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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. My point is if he is on your team you love him but if he isn’t you hate him. (I hated Harrison till he became a Patriot.. I didn’t love him but I liked him then lol)
  2. Name 1 good WR on your team? He improve your O drastically.. again your hate is showing.. but it’s ok because everyAFC north team be the exact opposite for the same reason lol
  3. A down year for sure. Fornette still a great RB add a QB who can throw in Foled and those running lanes open up again.. the Dis note concerning.. seemed like they thought they won the SB in week 2 as they underperformed the rest of the way.
  4. Ok we all get it you don’t like Edelman. That’s fine, but saying you rather have Burfict over him just blind silly hate. Burfict improves the Bills 0% while Edelman improves your team 1000 percent as Allen actually have someone get open and catch the ball.
  5. He is going sign with The Jags I bet. Have some good WF and a great RB and also a very good D
  6. Really? The hate for Edelman is like that for Rodney Harrison. A total different kind of player who plays hard and sometimes does stupid things.. Burfict is a future inmate as his is pure anger and does nothing smart at all.. but the Bills putting them on their team be super smart (sarcasm) while Edelman actually is a good/great WR who actually make Allen job easier.. but ya Burfict is the better choice because YOU think he is dirty.
  7. Wow you get worked up easily. I was going by the only information we HAVE. I also stated the two were idiots and their first amendment rights were not violated..
  8. Because every ticket states they can remove you from your seat and the stadium for acts not in accordance with their fan code of conduct (then in fine fine print it tells you exactly what that is) simple fact is the first amendment right only protects you from the Goverment stopping you, not from any consequences of your actions. For example I can yell “Trump is stupid” and the goverment can’t arrest me for it, but my boss can fire me for it if he feels that hurts his company. Key pojnt being “arrest” what they did was not illegal and in a very liberal state like CA what they did was at best wrongful imprisonment and if they really wanted to stretch it Kidnapping.
  9. Umm I was talking about the fans in the stands?? It’s not our livelihoods or careers.. there is no need act like little jerks in the stands ever.. boo yes swear and flipping the. Off is just childish and goes against a lot of stadium rules that are on your ticket.
  10. That’s wrong no matter what sport it is.. why do people forget it’s just a game?! We watch for entertainment and hopefully have a fun time at the field. Worse thing I saw was on the Pop Warner field where a group parents from the other team kept swearing and saying “they need cripple that little bleep! He has to hurt get in on the quarterback like that!” (They were talking about my son.. took a lot of restraint not to yell at them and create a scene.)
  11. When will idiots realize you need to “ READ YOUR TICKET” you have a code of conduct you have to follow to have the privledge of sitting in those seats. They had every right to kick you out of the stadium. mind you they had no right to arrest them and detain them like they did, just escort them out and like most morons get a lifetime ban from the stadium from the team.
  12. Oline is above average.. but WR core I agree with as well as Gronk being a shadow of his former self..
  13. Very possible. I also know how Brady is, it wouldn’t shock me if he willed himself to one last great season and retired winning the MVP one last time. I also will say if he announces his retirement before the year begins the Pats go and win the SB.. a la Peyton Manning like.. with him getting SB MVP..
  14. Absolutely agree! Brady doesn’t look right at all. IMO it is more than Father Time something else is off.. (I could be wrong but that’s how I feel). I can’t figure out the D at all I have been told they been top 9 since week 8 but to the eye test they are inconsistent to all heck.. look like poo against Miami then shut down JuJu and Brown in Pitt.
  15. They look bad but a KC loss and a Pats victory and they are the #1 seed again.. so even on a down year they have the chance be the top seed. Wow!! (And I’m agreeing they don’t look good)
  16. Simple question. How is 13 game sample to little to judge Mayfield, but 11 is enough judge Allen? Also Mayfield QBR is 95.6 in 12 games that’s damn good for a rookie.. truth is Mayfield was the first overall pick and its easy to see why.. he has improved the Browns from 0-16 to at least 7-8-1 or more exact 7-5. To be honest most teams teams just aren’t built win right now: Jets — a mess of steam with no real O or D talent. Bills — great D but outside Allen no talent speak of on O. Arizona - awful D, but have a good/great RB and a great old WR.. but no Oline. Baltimore — a D almost as good as their 2000 D.. Jackson just has to play smart and not turn the ball over..
  17. Edelman get a second from a contender. And you know someone give us a first for Brady
  18. Lol pats were selling out as soon as Robert Kraft bought the team, continued even during the Pete Carroll years and BB first year of 4-11. The fans are passionate up here, the real ones again just can’t afford it so lot of corporate shirts in there now..
  19. Lol I loved threw the patsy years when if they went .500 it felt like an accomplishment. I also don’t think the Jets will win ANYTHING any time soon. Thankfully they are run very very poorly.. I’ll cheer for my team even when they go 1-15. (And they will someday do that..) it’s a game, enjoy the good times and remember in the bad times it isn’t life or death but entertainment.
  20. Shaq Mason is NOT becoming a free agent he signed a 5 year extension... (just an FYI) to the original poster the Pats have a waiting list so long they can fill the stadium a second time, but most regular fans (like me) are prices out because well the tickets are way way high..
  21. That D is scary tough! And he doesn’t make mistakes so far that costs them a game. I’m not a huge Jackson fan but he has played well.
  22. I think it’s Pats v Baltimore in the AFC Champ game with Balt going to the SB. (Yes I think their D is that good)
  23. Gloating? I gave a perspective why he could look off right now. I’m sorry it hurt your fragile Bills ego. As I’ve told others I’m more positive on the Bills than most Bills fans.
  24. Lol as long as the games at home I like the Pats chances.. heck I even like our chances if we face KC in KC since their D is awful! Also DVOA Had you ranked 2nd in passing D.. so your statement based on stats seems be false..
  25. Lol I don’t get many Bills games up here. So I was just going off DVOA and NFL rating..
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