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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Neither team has faced a true test yet I agree! The Pats D I think is legit. I base that off of 3 points allowed in 3 games and allowing 199 yards per game. Thats good no matter the competition. The Bills like I said are ranked 6th so they are not going be easy move the ball against especially if Edelman is out and we are still on our backup tackles. As someone mentioned this isnt a must win for either team, I just dont want any other injuries to either team.
  2. Very true! but in the Pats D defense, they only have given up 3 points in 3 games and less than 200 yards a game... thats impressive no matter who your facing!
  4. lol it is still September, hold off on the parade planning lol.. even a win Sunday doesnt guarantee the division.. its a long season and week 4 is only 25% threw it. this Sunday a test for both teams as both have faced Tomato cans till then.
  5. that just your fandom speaking or do you have something that back that up? I mean its much more likely the Pats curb stomp the Bills because this is old hat to them and well the Bills are young still. (I dont expect it, but much more likely)
  6. very very early for this IMO. Jets - are playing a 3rd string QB and Darnold (per their fan base) is aiming come back week 5. Lets face it their D is good and that O is bad because of their current QB. IF he comes back he will make them a lot better. Browns - have started of shaky but they have the talent to also make the playoffs. Colts -- Playing well without Luck and are 2-1 as are the Texans BOTH very good Teams SD Chargers - come on now they are 1-2 but could easily be 3-0. but capable team. lol I wrote all that and now look and say hmm, the Bills should make the playoffs at the #5 seed at least.
  7. 1. This is going be a low scoring affair, yes neither team has faced a good team yet. (and lets face it how different would the Giants game have been with that rookie instead of Eli) but the Pats are the 1st rank D and the Bills the 6th ranked D. neither is a push over. 2. Close game - I see it going into the 4th quarter something like 13-10. Especially if Edelman is unable to play. 3. Sacks golour - i see 10 sacks in this game! i'll say 5 a side. Patriots on 2 backup tackles (hopefully Cannon back but who knows) and well as I have read hear from Bills Fans Allen holds onto the ball a long time and with the Pats secondary I don't see that changing this week. those are three thing stick out to me for this matchup. I want a good game with Neither side having any major injuries, been way to many of those threw out the NFL this year.
  8. Umm he has a OC job right now and that college team will not allow him to interview for any other jobs.. (it was reported that he was on a short list to replace McDaniels if he had left for GB)
  9. My take is this: 1. Jackson is exactly who I thought he was. A RB playing QB right now. There is a reason many teams wanted him try be a RB or WR instead of a QB. He was worse in college than Allen, and when faced with any team with good D in college he failed miserably. 2. The Chargers almost choked that game away. They give ANY of the remaining 3 Qb’s 55 seconds to score a TD from their own 40 and they will. (Mahomes, Brady,Luck) the old Chargers showed up in the 4th. 3. Harbaugh — never tried change anything up. He ran the same offensive game plan stubbornly until the fourth quarter when they launched deep balls. 4. While I am no Jackson fan, I did like his maturity in taking blame for his bad performance and really keeping them from having any chance win the game. (Kid needs hold the ball higher when he is in the pocket) like insaid ANYONE thinks Jackson is better than Allen really didn’t pay attention even before the draft. One is raw with high potential, the other most teams wanted him to play a different position.
  10. It’s weak on Offense but super deep on D line and defense.. also very few good QB coming out this year. A team could offer the Bills a lot IF they feel they need Jump another team for a QB
  11. That guy was killing me in Fantasy I had bench him for some scrubs off the street lol..
  12. IMO this be a move if he was the last piece you needed to make a SB run. I’d say a team like GB or NE or even the Cowboys make more sense.. or I could see PITT DOING IT AND TRADING AB to say Chicago or Tampa Bay for a 1st and a 2nd..
  13. I would consider the colts a losing team for when you faced them. They had given up on average 40 points the last three games before yours.. you scored 5 points. (The Colts were riddled with injuries still is why they were so bad) the Ravens started out 3-4 and you loss to well now their over priced backup, but that D was legit good still.. but be honest who you lose to means little, this year for the Bills was all about learning for your rookie QB. Now they need put some talent around him, sadly per the experts, there is not many good WR talent coming out. (A very heavy D talent class ) my Pats time is almost up, I rather the Bills take the mantel than the Dolphins or ugh the Jets.. so I hope you guys draft well.
  14. Julio Jones is going nowhere.. the Falcons be down right stupid let him go
  15. Umm he was a beast his rookie year! People stacked the boss stop Fournette.. also look at your stats.. Fournette equaled or surpassed Richardson playing in HALF the games. They are not the same player by any means.. also in year 2 Richardson had Andrew freakjbgvLuck as his QB and put up those numbers.. while Fournette still had Blake “how the heck I get an extension” Bortles!
  16. He will sign with a team like GB with a proven QB for league minimum for a one year deal.. and either crush it or fall flat on his face.
  17. Every GM/Coach has issues with players.. BB the GM traded a Fifth round draft pick for a worthless Haynesworth who failed do anything. He also drafted MANY busts in the draft. Heck there is one draft there was zero players left on the team after 3 years. BB the coach has sat many a great player for not buying into the Patriot way as well. (My teams version of the process) and then traded them away for nothing more than draft position. my point is not every move is amazing and you will whiff on draft picks.. (hopefully never a full draft) the Bills GM and coaching staff pretty much said this year was a rebuild year when they traded Taylor away along with other pieces being let go. IMO they earned at least a year 3 since they broke the playoff drought and the Bills were the scariest team outside of NE in the AFC East. (Yes the Pats lost to Miami, but they lost it a hell lot more than the dolphins won that game.)
  18. So losing to the Pats makes him a coach that should be fired? So Andy Reid should be fired, Tomlin should been fired years ago, same with the Bears coach, oh yes Reich from Indy.. just name a few. You cant be focused on just one team but building a team win consistently threwout the league.
  19. Umm did I miss something? He broke the long playoff drought last year then cleared a lot of cap space and still went 6-10.. with little O talent. next year be the challenging year if they still struggle on O I can see fans asking for his head but why now??
  20. I watched their game against the Ravens.. and I have to say of all the teams missed the playoffs they seem to be the team on the cusp of being not only a playoff team but a Super Bowl contender! I know these are the Browns and if any team mess it up that orginization can. But I’m very impressed and that team is set to dominate the AFC North for years!
  21. BB doesn’t publicly call out players. He does believe in discipline but 99% of the time it’s behind the curtain for no one to see
  22. The Ravens D is why they are in the playoffs. Jackson will be exposed in the playoffs for what he is right NOW.. a run first throw second QB.. that just won’t work in the playoffs.. I think the chargers beat them 28-14..
  23. Patriots at home have beaten everyone at home. That includes KC, Indy, Texans. Now if they lose imo be in the AFC Championship game in KC.. ravens O doesn’t scare me. Lamar will be forced to throw to win and that’s assuming the hold on to beat the Browns and Pitt doesn’t wake up lol
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