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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I think Mahomes would be good without Hill, I am not sure about great.. we won’t know that till he has play some games without him.
  2. Brady did it BEFORE Moss. We don’t know what Mahommes will do if/when he doesn’t have Hill. IMO Mahommes is an unknown, while Hill had similar success with a QB who didn’t have the arm make the deep throws.
  3. Brady with his weapons in his prime (or second year like him)would be undefeated and the team wouldn’t have been close to losing. His talent level around him is equvelent to what Brady has in 07.. Hill is a top 3 WR like Moss was, and Brady our up video game type numbers with him and Edelman. Just like Mahommes is now.. does that make Mahommes a bad QB? Nope just he is doing this with a crap load of talent around him and I think Hill has been the biggest reason.
  4. Hill is a WR, Hunt is the RB.. Ithink Mahommes will be top 10 QB, Hill will be top 3 WR.
  5. Huh? I literally don’t recall ever crapping on Jimmy G? I like him! I may have mentioned his only weakness so far is he gets hurt a lot. (Which isn’t crapping on him it’s an observation.he has had 2 major injuries in less than a full 16 games.) lmao, they lose Hill you be the first one crapping all over Mahommes when he starts making more and more interceptions and getting sacked for indecions. Kid is dang good but Hill is a freak of nature type talent. Thus the canon arm reference. Mahommes is very good, I just believe Hill is more valuable.. I know I’d take Hill before Mahommes in a draft, knowing Hill would be his security blanket.
  6. Umm he was putting up huge numbers.. did you miss the last three years in KC? The difference is he doesn’t have a cannon arm like Mahommes. I also didn’t say ANYBODY.. I said any GOOD young QB would excel.. not duplicate or be equal to Mahommes but excel.. as in that O is stacked!! I say again Hill gets hurt they lose in the first round of the playoffs and lose badly! Then you totally missed 90% of their games. Both teams run threw Hill and Gurley. Their is a reason why BOTH are over 1000 yards in O already respectively. If it wasn’t for Hill the get destroyed last night as well as against NE. Hill is the difference maker on that team, is Mahommes good? Damn yes! Is he the most important player on that O? IMO nope! (And why do people fall back on “fake” news crap now.. lol) Great post!! IMO Mahommes was never “bust” possible as we saw him in 1 game and he did well last year so how they can say he was a “bust” is odd. IMO they set that O up for any good You g QB to succeed. Kielce,Hunt, And Hill are a scary trio!
  7. You did read all his post right? He said with the weapons around him any good Young QB would excel. The key for KC is Hill. If Hill gets hurt their season is over, just like if Gurley gets hurt the Rams are toast.
  8. Steelers game will be a shoot out. Steelers D isn’t that good and should have lost yesterday if the Jags had done ANYTHING in the fourth quarter. Minnesota will be a W, Pats will win by 14.. why? Because people will still be doubting them after they beat the lowly jets. Losing to the Phins.. a very high probability.. they always seem to lose in Miami. The worst I see the Pats finishing 11-5.
  9. Saints are by far! Great WR, RB, and oh ya one of the best QBs ever in Brees and if their D plays like they did yesterday they be hard beat for any team in the NFL. (
  10. Ugh Wentz killed my fantasy team this week! Less than 4 points for him ugh!!
  11. That can also be on the coaching staff not getting the calls in fast enough as well. My bigger issue is he seems like his older brother now and she’ll shocked after getting hit so often.
  12. Teams don’t spend first round picks on someone they want be sitting in such a critical position. Let me refine that more, they don’t sit unlesbyou have a Farve, Breese,Brady.. hell even a Flacco type talent ahead of him and Flacco is gone after one year.
  13. We will definitely agree he road his dads coat tails to the NFL. He was a damn good D coordinator before he took over for the Jets in his own right too. But like you said he didn’t adapt and his D became antiquated. as for commentator, I don’t mind him.. but it’s the nature of the beast to either Hate or love them. (I can’t stand whenever Ray Lewis opens his mouth but that’s just me.) oh and glad see you had a sense sense of humor about joining the dark side lol.. (be surprised how many get so angry just kiddingly suggesting it)
  14. Lol that I fully embrace the dark empire.. join us Gugny... we have cookies!! Lol As for Rex, what did he say that was not true? They did sabotage his last year there so they could rebuild? (Fact, that team was more void of talent than the current Raider team). That the Jets showed no heart. (Very true again, the eye test proves that.). The only speculation he had was that the GM is gone too. And I dare say that wasn’t extreme speculation given the talent on the field he has provided. Rex sucked as a coach, as a commentator he is knowledgeable, and energetic and for most fun to watch.. then again after having BB For so long I may just like seeing his opposite lol..
  15. Damn! I am no Rex Ryan fan but what he said was true! They sabotaged his last year there so they could “rebuild” the next year. Ryan as a coach wasn’t good but as a commentator he is perfect!
  16. Of the ones you mentioned BB, Carroll and Tonkin can be argued as top 5 HC in the NFL.
  17. Omg was it that slow of a sports day ESPN? You had report on something this insignificant? Lol I mean who doesn’t like a nice pair grey shorts!
  18. 9-3 bill all 3 FG off trurnovers inside the 30. Jets one FG is off an interception at the Bills 25.
  19. Ok I understand the guy was awful. (I got that from the 4 pages telling me so lol) My question is how do you go from starting on Sunday to being cut? Most teams you are benched and replaced but not cut, at least not this late in the season. (Was he so bad he wouldn’t been worth the 52nd roster spot?)
  20. True but I bet he signs a one year deal with a team like GB, NE, NO.. you know a place with a proven QB and the ability get him the ball.
  21. Lol all I could hear was “what we have hear is a failure to communicate” with that “cool hand Luke Reference. Lol
  22. Maybe he Has packed it in because he feels none of the QBs that the Bills have can get him the ball so why go all out. (It’s Crap he gets paid well to play.. but maybe he is trying get cut/traded?)
  23. Allen also isn’t getting mocked in the media for having more INT in 95 throws than Rogers in 600 snaps. He also isn’t being called “the worst QB in NFL history” or “has no business being on an NFL Roster”. Those effect anyone and well he is trying to improve by not making the mistake. The sad fact is now who cares chuck the ball around see if you can make a play or draw a PI.
  24. Ya because spelling wins football games! Gotcha!! Lol
  25. Roflmao a team in need of O drafts D that they already have in the top 5, another in dire need of a pass rush picks up a WR?? What?? Wow! A terrible mock draft!
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