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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Wow! Your post added a lot to the conversation! I literally state something and instead of agreeing or telling me where you think I was wrong. You go with the “get lost” which is a prime example when someone losses an argument.. funny thing is we weren’t arguing.. I mean the video clearly shows in this angle Allen head butting the side of Jones helmet. Jones was trying stay high keep him from getting the first and Allen (ever so slightly) lowers his head and BAM. That’s how THIS angle looks. Care to discuss? Or are you going just stick with the 7 yr old “go away I don’t like you” routine?
  2. Looking at the video THIS link shows it seems Allen hit the side of Jones helmet with the front of his helmet. Am I wrong? This is is what causes fan bases to argue with each other all the different angles showing what appears be different things. They show us (Pats) this angle and we all go “looks like a pure accident and unintentional” meanwhile Buffalo media shows you a different angle which makes you think “That’s the dirtiest play ever he should be kicked out!” .
  3. Sorry I was tagged in it.. and being at work totally forgot look how long the thread was. MY BAD!!
  4. OMG you sound stupid! The Pats escaped with a win because they were the vet team that didn’t make stupid mistakes to beat themselves! If you were not sweating as a fan then you are a liar or delusional.. al I kept thinking was “great that missed extra point finally going bite us in the ass”
  5. How is that breaking? I read about that at 12:45 yesterday afternoon! They were escorted off.. When have I ever bad mouthed the Bills? Heck ive defended them more threw out the years to you “fans” who turn on them faster than any fan base in history! Just LOOK at the board “have you started lose faith in Josh Allen” etc. come on! Swear you were 1-3 instead of 3-1.. but know let’s whine and cry and call names because we loss.. let’s forget it’s a game, for entertainment and go and attack people. Guys get more like Jets fans every day.
  6. Lmao I’ve been more optimistic about the Bills threw out the years then a lot of Bills fans! Funny I’m a troll because I agree it being an illegal hit but unlike you I didn’t see intent just in game intensity. Doesn’t make either of us right by the way because the only person knows intent is Jackson.
  7. The one on Allen you could at least make the argument he was trying stop him from making the first down.. (not justifying it just saying it was in the normal flow of the play.. not an obvious head hunt like that)I mean doyle was DOWN! All he needed to do was touch him. Not apologizing... I don’t think Jones had intent I think he was just trying stop him from making the first down.. doesn’t change it from being an illegal hit. Burfict is just a thug.
  8. Question.. (because I honestly don’t know) isn’t it normal for first offenses just be fines? Unless it is like that Berfict hit which was painful just to watch.. I wish they had a system in place like PEDs.. 1st offense X 2nd offense Y.. etc...
  9. I’d say the first three games handicapped the Pats. My reasoning is they were barely scrimmages and didn’t get them ready for a hard team like the Bills. It is shocking how bad the bad teams are this year. The difference was TO and dumb mistakes.. typical of a young team. Week 8, but I expect Mayfield throw a minimum of 4 picks at the razor... and look like hot trash when BB aid threw with him.. their D is good but bearable.
  10. The two hits are not even close to similar IMO. I expect a fine for Jones and a long suspension for Burfict a repeat offender
  11. Ok your team played very well! But Brady has a backup RT, a banged up Edelman, No Watson (is TE). So basically you took away white knowing Edelman was hurting. Let’s see how well it goes when wynn is back and hopefully a healthy Edelman up at the Razor. Oh and everyone figured the O be developing as the year went on.. NO ONE expected a powerhouse O. That said the Bills should have won, but didn’t! It happens the Bills still young and learning. They will get there. But stop dissing the team that just found a way beat your favorite team in your teams house. Really? Damn their D is usually very good. Then I’d say the Eagles..
  12. Next tough one IMO be the Ravens in Baltimore. As for the best TEAM who knows KC has the best O, Pats and Bills the best D’s. I like the Pats chances against KC the D was built to slow down the KC O.
  13. Did Doyle get yo from that?? He got helmet to helmet TWICE!! Wonder if he was also considered a helpless receiver as well.. ie unable defend himself..
  14. Ya they should have lost yesterday to Detroit. Detroit marches up and down on their D and coughed up the football.. one for a 99 yard TD. their O is amazing their D isn’t half as good as the Bills heck I’d say not even a quarter as good!
  15. This right here is utter STUPIDITY! Not you, but thinking like this for a FQB! This has shorten the careers of many good to great QBs because they fail to realize 1 1st down isn’t as important as having them for the next few games or even the next drive! as for you saying the “hit wasn’t necessary” he was trying stop him from making said first down and preserve the win. Was it a dirty hit? Yes! Was there intent? (Shrug) I don’t know.. but to say the hit was not needed shows a lack of football knowledge, he was trying prevent him from falling forward. (Weird thing is I bet they don’t throw the flag if that’s a RB.. those guys get killed running up the middle.)
  16. Brady rarely runs and when he does he slides before he gets hit.. if that had been done in the pocket the player would have been ejected..
  17. That wasn’t the point of the post. I hope he does learn because Brady has a year or two left and I rather the Bills challenge us for the east and not the Jets or Phins.. I would love it if the Bills and Pats became the Steelers and Ravens of the AFCE. but Allen has to learn to preserve himself and to learn from the lessons Cam Newton should teach all big strong athletic QBs.. your not Superman and you will get hurt if you don’t play smart.
  18. I’m not talking PLAYER intent as I am not in his head.. but TEAM intent.. the amount of pressure they had on Allen if the team “wanted” it they could have set it up any time while in the pocket..
  19. No, I meant the Patriots purposely went out there to hurt him (or intent) it just happened was no intent by the team for it.. how would they know he would scramble and refuse go down? im blaming Allen for being to much like Newton! Cam did the same dang thing and UNLIKE Allen he rarely even got the flag thrown for the helmet to helmet on him. Maybe I’m crazy but as a fan I wouldn’t think you would want your FQB taken a beating like that for a yard... you were in FG range and plenty of time left..
  20. Your D is very good, both D’s were very good. Are the Bills the best in the NFL? (Shrug) who knows I’m sure other teams point to this or that just be happy they are top 3. (No I don’t want name the other two but heck top 3 is championship level) It will be fun seeing the Bills at the razor. Hopefully everyone is healthy and we have another great game. Now focus on the Titans.. they will not be a pushover.
  21. That makes no sense. Now if Allen had been in the pocket and took the hit and not 7 yards downfield running and trying get the first down I could see your point. This is Allen acting like Cam Newton and getting lit up. (This time illegally) Allen needs to learn to slide to protect himself otherwise he will have a short career. (Like Newton. Who I like as a QB)
  22. Burfict gets ejected and suspended because of his reputation. I just saw Jones hit and he should have been ejected I would t be shocked by a game or two suspension.. but the league is very inconsistent as you mentioned.
  23. Wasn’t for the TO I’m pretty sure your O scores at least 7 more points. Both D,s were awesome. Special teams hurt the Bulls more than NÉE but I thought that missed XP was going. One back to bite them in the butt.
  24. For the score yes, but you get 5 TO in a game your keeping your team in it and winning the game for them is all.
  25. As I have said in other threads I watched from my phone. (Don had football game) So I didn’t see it, that said if it was clear his intent was to hit him in the helmet with his helmet he should be ejected..
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