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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. “Street thug” imo a bad term.. I’d use men who have poor control over their anger.. see Hunt, Kareem for an example. I mean I saw a former player saying repeatedly how “it’s hard for a man to walk away” no it isn’t. It’s hard for them not normal men to walk away especially if it’s a woman.. (And I would say it’s only like 20 or 30% who have the issue but definitely hire than normal life) Rather racist thought! I agree he used poor wording but street thug can be white,black, Asian or any ethnicity.. that’s a way a person acts! Sadly more African Americans grow up in the Ghettoes so more of them get associated with street thug.. but they are hardly the only thugs.. (see Mob, Italian also known as Mafia.. that has many street thugs)
  2. Ok, the rule changes lately are a direct result of lawsuits thus they make rules for “player safety”. other rules were made in direct whining by teams like the Colts
  3. I threw up a bit in my mouth thinking the Jets could be the future of the division... yuck!! IMO: Allen — has a spark about him, it feels like he gets his teammates play a little bit harder and better.. still young and will take a couple years to iron out all the kinks but should be good as it APPEARS the Bulls have stopped the coaching carousel which is a killer for young QBs. Darnold — has the tools and he could be good to very good, maybe this is my jet hating side talking, but I just see the Jets messing it up and ruining the kid. Mayfield — he seems be the best of the rookie QBs this year IMO. Has a talented RB and team around him, he will be made or broken depending on who the new HC is next year for the Browns. i see this: Bills - playoff team starting next year led by a stingy D and a young QB who learned to trust his D and not try do to much.. (I say Wildcard unless BB sand Brady both fall off a cliff next year) jets — Darnold struggles next year learning a new system and is benched week 10 for some vet they signed in the off season.. NY fans start calling him a bust. Cleveland — hires McDaniels and they win the AFC North and Cleveland celebrates its first playoff birth in years.
  4. I agree. I see them calling more grey area penalties on the Bills and missing more on the opposing team.. and if Hughes even has a semi questionable hit.. it will be “personal foul and 15 yard penalty”
  5. I think it’s more likely the Packers, Texans, Patriots go after him. I mean you imagine adding him into the offensive mix in Houston. They be a 4 headed monster like the Steelers were BUT with a top shelf D. (Shudder)
  6. I thought Ravens! Isn’t their theme song “it’s a hard Thug life for us” lol Difference is it’s a guy, and with no police report makes it SOUND like it was probably a friend he had a spat with.. but I could be wrong. mind you after hitting a woman and acting like an ass anything is possible.
  7. I think MOST people are saying he needs to cut down on the ru. I got because scrambling QBs USUALLY have a very short career because of injuries from running. When teams get more afraid of his arm instead of his legs the better IMO for the Bills.
  8. Lol I had a feeling my post be read that way... I was trying say just go for some middle ground is all. This board has called him a bust over and over (numerous threads) and he isn’t! He is a young rookie QB who has the potential be a very good/great QB. The Bills been more critical of Allen than the Jets have of their rookie QB, and I dare say I think Allen will be a better QB in 2-3 years when he learns to throw more and run less. The Bills have their QB the fans just need relax a bit and not get to high on a good day because bad days will still happen.
  9. You guys do realize you faced the Dolphins D right? They have given up 20 or more points to every team except the Jets (7 and 13)and the Bills. (17). I think Allen going be damn good, but stop crowning him the next big thing because of his performance against the Phins.
  10. They were offside ALL three times? I don’t know how the Steelers screwing up is bad officiating
  11. Damn! Who cares what she called him? Simple fact is he is a big dude and was no need touch her. Just WALK AWAY! Why do so many pro athletes seem to stupid do the most common sense thing!
  12. Ya ok show that video to a jury and he is paying money out the nose to her and or being convicted of assault. Come on! A big tough football player has shove a girl like that! Just shows like of a brain on his part!
  13. Umm the Saints O line for whatever reason couldn’t stop any pressure from coming up the middle, and Breese had a terrible game. Oh and weird thing is.. the Saints D our performed the Cowboys D.. but still lost
  14. Didn’t your parents teach you to NEVER be the first one to throw or lay hands on the other person first? I mean is he that afraid of a much smaller woman hitting him? Come on man!
  15. Unless they cooperate and want to press charges no charges can be filed. also Big Ben got 4 games for being ACCUSED of sexual misconduct in a bathroom.. even though the woman recanted and said she lied later.
  16. What? Did I watch a different video than you? They were obviously arguing.. he pushed her WITHOUT her ever touching him. That by sheer definition is Assault. Also this is worse then Ray Rice because he not only assaulted her but the people trying keep it from happening. Many has billion dollar legs but a 10 cent brain here.
  17. They have the talent on D. You don’t go from top 3 to terrible with those players unless something happened internally. (See comment about coach being bad as well.)
  18. The Jags needs competent QB. They get that and they will be a force to recon with in the AFC. Add in a HC who isn’t god awful and you have a SB championship type team. They have a great D, great RB, a couple good WR.. they just have sub par QB Play. They mortgaged the future for a 3-4 (tops) year window. Rams are good, the Saints are better.
  19. There were a lot everywhere this week. Hell even the patriots had I think 11 called on them against the Jets! (Which was almost all in the first half then it was like ok we kept it close to keep people watching now we will let them play..)
  20. OR he goes to GB where he has Rogers to keep teams from loading the box against him AND he has a chance to win another SB immediately! OR stick it to the Steelers and sign with the Ravens just to knock off your former team twice a year. Also Bell isn’t the best RB in football that is Gurley.
  21. IMO Jags, Dolphins (away), and Pats (away) are losses. Lions are a good team and that game could go either way. So why I say it’s eother 3-3 or 2-4
  22. 49ers lost their franchise QB.. most teams struggle when that happens (see the Colts when Manning and Luck went down)
  23. If you watched those GM games yesterday then you saw ref help for the Saints and Cowboys galore!!! Lol And I’m kidding!! But the refs stink it up yesterday and boy did it help the Saints and Boys a lot. as for cheating that’s just salty talk (tongue in cheek lol)
  24. People were saying the same thing about KC and LA just a few weeks ago. Anything can happen in the playoffs.
  25. Also neither is a rookie, and Mahomes had talent already there before him in Hunt and Hill along with Kielce. They didn’t go out and get them afterwards.
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