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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Ya lol he did was win everywhere he went, even Buffalo. But he just sucked.. I mean I know he wasn’t the greatest QB but since Kelly can you name one QB for Buffalo that was better? (I’m honestly asking because I as an outsider can’t think of one better. Maybe Bledsoe but he was washed up by the time he got to Buffalo.)
  2. Lmao I meant 22 I don’t want Rudolph I want Lauletta. In the 2nd round I want D help for both first round picks or the top TE out of the draft if possible.
  3. I think QB at one and either Barkley or Chubb whichever one is there at 4.
  4. They need someone who protects the football. They draft like they are expected to he is a place holder for a year while te d gets better and then in 2019 watch out they are going challenge in the North, which will start to suck as Big Ben will retire after this year.
  5. I seen a lot of people saying Rudolph to the Bills at 23 and you guys take a LB at 12
  6. IMO I think BB wanted trade Brady for a kings ransom and start Jimmy G. I also believe when he went to Kraft with his idea, Kraft said in not so many words “are you High! If you have trade one of them it is Jimmy G and not Tom!” Which put BB panties in a bunch as he was told no for like the first time ever in NE by Kraft. Since nothing is being said by ANYONE the reporters having a field day with “anonymous source” this and that and everyone eating it up like gospel truth. Fact is no one knows outside of those three for sure what happened.
  7. Solder is the highest paid OL in the NFL.Considering his injury history the last few years he was vastly overpaid. (And a contract the Patriots didn’t have the cap space match so while he be missed with Scar he is replaceable especially if everyone is right and they draft one high in the draft. ) my point was Solder I am sure Brady understood they couldn’t match the offer (so why be mad and FYI good for Solder!) and Cook he wasn’t sad see leave, seems Cook has had two HOF QB throwing to him and neither one sad see him go. (That says more about Cook to me) Amandola is one of his favorites so he was annoyed by that and I bet he was more annoyed losing the SB because B.B. didn’t feel the need play Butler. (One thing lose with amyour best out there another to lose because your coach does something no one understands.. and I love B.B. as head coach but that decision.
  8. Solder was way way over paid.. Cook he wasn’t upset by. He was not happy about Lewis and Amandola.
  9. People been predicting this for like the last 8 years. You are right sooner or later they will go down again. (Every team does.) but they also could become like the Steelers, never really being bad and always a contender.
  10. If he is passed out, how do you know it was from drinking and not just great sex? And he was single back then so no idea what that has to do with this or anything else.. (like none of us ever slept with an easy person or two before..)
  11. Ok a few corrections. They lost 1 starting OT Solder, who got way overpaid. (But good for him!) WR we have Dorset who is a speedster as well and have Mitchell and Edelman coming back. Hardly a need and unlike Buffalo we have Brady he makes meh look wow. CB — did you watch the SB? Gilmore literally locked down their top WR when they put him on him. He was the only CB that did well. They do need a true #2. Pass tush they need BADLY, they have the draft pick Rivers coming off IR this year who looked good in preseason. But they definitely need a pass rusher. RB — really? This was fine last year and they signed a short yardage back in FA. They have holes but not as many as the Bills they need OT, and a pass rusher.. both will be gotten IMO in the first round and Lauletta in the 2nd with a CB.
  12. My point was someone said something and he and his assistant did something and more important the police did their job and a potential mass shooting was prevented.
  13. I did not see a post about this but if their is one I apologize. It’s been reported on the news and other places that Edelman helped possibly prevent a school shooting. What happened was he posted a picture of him and Amandola together in Texas and a 14 yr old Michigan student said “he was going to shoot up his school watch the news”. A BUFFALO follower of his let him know about this and Edelman immediately went to police and shared the post and they were able to prevent this kid from ever doing anything. (His mother did have 2 rifles). a feel good story where rivals on the field worked together help prevent a potential disaster from happening.
  14. I saw a mock draft with him going in the 3rd round to the Pats. I could easily see them using their own 2 to get him. (So late it’s close to a 3)
  15. Even if he did he never make it to the Bills pick as the Pats have the 5th pick in the second round and would take him then.
  16. Lauretta is the one if any, I expect the Pats to draft in the first round for QB. ANY of the rest will be their round 2. But I agree with a lot here if they stay out it’s the local product Landry and probably another pass rusher at 31.the Pats pass rush was awful last year.
  17. Woods and Watkins are ok one injury prone. Cooks has had Brees and Brady throwing to him. Cupp looks damn good but at least two are 2nd tier WR not elite
  18. The guy also said 3 2nd round picks and why would the Giants not deal with the Pats? Unlike the Bills or Colts they have no bad taste from facing the Pats.
  19. Brady said at the end of the year he be back.. all this speculation over one dumb ass line in Tom v time. Brady and B.B. are back next year.
  20. Rudolph is not the QB BB is in love with. It’s another second tier school QB he likes
  21. Brady already said he is coming back as has BB. Gronk it has been reported in numerous places he is coming back next year. They are NOT going after one of the top 4 QBs.
  22. Edelman yes, Mitchell it’s onky be year 2 so I don’t know, Hogan sucked with Taylor and Brisett since he throws a nice deep ball so he be average with him. Of course Gronk be Gronk still, as for the RB again I don’t know and the Pats did go 1-1 with Brisett and god knows if it could have been 2-0 if he had been healthy for the Bills game.
  23. Ahh ok but if they did moved to 7 IMO it isn’t for QB but for Chubb or a stud on D so it wouldn’t effect the Bills either way. Because BB knows a great D can win a championship with an average QB and he can coach up any QB to average when Brady finally retires.
  24. Difference is QB, Brady made big eyes Caldwell look like a good WR. Edelman is good, as is Mitchell, Hogan is a very good 2 and with Gronk a third or fourth option after the White (or any RB) as well.
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