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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Lol ahh the great “anonymous source in the locker room” and noticed he said back in March Brady was so fed up with BB... hmmm what was still fresh and pissing Brady off I wonderhmm maybe BB THROWING THE DAMN SUPERBOWL? Another book written with no help from either person in the subject matter hoping make money on people clinging to hope its true. fact is Brady has 2-3 years left and BB is 66 and let’s face it is closer to retirement than any other HC. (I’ll say 3-4 years tops). Also neither one has anything left to prove.
  2. Serious question.. was these “experts” picking Alabama over the Bills based on talent? OR did they think Saban would so out coach the Bills that they would win? My guess is the coaching part. My opinion, Bama give the Bills a game for awhile then in the 4th the Bills would pull away and win easily.. their talent level would make it so..
  3. Lol Brady was facing one of the top 3 D in the NFL. A D with a chip on its shoulder, and a Jags team playing like it was a playoff game. I like Allen but that Charger D is nowhere close to the Jags D especially without Bosa. I do believe Allen will be at worse a top 15 QB. (Aka average..)
  4. They won one of those SB dispite Big Bens best efforts to blow the game.. i also said put him with other QB who are truly elite and who truly elevate the receivers around them and he will win a SB and have better stats.. i dont know Rogers or Brees well enough to give an example but for Brady I point to Moss.. went to NE and had the BEST season of his career.
  5. Take 4 ones shady and Benjamin for them.. even that probably is t enough.
  6. Lmao BB SAID “(smack) I’m only talking (smack) about the people who were at practice.” Someone asks again (ignored) lol.. Tonkin can’t even do the annoyed coach part right ?
  7. What happens when you’re not well coached and you start off poorly.. if AB doesn’t play I am trading for JuJu in my fantasy league as his numbers going go threw the roof lol
  8. I absolutely agree with everything you said. The Pats are in a win now mode, and a 5th rounder isn’t going make that big of a difference one way or another. Very few teams have the luxury the patriots do, by that I mean that even if this ends up a huge huge bust. (Which it may)’fans wont care. They won’t be burning BB online or in forums.. because they have won for so long the man is pretty much untouchable.
  9. You do know they went 3-1 when Brady was out right? Also it’s been well known BB treats September like an extension of training camp.. Pats get better in October and are nearly unbeatable in November and December.. Again to the OP I don’t see why them showing their anger or frustration is a bad thing? Now if they were laughing and smiling on the sideline I’d been mad
  10. So the Jags are going 15-1 or 14-2 this year? I sure know KC and Miami will lose a Few games so I don’t see how a week two loss costs them anything but an undefeated season.
  11. Meanwhile in the same time span they are one of the top Offenses in the NFL. ? could it be you will strike out more than you hit home runs? Probably.. but you need take the swing to find out if it will work.. (and some of those failures were not even on the team longer than a week lol)
  12. Ugh Bedard is an idiot! Pats have White,Gronk,Edelman all top targets for the passing game. Also the Patriots have pretty much always had outside WR talent as they rarely draft WR and when they do they usually sucked! (What happens when your drafting 29th or later all the time) as for his comments on Gordon, first it’s a very very low risk move. Second he has been in Cleveland his entire career and they have sucked his entire career so who would give great effort after awhile. Does that mean he will here? Nope but it doesn’t mean he won’t either. this move was a no brainer for the Pats if he pans out it’s a steal. If he doesn’t you basically lost a 5th and gained a high 6 or high 7. Only people finding fault with it are dumb sports guys with zero clue like Bedard.
  13. Ya because everyone thinks Bortles is an elite talent and EVERYONE wants him as their starting QB on their fantasy or real team! im Sorry if factualality of Blake “the should have cut him” Bortles hurts your feelings, but unlike you I have YEARS of video proof of Bortles peeing down his leg and costing the Jags games. You have one start shows him being good (yawn) Chargers? Will not win their division and probably fail make the playoffs Bengals? Really?? Ravens scare me more than them same with the Steelers O.. Chiefs? Ya they scare me they are a horrid machup jags? Yes because one win out of 9 tries and I should be scared? Nah they would beat them even In Jax during the playoffs.
  14. You mean BB right? Since he was the one didn’t start Butler. And well the Eagles D blew as bad as the Patriots.
  15. CURRENT? Since we have the largest bandwagon ever I will say 1/3rd will stay fans.. the casual fans drop off and the band wagoners will hop onto the flavor of the month.
  16. If they had won at GB I would say your right, but their D played sub par and will be angry. But I say it’s close... vikngs 21 Bills 10 thsir D is nasty good right up their with the Jags and they are mad.. and the Bills O line IMO aid scary scary bad!
  17. Don’t believe experts, remember they are the same “experts” said Brady was done and Jimmy G would replace him 4 years ago.. and the Pats won theSB that year. Experts are just paid guessers.
  18. IF the test was done before the trade I do believe that would nullify the trade if he failed IF they knowingly hid the fact. (As in that he failed)
  19. Lol I’m not worried about it.. every team has ups and downs.. and if your a fan you stick with them threw it all.
  20. Cooks was NOT getting paid by the Pats so a 1st for him was the best they could hope for. Also Brady has had many crappy receivers look good, like Bug eyes Caldwell, and Brady also worked well with Randy Moss.
  21. Lol I watched a lot worse games than that played by my Pats. The Jags played like the t was their playoff game, the Pats played slow and as if they just wanted get out of the heat.. oh and I would love see how Bortles would have been if Brady didn’t fumble and they even just kicked the FG make it an 8 point game. My guess? Bortles reverts to Bortles... and pees down his leg.. i also know our time is almost almost done With brady.. and if and when we go back to 8-8 or 1-15 I’ll still cheer for them and pray anyone but the Jets win the division.
  22. They really haven’t traded for many troubled receivers since the whole Hernandez fiasco..
  23. Low cost and high reward.. and if he fails play 10 games the Pats get a 6th or 7th rounder back? Even cheaper!
  24. IF BB and Brady can get him going in the right direction the Pats Receiving group went from eh to damn it’s stacked.. if not cost them probably a 6th or 7th round pick. (Shrug) he has more talent than most found in those rounds..
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