your list is weird. Man leads his team to more. I toured than any other QB ever, goes to the AFC Championship game 75% of the time and the SB 50% of the time and when he loses a SB it is usually because the D can't make one stop! (Or last night any stop!)
  12. Go back and watch those 49ers games lot more run routes and pic plays than NE runs ever. I do believe they were legal then but please don't revise history saying they didn't do it. Montana was awesome he was the best QB i ever saw before Brady. But they are different eras and IMO its so unfair compare them just like Otto Graham and Montana were unfair to compare. Brady I think has cemented without a doubt the best QB in the salary cap era and is in the mentioning for the best ever. But the best ever will always be personal opinion.
  13. Great post. I wanted comment on What younsaid about Foles. That is true IMO about any QB they are the perfect fit for the system that team runs. Brady was a perfect fit for Weis system and when Weis left Brady was well Brady and the O coordinators adapted because you don't fix what isn't broken. That's why I laugh when people call a good/great QB JUST A SYSTEM QB. All QBs are system QBs and not every system works for any QB.
  14. As long as Brady is well Brady.. the Empire will be fine. Maybe it's me but I thought he sat Butler just prove a point to Kraft of "don't mess in personnel decisions as I can F things up easily for you!" His message was almost screwed up by Brady and the O playing unbelievably well against a great D.
  15. So. Last nights performance made his stance as GOAT into question? Let's see what he did last night: yards: 505 TDs: 3 INT: 0 also the O never punted. That loss was all on the Pats D which stunk just a little More than the Eagles last night. onky thing that has me scratching my head about the loss last night is why Butler never saw game action on D. (One break up or stopping then just short on 3rd or 4th down changes the game.)
  16. He isn't usually, he is much more hands off on O obviously but the last time he really was in on the D was years ago with a coordinator who shall not be named (he went on to head coach the Jets)
  17. I'm less worried about McDaniels as Brady for probably the next 3 years be Elite to above average. But the D needs help and with a new coordinator may take even longer.
  18. Was an amazing game! The Pats D couldn't stop them all game and that's why they lost. But damn Brady shredded that vaunted eagles D too. Weird I'm not even upset they lost I was shocked they made it with the D down so many players.. but why oh why didn't BB play Butler ever!! That's my only angst....
  19. Lol like Kraft wasn't fuming when he was walking man up 28-3 on the sideline. (Badly but still) asfor being classless act? Hmm it was done way back in September and this is just coming out NOW because he has his panties still in a bunch pfft
  20. Lol yet if it wasn't for a missed point after by Gostowski that game goes into OT and the Pats with momentum.. point being even THAT great team who hit Brady like a pinyatta the Pats were in position to send it to OT because Brady for whatever reason has that ability to come up Big in crunch time.
  21. The quote was nothing to do with rings. He said he had 4 or 5 more years left while Manning has probably 2. We also don't know the context in which it was said, or I am sure was a thread of text between friends. that said him and Manning are actually good friend, which isn't surprising seeing they both had: have the same study habits. How does calling hotels dumps being inpolite to a reporter? Just giving his opinion. What players say on the field makes them no less noble off. If they are competitiors they HATE losing.
  22. He was here for the first two AFC Championships as Kraft as owner, one in 1996 and again in 2001.
  23. Every last PI was obvious and they even missed a few on the Jags. The game was won because of Amandola playing amazing well, and well Gilmore playing very well and Harrison's huge sack.
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