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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Possibly, it is also possible That Brady isn’t 100% right now. Another possibility is his second favorite weapon is a shell of his former self in Gronk, and he basically has White and Edelman to throw to. That said the Pats ran for almost 300 yards today against one of the better run D in the league.. so we don’t need Brady throwing for 400 yards with that..
  2. Reputation! I know Bills fans won’t want hear it but Hughes known for stupid dumb antics while Edelman isn’t. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong just how the perception is..
  3. They think it happened in the Minnesota game.. but all speculation by “unnamed” sources.. so take it for what it’s worth. Who knows I wouldn’t be shocked if he didnsupposedly it’s the same kneee he had the ACL tear in in 08
  4. Well if it’s a troll tell you BB is one of the greatest HC in NFL history then I guess to you I’m a troll. FYI most people think of him that way. hmm Brady is one of the least sacked QBs in the NFL I’m going to say it’s going pretty well.. third you have an infiriority complex complex or something I’ve been here for years. He knif you look at my post I’m usually more positive on the Bills tha a lot of bills fans.. but I guess that’s trolling again sigh
  5. 100% Brady is back next year especially if he has an injury causing this issue. He will come back with a chip on his shoulder and light it up yet again.. (or prove Father Time caught him) My guess (and with BB that’s all any of us can do) if he likes a QB he will move up.. I doubt this I suspect he will draft an edge rusher and a LB in the early rounds and have Brady go back (if Father Time finally catching up) to a game manager via 2001. Which means a heavy running game and relying on a solid D to keep the team winning. how long does BB have? I have a. Weird feeling he will stay till he can become President of football ops only and hire his son to replace him. Your brother in law doesn’t know BB GM Style well does he? If Mayfield has fallen they would have traded up. The Pats wanted Mayfield.. they had ZERO interest in Allen.
  6. Solder is not in his prime and is proving be over paid in NY. He was NOT worth that kind of money. That was a typical BB move. second as I mentioned elsewhere it’s being reported that they suspect Brady has a tear in his MCL why the last three weeks he has been jittery and even less mobile for him. also the reports that Kraft forced the Jimmy G trade has pretty much been debunked as Jimmy’s G refused sign any sort of extension.. even one giving him 20 mill per year for 2 years. He wanted start period. Thus making the trade happen, as the 49ers said when they asked about Brady BB scoffed and said “did you really just ask me if I’d trade you the greatest QB of all time?” So he had no plans trade Brady. What his plan was sign Jimmy’s G to a 2 year deal and have him start next year in a prove it year for him for a bigger contract. Again a typical BB move.. it just didn’t work out that way.. and no way in hell they were going tonfranchise him 2 years in a row.
  7. Not picking on you I swear.. but I always wonder.. HOW do people know this? The season for them is over, and there is nothing really to prove.. so why would they come out flying on the road?
  8. Gronk - had back issues I do believe a lot of teams were scared off by that Brady — Pats got lucky.. NO one expected him be well Brady lol pats have missed plenty on drafts.. but it is usually the trading of a pick for a player stands out to me like: Moss - 4th round pick (steal) Welker - 2nd and a 7th rounder (also Steal) as examples some dont work like Haynesworth - 5th rounder (he wasn’t worth a bag of used umm socks)
  9. I think Tedy Bruschi said it best when he said his football issue is secondary.. what everyone should be concerned about is this man being able to get himself clean again and live a long healthy life with or without football. (He has a child he needs be there for)
  10. - Allen is a mobile QB they have seen plenty of those via rookie QB.. the negative as a Pats fan is the Pats stink this year against them. - Reports up here believe Brady suffering from a smal tear in his MCL.. why he been less mobile the last 3 games or so.. Bills D is legit.. my Postives for Pats: 1. Pats play better at home on O (average 30 points) 2. The Bills O is not that good, very little talent around Allen. 3. Pats are embarrassed and angry and coming home l, facing (on paper) a vastly inferior team.
  11. This makes no logical sense... the Pats just limited JuJu and Brown to 8 catches 80 yards and 1 TD.. I don’t see ANYONE on Buffalo who is anywhere near either of them talent wise. (As WR)
  12. Dude, I’ve been on this site this year! I know how “Elite” your we are.. I see the complaining lol
  13. I also said they are a different animal at HOME.. on the road they have struggled a lot but at home they have doninateddominated Very true, but they usually had other things worry about. I don’t believe there is anyone who will need be double teamed in your WR group? So 8 in the box daring him to throw again be the way to go..
  14. You know, I can’t figure that D out? One week they stink beyond all stinkage.. (at Miami) next week they shut down two of the best WR in the NFL in JuJu and Brown. I honestly have no idea which D will show up this week..
  15. No it is not, but it is a totally different animal (usually) at home.. add in they are angry and I don’t think 14 points wins the game.
  16. I like Allen! I also know he has no talent really around him as well. That’s why the plan is solid.. you force him to throw more likely than not your going to succeed.. now when he has more talent around him we will see, we don’t know yet i just saw highlights the game wasnt available up here.
  17. Umm it worked, the bills scored 2 TDs and that’s it.. the D won that game last week not the O. Just like the Pats O cost them the game against Pitt. I like our cover guys against your WR as well if they can keep JuJu and Brown in check I don’t see anyone on the Bills that they shouldn’t be able to contain. My biggest fear is Allen running all over the D. The game plan should be stop the run and force Allen to throw it to beat them.
  18. He was worth the risk put up 750 yards 6 TD in 8 games.. I doubt any 5th rounder they drafted do that in 3 years.. that said i was hoping he stay clean till at least the playoffs started.. oh well now Dorsett and Paterson need step up. I think Dorsett can.
  19. Actually I do, I just have a different opinion than you on Namath. You think he changed the game I don’t. I happen think he is the most over rated QB ever with Brett Farve right behind him.
  20. Impact on the game.. lol we will disagree, I dare say a certain steeler QB named Bradshaw is what changed the QB position forever along with lynn Swann as a WR. Namath didn’t “change” or “impact” the game greatly IMO he was just a showboat in the city of showboats. What he did bring was more casual fans in because of his showboat style. But his skill level didn’t change the game maybe his mouth did but not his talent.
  21. What’s nonsense? They made it to ONE SB so a one hit wonder. The Jets D carried the team and won the game I mean they got 4 INT and a fumble recovery... and all the great Namath could do was get 1 TD and 3 FG? Sorry that’s a D win right there.. Namath was a 50% completion rate threwout his entire career and was a blowhard whose mouth again was bigger than his talent. Now I’m not saying he stunk, just that his legend is bigger than his actual accomplishments.
  22. More like mention of that Jets D that year which held a high power Colts O to a meager 7points.. Namath was a typical Jet.. a loud mouth who talked more than his talent showed and of course a one hit wonder
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