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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. That’s NOT what you said you said why would they do business with BB after he stuffed them on Jimmy G. I just told you they did do business. So your point was wrong THERE. I agree they have no interest in moving up take a QB but maybe a stud pass rusher. I think BB WANTS the Bills get #2 then our firsts be enough get the best pass rusher in the draft. Making the cooks trade basically Cooks for a stud Pass rusher.. which be a no brainer.
  2. You do know they have made like 2 trades with the Pats already this off season right?
  3. Solder was way overpaid! But good for him!! Amandola will be more missed than Cooks, but the Pats still have a good WR core with Edelman, Hogan, Mitchell, and Britt. So at most they need a better #4. CB They are set but may need another good one (people forget Butler was UDFA) they need a stud pass Rusher the most... as I said before I could see them packaging their two first for seven If Chubb falls that far. That makes more sense to me than a QB to me.
  4. Add in Cooks salary and they have I think 16 million. That’s a lot considering FA is over for anyone really good.
  5. Yes CB is serviceable with what we have especially if they get some kind of pass rush so it could be Edge as well. They just let Foles HAVE ALL DAY AND THE RB arum wild in the SB. Imagine Chubb the top pass rusher added to that D adding a rush and Brady running the O as usual. That To Me makes more sense than a QB. And they have him going 7 on a lot of boards if the Bills move up for a QB. Which our twonfirst could do.
  6. Umm he is underpaid for his talent why do you think he is talking retirement? And I am guessing you don’t remember what having 2 stud TE and a good QB can do. (See Gronk and Hernandez for a example) they then trade OBJ and can move back up to the top 10 with that.. but ya having 2 studs at TE is so wrong. Umm they have 8 million in cap and that was BEFORE trading Cooks.
  7. All said I think the Pats Going D heavy this draft and this trade allows them possibly move up and take the best DT available
  8. Edelman is and will be his #1 and Hogan when healthy was his #2 and well Gronk (I know you guys hate him) is better than all of them. They also have a young WR did well Year 1 but also was IR last year. The Pats were not going resign him and got a better deal back than what they spent for him.
  9. Younoffer your twonfirst B.B. offers #23 and Gronk. Who do you think the Giants take?
  10. They have Waddle back who was decent and signed an under performing former 2nd round pick. Nothing earth shattering...
  11. OT I am less worried about with Scar as coach.. but if the Pats had any semblance of a D in the SB they win that game. (Cooks played little after he got concussed they also have a young WR who is hopefully healthy for year 3 after knee injury) CB they traded for the McCourty twin (not sure how good he is since Cleveland sucks so bad) and DL they need a true pass rusher and have Rivers coming in after being IR his rookie yrya
  12. Well since he is the highest paid O lineman in the NFL (crazy money with his injury history IMO) and playing in NY I am sure they do. Is there an elite OT this year?
  13. I can see it happening.. just not BB being fleeced for #2 overall. The Giants could thinknwith Gronk on that O they improved enough their be a SB contender. I don’t see BB giving 3 first a second and a HOF Talent for #2
  14. Get rid of the 2nd and first next year MAYBE.. but Gronk and #23 gets them the 2nd pick. I doubt they go there.. I see D being picked on both picks and a QB in the 2nd round and another TE.
  15. Funny how things turned out for that cousins draft. They got RG3 and everyone thought they were crazy for drafting another QB in the 4th round. Now RG3 (because of horrible handling his rookie year) is out of football and Cousins about hit a major payday.
  16. They may have seen a chance to keep him when he went for the second. Review during the buy week (before the SB). It's been reported here that was to reassure McDaniels to take the job. Again pure speculation on my part on why then.
  17. That I can't answer. Only one truly knows that is Kraft. My GUESS is BB told him late that his end date was X.. and Kraft wanted a successor in place to keep the organization going like it is. (I feel he is trying to make it like the Steelers where they are always good with few years of truly bad) Not every decision going be awesome! Lol
  18. Wow do a LITTLE research. The Rooney rule does not apply if their is a succession plan in place it is only in search for a new hire. also BB it is being reported is the reason he is staying he promised to mentor him more and groom him take over the Pats when he retires.. so he isn't going anywhere right now either. He had not signed a contract, and since he was employed by the Pats still at he time (and per the contract he has with them like every other team has) he is not allowed to have another job while working for them. So they can offer him anything they want to convince him to stay. I think screwing over the colts was just just a nice side effect. IMO BB told Kraft his end date for coaching then told him he wanted McDaniels to replace him when he retires... thus the meetings and per bleacher report he decided to stay when BB promised to show him the ins and out of running the Patriots.
  19. I agree.. just a very weird thing IMO. The pats had already stated who they were going to name new OC and DC. So I wonder if they were caught by surprise too. (Yes they had tried but probably thought it had failed by the time he changed his mind.) Wow! Tampering? How again it was their employee. Collusion? In what? Really colluding to do what? Keep himas an OC? That's not collusion it's business. Cowardice .. I think your just throwing crap against the wall see anything sticks.
  20. Supposedly that's why they had the second interview he was nervous and not sure he wanted this job. The second interview was with airway in the room.. one thing is for sure as a writer upnhere wrote he is "radioactive" for any other job but NE now as far as HC goes.
  21. Again I was defending the Pats, not McDaniels. I don't know what he signed but the accusation the Pats were breaking contract law was just false is all I was getting at.
  22. I was defending them against an idiot accusation. And also I never defended him I defended the team.
  23. Umm he had not resigned his position as Patriots OC and was still under contract. They as a business have every legal right to do whatever they can to retain their employee who is still under contract. Till he quits he is THEIR employee. This isn't even close to being a violation of contract law. For a good example say you get a offer letter from a new potential employer but before you quit your current owner gives you more money and you decide to stay. You tell your potential new employer you changed your mind and stay. No fraud, nonreprocutions.. it happens. But people get silly when it comes to sports thinking rules are different for them. (And no the CBA has nada do with this.. and the commish has very little power here.)
  24. lol I was saying the compensation be hire because of it ?
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