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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Brady is one of the best ever at it. I don’t know why but he almost always gets a yard or two with them. Very rare he is stuffed. (Which is odd considering MOST teams know if it’s 3rd and a yard or less a very good chance they call it) Only second guess I would have in running the play is because Mahomes was already playing hurt.. why take a chance of making that injury worse with this kind of play.
  2. IMO the Eagles will be a true test for the Bills D They have 3 or 4 good WR and a QB capable of moving around. Their D is extremely banged up but if their is a weakness for Buffalo it is your O starting off slow... they Eagles will also be playing angry after a humiliating loss. I think the Bills handle the Browns who are poorly coached and well under achieving. Dallas, that depends on which team shows up.. they are so inconsistent I could see an easy win for the Bills or an ugly loss depending on which team shows for them.
  3. Pretty crappy pay off! $20 lmao... I see what you mean, IMO they are not rigging the games I think it’s a few other reasons like: 1. Fan Boys — let’s face it some of them are fans and ref their favorite team thus less flags.. 2. Blatant Incompetence — some are just god awful bad! This is true in every profession.. just so obvious with refs.. 3. Poor Training —- as someone mentioned this is a part time job for them and most I bet do not know a majority of the rule book. All three are correctable especially the last two by full time refs who are taught all new rules in the off season as well as reinforcing old rules.
  4. Lol I hope it’s a fun game watch... I think the Jets have a good AQB in Darnold but why did they choose Gase as HC!? Ugh I am pretty sure BB snickered with that hiring lol
  5. Lmao they haven’t been great! They have been rather awful! I mean awful like inconsistent.. if they had some sort of consistency coaches could go “ok they always call X let’s coach them up make sure they don’t do it” same goes for consistently not calling something like say “illegal contact” on a CB. Which was the case back in the early 2000. That’s why Indy complained to the committee to get it unforced more moving forward. (No I don’t consider it cheating by a HC knowing how the refs call a game and using it to his advantage. Their is nothing stopping the other coach from doing the same thing.)
  6. If he does that to Brady he will be suspended for the year... Brady like the few other elite/legend QBs like Brees and Rogers gets a lot more calls and protection from the league. Is it right? Probably not.. but it has sent really shocking either.
  7. I said always close AT HOME.. which is the Meadowlands in NJ.. your right at the razor they get crushed.. but in NJ it’s usually close.
  8. Jets ALWAYS play the Pats close at home. That said I expect the Pats D to confuse Darnold a lot and get at least 3 maybe as many as 5 picks against him. The Pats O line scares me still as it has struggled all season. But I see 150 yards rushing and 240 passing with the Pats winning 28-6 with the last 2 TDS being Pick 6 of Darnold. (Who almost threw the game away against Dallas.)
  9. I disagree! Your D makes you top 3. Mahomes has kept the Chiefs afloat but they would lose to the Bills IMO. Texans are painfully inconsistent.
  10. Mahomes IS the KC team if not for him they be 2-4 right now
  11. Imo the Bills are the second best team in the AFC. I dare say top 3 in the NFL. 1. Patriots. Strength is D, and weakness is their O line. 2. SF Strength is D and weakness is there O? (I need help I haven’t seen anything but their highlights) 3. Buffalo strength is D weakness I would say is QB.. because he throws to many Interceptions. (Doesn’t mean he is bad or should be replaced but the weakness I see)
  12. For someone everyone calls a moron, he was smart enough not to spend one penny of money he made from football. He lived off of endorsement deals.. The Man is a big kid at heart but he is far from stupid.
  13. That was a joke.. because in order to return he have be active for week 9.. per NFL rules
  14. I see what you mean. The point is the Bills could easily be 2-2 (and as Virgil said 4-0) just like the Titans could as well. i think people taking the Titans a bit to lightly as they are capable beating any team especially at home. Like I said I expect a very low scoring game.
  15. I feel like I need a teddy bear so you can show me where the bad Patriots touched you hurt you so bad.. lol (I’m kidding!!) But you TOTALLY missed the point you think just because the titans are 2-2 they are some terrible team. They aren’t they are an inconsistent team that when motivated can handle the Bills O (they manhandled a much more talented O opening day) and make it another low scoring nail biter type game. Both Ds are good, yes the Bills is better but the Bills O is more turn over prone than the Titans as well. The game is going be be something like 13-10 with whichever teams O Making the fewest mistakes winning.
  16. I know your not going like this but the Bills are a missed FG away from being 2-2 and the Titans are a missed FG away from being 3-1. In other words the teams are a lot closer than you think.
  17. Taylor would not have won that game last week. The Bills would have lost 7-0 off a block punt and or he loses a fumble make it 10 or 14-0 Pats win. Allen took risks but he also led many comeback already this year.. with Taylor you are maybe 2-2 right now, (more likely 1-3) if Allen played the entire game you may well be 4-0. Allen will be a good NFL QB... only time will tell if he is a true FQB. (now I will duck as I’m sure someone will call me a troll for saying nice things about the Bills QB)
  18. Whining about the refs is what every fan base does.. its old and the refs miss things on both sides. There was a PI missed on the Bills, numerous holds, a 15 yard face mask, etc.. refs miss stuff we notice the ones happens to our favorite team is all.. why I call it whining.. See no issue him getting a kiss from his son, only sick perverted people twist a fathers love..
  19. Called highlights... they show you all the “best” moments in like 3-4 minutes
  20. We will agree to disagree on that one. Which is fine! I forgot they overturned the one in the end zone. Fair point, I was just saying the Bills got just as many breaks as the Pats.. like you I noticed those more than my teams lol.. refs have been meh to bad for years.
  21. Except that one WASN’T intentional grounding and was a bad call. That was my point. All TO are reviewed, so your saying not only did he miss it in real time but on frame by frame play back under the hood? That seems crazy to me.. Sorry in a rather foul mood thanks to work I am trying not let it enter anywhere else..
  22. One of which was negated when they called intentional grounding with Edelman in the area. Those neutral announcers also mentioned that.. oh and the CB drapped over Gordon once before the ball was there.. refs miss calls on both sides whining makes you sound bad and diminishes your team IMO. Neither O played well, I give credit to the Bills D. Brady missed open receivers and never looked right.. that’s all Buffalo D. The difference like you said is the Vet only made 1 dumb mistake the the young kid made 3. (Brady should have thrown the ball away and settled for the FG) but I say the pressure forced all those dumb mistakes including missing open receivers.. they got happy feet.. lol
  23. Ahh typical whiner! “Oh the refs missed calls” wan wah.. listen up chuckles they missed plenty on the Bills and that Bills Defense like a face mask, illegal contact, PI.. and so on! It’s a game they miss stuff stop being such a piss poor loser and except a loss for what it is a loss.. One game in which your team stood toe to toe with the champs and in your case arch nemesis. So stop being such a dang baby about it!
  24. He was under pressure that made them force it. And the fourth one was a forced turnover
  25. Wow! I have never defended Gronk, and Brady was in a slide and if you pay attention see covering his head too.. but ya not like Bills don’t try injure anyone..
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