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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Bills fans lamenting about a guy not being ejected when that part of the rule has never been enforced yet. (Or at least it isn’t able be googled) I never once said he didn’t deserve to get the penalty! I have consistently said the penalty would be the same. They are not going kick out a star player in a close game in the NFL EVER!! It will be some no name or person like Burfect that everyone hates. (Also outside of Buffalo (and obviously NE) Edelman considered a little punk but not dirty.. ) Awesome! So was a no name player in preseason... I just don’t think the NFL wants it called on a star player in a tight game. I also think the refs missed it. (They missed a lot Monday night). Be interesting see if he gets a fine or not. Again i I am not saying he shouldn’t be penalized for it, I just think IMO expecting an ejection was reasonable. The evidence proves they don’t do that YET.
  2. Lol I understand I am just hoping someone can find out if anyone ever been kicked out via that rule? I suspect if anyone would be it be Burfect over in Baltimore. But I can’t find any data via google for it. and just so it’s out there again Gronks hit was bush league and he should have gotten a minimum of 2 games for that and a huge fine for like 4 game checks.. To me it was obvious in slow motion.. in real speed it looked like their heads hit accidentally during the collision.. Also I need someone provide an example or two when they have ejected anyone using this rule yet.. see my response above in regards to gronk lol..
  3. In real time (which is the only time that matters) it didn’t look that way at all. Now your expecting refs, who are bad at their job anyways, to somehow slow it down m and see it? Actually it’s the same penalty.. it’s 15 yards or half the distance to the goal. Only difference is they COULD eject him... I have yet to see an ejection but they could do that..
  4. How many NFL Players have been kicked out so far for said rule? I googled it and it didn’t give me any number so I’m really asking. I’ve seen it called and a 15 yard penalty and all but I have not seen an ejection yet.
  5. A personal foul is a personal foul. (15 yards) The same penalty be levied no matter what the reason was given. As you said in real speed it want obvious to the naked eye so they could very well have missed the helmet to helmet. Now they could have called both, but the NFL dispite what it says doesn’t want that!
  6. Again what missed call? He was called for a personal foul and was half the distance to the goal. Are you upset because the called it for blocking after calling for a fair catch instead of for helmet to helmet? No matter which one they called it’s the same result. Was it a dumb dumb move? Yes was he penalized for it? Yes..
  7. The refs missed a lot of mugging on both sides. Gronk was being mugged On the catch on the sideline and Clay? Had his armed clearly held when he didn’t hold onto the TD. Those are just two of many.. they seem to be letting the mugging go lately.
  8. This is not one of their better teams. I think they still make the AFC Championship game just because outside of KC I don’t see a team capable coming into Foxoborough and winning. The D is bad on the line.. the secondary is better than the get credit for but hard keep coverage when the QB has 5-6 seconds to throw. (To answer it short this team isn’t wining a SB unless the D truly finds itself)
  9. Lol your post was screaming “fight me” but I’m not going to. Dead horse means the debate and time talk about them is done.. now if you found anything else I said wrong and like talk about it as two rational adults go for it.
  10. They teach o lineman to hold the jersey but let go if he starts get by you.. it’s technique for ALL O lineman. It is never called until they see the jersey being tugged A. Holding could be called on every down in every play for every team. (That’s a fact, it isn’t because the game would suck!) B. Your example is poor, since he did get a personal foul. (No idea what people expected, wrong reason but same result) C. Dead horse not beating it d. Another dead horse E. Wild speculation lol F. Curious how does a fan base help the team win scumbag or not?? I dont think your jealous, I think your grasping at any reason to believe the Pats been this good for this long besides just having the best HC and QB. I dare say BB is coaching in an era where quality good HC is hard to find. I believe they win because 95% of other teams coaches pee down their leg when they see BB and they do something totally dumb and cost them the game.
  11. They had a lot of penalties in the Chicago game.. some were just bad calls others legit the. The few that were questionable.. doesn’t matter whining about it.. you can’t change the refs.
  12. I hate leaving the decision up to refs.. the personal foul was called, I guess technically they could have called two on him and that would automatically eject him from the game. I will play devils advocate and say MAYBE they didn’t see the helmet to helmet? They missed a lot of mugging going on for both teams receivers lol
  13. Again the only penalty they could call (unsportsmanlike conduct) was called. I don’t believe they have the targeting rule like college. Well when I watched it live and the first time Monday night it didn’t look like it does in that video.. so I stand corrected
  14. Where they can call the player for targeting and kick him out of the game. I didn’t think the NFL Had that rule. (I could be wrong) He was called for unsportsmanlike conduct. Also there is a rule in college where the refs can call it targeting and kick the player out of the game. (That’s the rule I was talking about.) also if you believe only the Pats have players who have done this then you are very wrong. Almost every team has had a few each year..
  15. Do they even have that rule in the NFL? When the refs called it for “blocking after calling for a Fair catch” I was like what? Then when I saw it I was like ok that’s legit penalty. Oh god yes a fine.. I don’t believe a suspension but a nice hefty fine by all means.
  16. How did they ignore it? He got called for a personal foul for it?? Not sure what else you expected to happen by the refs. unlike Gronk who did his idiocy way after the play was done, Edelman was during the play and seeing as both their heads knocked together I don’t BELIEVE he was trying for helmet to helmet.. but again it was called.
  17. Bills have a D that can keep the team in most games. (The other teams do not) The Bills just have a train wreck on O that COULD be fixed with your young QB taking a step forward in the next couple of years and more importantly drafting/signing talented WR and RB around him. The Raiders are a dumpster fire right now! They are a good 5-6 years at least away from challenging for the division never mind the SB, the Jets are close but their D isn’t that good. And the Phins.. they will be rebuilding again next year..
  18. The Bills D is legit, I wonder if they were looking ahead last week and that’s why they played so badly?? You give the Pats that D and we win a SB easy and we destroy the Chiefs. (Or give that D NE Offense the Bills destroy everyone as well) As for the bills O. (Shrug) I want say something positive but how is a team with McCoy and Ivory as your RB out rushed by a team whose top runner was a WR??? I did like the unconventional method the Bills came out with on their first possession,but not one wr/hb pass all game? Come on if your gonna go outside the box go outside the box!! As those “great” announcers kept saying no one expects you to win... (I felt like I was watching the waterboy when the color guy (Fouts?) kept saying “you can’t hold anything back”)
  19. He was at least consistent because he called Gronks catch great but not one word on the guy being all over him way before the football got there. (Not complaining just saying that was an obvious one too) they made so so many bad calls and got the names wrong numerous times on the Pats even.. I mean one called the offense PI on Edelman when in reality it was Hogan. It got to the point I shut the volume off and listened to the radio play by play instead with the game.
  20. It’s the new rule of hitting a defenseless player.. we may all not like it but it’s the rule.
  21. It’s why IMO they drafted Sony Michel in the first. To take the pressure off Brady a bit. (they had a stable of 4 good RB only 1 left standing right now) Lol I’m getting you missed the sarcasm with the and everything. If you had read my post before I said people take this way to seriously..
  22. Lol I will worry about that when it happens.. till then I’m enjoying the ride.. to many get way to serious and forget to enjoy it... (and we have a very spoiled fan base we have adults who can’t remember when the Pats were well god awful!! And that was before Brady and BB.. that didn’t change till Kraft and Parcells came in in the mid 90’s.)
  23. People been claiming his demise for years.. he’s still better than 29 other QBs in the NFL..
  24. It’s one game and I have a feeling they were overlooking the Bills to the Packers on Sunday night and it almost bit them in the butt.. and I meant injuries as in WHY THE HECK DONT WE HAVE A RB!! Lol (outside white we had a WR running the ball weird almost like they felt they didn’t need the real RB)
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